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Is she proactive with an incentive?



Hi I am a fan of this site and appreciate all the time and effort to helping out!
I have a sticky situation I ran into this weekend after a few drinks that I could use some logic behind. My buddies and I attended a football game this past Sunday. The game was a blow out so we left for the bar unusually early otherwise I just go home after the game. Anyway, at the bar my buddy invites this babe, which I had heard of her before but never met,to come and drink a few with us. She shows up and is an 8 to 9/10! Game on! Before I go into my game report let me get to the heart of the issue.

This girl is within my social circle... She has been dating my best bud in which I carry a ton of respect for and value his friendship. He recently cut ties with her before going to another state, where he is now "in love"(as he told me himself) with another babe. In love? Quoting him "I'm in love!!". Knowing him as mild mannered the !! Says he is knee deep in wife'ing this babe. Now I know it's always a bad deal to get involved with my social circle, but it's strange. I remember him complaining to me that this girl was too clingy and asked me for advice on how to tell her he just wanted to be friends. (This is all running through my head on deciding if I am going to pursue her or not so far I'm still game). she is also my ex star crossed lover from high school's best of best friend. With all that being typed It seems obvious to let it be its complicated when she is an established beaut. is it wrong to test the waters?

I didn't think so after a few pints of brewskis. I played it pretty well and she seemed interested. I was interested as well she was really a good gal and I was having a good time with her laughing and cutting up. The night was over and she is coming home with me! It kinda caught me off gaurd knowing all the ties she had with my social grouping. So we get to the house she is not being shy whatsoever. Score? Not so much. We play around a while then we just lay there an she starts asking me questions about my buddy in another state. What is his problem? Why why why him him him blah blah..... I was respectful to her and tried to help out. I told her how he is a man I respect and she then asks me "so what do u think your "brother" will do to u when he finds out you were with me?" "How are you going to explain that" I'm thinking wtf! She is sitting atop of me while asking this. I tell her we had an understanding bond that we would high five each other and give congrats. She then became shy as if she were upset. We laid awake just chatting about till 400 am.

Did she have an incentive to get my friend jealous and wedge our relationship by coming home with me?

I felt she was so I took the slower approach because I would like to date her even if its hush hush. I enjoy her company. We have a lot in common that I can work with to chase her to success!!

This site has taught me lots but I need advice in knowing if her incentive is hoggish. Was it incentive at all? Is my buddy proclamations of love enough for the green light? Could she be so blatant about being without him and still be into me?


She is texting me daily every morning but being tolerable in we tone an rate of messaging. Maybe 7 text a day since Sunday.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

It's probably part rebound, part jealousy, part that she can open up to you and tell you anything about her past relationship and that makes her feel good with you.

I set up a buddy with an ex-girlfriend of mine a little while back, and the two of them ended up going home together on the first night, talking all night (about me, and about how devastated she was when we broke up), and then the two of them ended up sleeping together. After that, she was crazy about him, and went into super-clingy mode. Part of it was probably to try and make me jealous, and part of it was no doubt to help her get over me.

But part of it's also because if she liked your friend, whatever value she saw him as having gets automatically passed on, at least in part, to you. You're assumed to have a lot of similar qualities, and much of the screening is already done. The girl feels more comfortable moving quickly with you than she would with most men.

Anyway, I'd guess that's what's going on here. The situation sounds messy, and the girl sounds clingy, so you might have your hands full... but if you want it, I have little doubt you can get it.
