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Is that a tent? What are they doing in there??


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
This all started on aug 22.

Im walking around in a nearby city, its a sunny day and theres lots of tourists as usual.

I spot this cute girl in a summer dress, tearing thru the tourists. She seems to have places to be. Too bad for her schedule, but im gonna approach anyway.


I open with my pic opener, then tell her, hey btw, i love ur style. Shes slightly taken aback. She opens her eyes wide and is like, why?? Im like, u look good, whats ur name? And i put my hand out. We handshake, but she pulls back quite quickly and abruptly. She seems in a hurry and not very sociable.

We do the usual chit-chat. Im locked in at a fence, while she keeps her distance. I try to move her away from the flow of tourists, but she stays where she is. I turn my body slightly away, then switch to juicy topics like traveling, the magic of improvisation and being spontaneous, and she lights up and agrees on a bunch of things. She suggests we keep in touch, so we exchange numbers.

I suggest we go grab a coffee or sth. Shes like, im going to my sport session right now, wanna come with me? I know a nice viewpoint of the city. I dont really wanna follow her around, so i ask her if shes free tonight and suggest we grab wine, then go my own way.


I break ice later. We text briefly, the vibe is light and flirty, then i suggest a schedule for tonight. She doesnt even read my last text and i leave it at that.

Next day she reaches out telling me shed love to hang out, but yesterday she ended up taking a boat ride - she sends me pics to prove it. I read the msg after 2h or so but i dont reply immediately. 2-3 mins later she texts me again asking me if im back in my city. We text a bit, i keep it light and flirty without trying to close again. She reads my last msg and the convo ends there.

I ping her 3 days later. After a short back and forth i soft-close and she proposes we meet on thu (aug 29). I assume its too early to invite her straight to my city, so i tell her ill be in her city already to do stuff and well meet after im done. In my mind its fine - ill keep it short and end it on a high note.


So we meet in her city. Shes really cute and is wearing one of her nice summer dresses. Shes also carrying a rather big handbag. I dont immediately think it might be her overnight bag, so i ask her if its her sport stuff (lol), to which she says no.

Anyway we get a drink and sit down side to side at the river. She follows my lead and the vibe is really good. I make sure i dont talk much and let her do most of the talking.

I also touch her lightly and take her hands, but she pulls back quickly. I ask her to show me her earrings. She shows me the ones closer to me, then i tell her to show me the others. In doing so i touch her ear lightly, then put my hand on her cheek and get very close to her, almost going to kiss her. This catches her by surprise and she pulls back, eyes wide and smile, blushing a bit. I smile and pull back, then resume the convo.

We bounce to another location to get some wine. We sit again side to side, and here is where i ramp it up with the sots - namely the importance of connection, the difference between having sex and making love, and what it means to live in the present, without planning ur life to the tiniest detail. She loves all of this. I also talk about how great the sex was with one of my exes. I want to set the bar high with this girl, but in hindsight im not sure how good of a move this is, cause some girls might feel outclassed.

Anyway, its going good, and its soon time to eject. I set a time constraint and we leave the place.

We go to the station and our train arrives. Theres a lotta ppl hopping in 2nd class, but i take her arm and lead her running to 1st class. I take us to an empty spot between 1st class and 2nd class, telling her that nobodys gonna catch us here.

We reach our station and hop off. She has to wait a bit now, but i tell her, hey i gotta go. I get close to her, put my hand on her cheek and we kiss. I tell her to text me when she gets home, and she does.

On the way home i realize she was probably ready to come home with me. Facepalm. I thought she wouldnt have been ready - but the one who was not ready was me.


Texting is good the next day. She tells me she was very weak yesterday cause she got her period. I sympathize a bit, then im like, so what will u do tonight, ull lock urself up in ur room? Shes like, yeah better if i do, and what will u do? Im like, my plan is to meet u tonight in my city, well have wine and watch the sunset. Shes like, it was a nice plan 🥲

So i let her be for the moment. Shes not in the best shape, plus i know shes moving to a new flat and quite busy. I had other plans with another girl on the we anyway - tho i ended up rescheduling and doing a quick trip abroad.

She pings me at around 10pm on sat. We text a bit throughout the we, then i tell her id love to see her. Shes like, me too. We quickly schedule for wed (sep 4).

On wed morning i ping her, and after a bit of exchange i invite her to my city. She asks me if i can come to her city. I say, no worries if u dont wanna come, well do another time. Basically giving up instead of persisting a bit. Shes like, i cant decide right now. I leave it at that.

Couple days later i ping her again. Usual short chit-chat, then she tells me shes super busy as shes still moving to the new flat. I relate and again leave it at that.

She pings me the next day (yesterday, sep 7). Im getting a bit bored with this back and forth, so im like, good morning beauty, when can i see u? Shes like, when do u want? Im like, i wanna see u tonight. She leaves it on delivered. Couple hours later i text her, lemme know if u wanna see me too, i hope u say yes. Again, left on delivered.

I go for a couple games of beachvolley and she texts me in the early afternoon: im by the river, can u come to my city? In my mind im like, fuck, why should i go to her city, this is boring, its gonna be such a waste of time, im totally in bf territory now, bla bla bla.

But then i do the right thing: i decide to go anyway. I think, alright, i might be in bf territory and shell wanna take things super slow now, but whatever, mistakes have been made. Ill just go for the experience and will try to make the best out of it. So i tell her, hey i cant come now, but we can grab a drink later, around 7pm? Shes agrees.

The time comes. So home i go, a shower i take, and on a train i hop.


I arrive at the station and i hop off the train. 5 mins before the agreed time, i send her my location. She doesnt immediately read my text. Im cool. I grab a soda and post at a wall, checking skilledseducer.

Another 5 mins go by, and no signs of her. Another 5' and she hasnt even read the text. I text her, im here waiting for u. Another 10 mins pass and i call her. No answer. Wtf?

Im a bit pissed now and i decide i dont wanna wait for her here. I go for a walk and i spot tons of cuties meeting up for saturday night, but i approach none. (I kinda regret not approaching one particular girl, appearance and fashion-wise she was a 9 to me.)

I walk around the block for a good 10 minutes and still no signs of my girl. Shes now 30 minutes late, and i think, fuck it, lets go home. I go back to the station, hop on the train, and read some stuff on my phone.

A handful of seconds before departure i get a whatsapp call from her. I fly out of the train and take it. Shes like, where are u? Im like, im about to take my train home. Shes like, im going to the location u sent me, 5 minutes alright? Im like, cool, im on my way, see u there.

So i walk back to where i was before. 5 minutes have now passed but i dont see her. I wait another minute or two and shes nowhere to be found. I call her - no answer. Im almost laughing hard. Then i spot a familiar silhouette walking away from me, busy on her phone or something. I follow her and at the same time i get another wa call: where are u? I tell her, hey, do me a favor, stop for a second and turn around. Shes like, ok, then what should i do? I realize the girl im following is not my girl.

I go back to the initial location and i spot my girl some meters away. Shes hotter than i recalled: shes wearing a tight yoga suit and sunglasses, has long flowing hair and is wearing no make up. Shes also carrying a purse and a foldable tent (?).

So we finally meet and we hug. She goes for a kiss but i turn my face slightly away. (Im not a slut, girl, plus u owe me an apology.) She tells me she needs to go to the toilet. I know of a public toilet in the bars area, so i lead her towards it.

While walking she tells me shes super drunk and tired. She was with friends, they were supposed to go hiking and camping today but at the last second decided to just sit on some random patch of grass in the city and drink themselves silly. So now shes veeeery tired. Oh and sleepy too.

Shes basically being a complaining little bitch. In my mind im like, really? Why are u giving me this shit, woman? So i stop us in the middle of the sidewalk and tell her, ok look, its really good to see u, i was looking forward to this, but it doesnt seem to be the right moment. Ure drunk and tired and sleepy, so its probably better that we do this some other time.

Shes like, why? Whats the problem? We can still be together now. Im like, are u sure? Yes its no problem, im not thaaat tired, and im just a little bit drunk. Im like, alright, its nice to be here with u, lets go.

Her demeanor changes completely. She smiles more, shes sweeter and participates more to the convo. She also tries to grab my hand and hold it, but i deflect. (I said im not a slut, girl.) Its hilarious to watch this hot girl walking in a yoga suit and carrying this fucking tent around on a saturday night, so i cannot help but laugh. We reach the toilet, then go sit at the same place by the river weve been at on our first meet.

Its quite crowded, and for once i like it. She sits a bit away from me, but then i reposition myself very close to her and quietly look at her. From here on, we spend maybe 1h talking about people, sex and how important it is when done with the right person, the female body, the 8 types of orgasms (always thanks Teevster), doing crazy and dirty things etc, plus she wants me to massage her legs. I disqualify myself by telling her im not good with massages and i refuse to comply, but she takes my hand, puts it on her legs and moves it vigorously lol. I take the chance to touch her more sensually literally everywhere. I notice shes hot and wet down there and i tease her about it, hey whats going on down here? Then i pull back and talk about random stuff. I wanna keep her wanting more. Funny to watch how all this time shes behaving like a good little girl.

Anyway, all of this makes me hard as fucking granite - and she knows, cause her arm is on my pants. Problem is, she seems really sleepy now, and she lays down on me. Hey dont sleep now girl, or ill be forced to leave u here and go home. I invite her to my city a couple of times, but she always rejects the idea.

So my place is out of the question. Her place is also out of the question. Were in the middle of the city, surrounded by a bunch of people. Shes a bit drunk, so even if we had good logistics, would sex be such a good idea? But if i leave her now, i know ill never see her again. I really wanna destroy this girls pussy, and my brain is breaking the sound barrier trying to figure out how to solve this.

Slowly, i start to realize that sex has to happen right here and now.


Alright, i dunno what to do exactly, but lets place a safe bet and ramp up the sex talk. I pull her close to me and whisper, u know what id do to u if we were alone? Shes like, what? what?? I wait a bit, then tell her, nah, im not sure u could handle it. Its too dirty for u, ure a good girl. She almost immediately hugs me and whispers in my ear how she is dirty and loves dirty things. Im like, i know u are dirty. She gets a bit defensive, pulls back and asks me, why do u know? I tell her, cause ure a human being, all human beings love sex and doing dirty things, funny thing is that nobody admits it. Ever noticed how literally nobody talks about sex, but when a movie like 50 shades of grey comes out everybody goes batshit crazy and cant get enough of it?

She looks at me with wide eyes and hugs me, kisses my neck and tries to kiss my lips. I keep fractionating the dirty talk, and put her hand on my hard cock. Dunno exactly when it happened, but suddenly the one solution that could save the night dawns on me: the public toilets.

Come with me, lets go for a walk. I have to tell her a couple of times in order to convince her. We walk towards the toilets, but seems like the entire city needs to take a piss right now, so i say, fuck, ok lets go somewhere else. Where are we going?? Dont worry girl, ull love it.

Luckily i know this area of the city quite well, so i lead us towards a dimly-lit park, but unfortunately theres ppl everywhere. I attempt another public toilet pull, but shes like, nooo disgusting. So i lead us to another park, theres less ppl then the previous one but its still fairly crowded. She keeps laughing and saying, what do u wanna dooooo? lol. We sit on a bench, she likes the location, but i tell her no, its bad, theres people in front of us. Lets go on the grass where its darker. Shes like, what do u wanna do? Ure craaazyyy!

So we go on a patch of grass thats slightly isolated (nearest ppl are like 10 meters from us) but right in the middle of the fucking park and in full visibility. For a second im not sure about how to move things forward, but then she contributes with a brilliant idea: we could use my tent!

Woman, ure a genius. So we go behind a small tree and set up the tent. Were like 5 meters from a bunch of ppl now, but hey, when nature calls, u gotta heed.


We lay into the tent and immediately kiss and get on top of each other. I love her body and the sounds she makes. Were sweating like crazy. I get diamond hard, i take her pants off in a nanosecond and just get in there raw. (Funny how i just spent like 150 bucks for a set of sti tests recently that ill have to take again.)

Tbh i could have done a better job. In the tent its pretty cramped. I come once while on missionary, then i go down on her and try to make her cum, but to no avail. Whatever, i think, even in the worst case that i dont see her again, ill have great reference points and a good story to tell.

At the same time we hear some ppl sit very close to us. They point a flashlight at our tent and say, is that a tent? What are they doing in there?? Initially we think its the police - or worse, a bunch of crazy drunkards. She gets a bit anxious and i keep my cool. When we realize its just some randos having a good time, we look at each other and try to laugh as quietly as humanly possible.

We kiss again, she sucks my cock, but i cannot come. We then cuddle a bit, chat and peek outside. The constellations shining above the night skyline of the city are a beauty to watch.


We get dressed after a bit. She makes me hard again, takes my cock out of my pants and wraps her mouth around it, but again i cannot come. We get out of the tent very casually (we notice theres actually a lotta ppl around us now lol). We have a really hard time packing the fucking tent back in its tiny ass bag, and then we slowly walk away.

We walk towards the station and she keeps laughing and saying, ure handsome! and ure crazyyy! Im like, its cool to be crazy. We should all feel free to experiment new things and break some boundaries, its the only way to feel alive really. She wholeheartedly agrees. I ask her whats her craziest story. She thinks a bit, and what she comes up with is way more vanilla than what weve just done. Well, now she has something crazier to tell.

I take her to her train and we kiss goodbye. I tell her to text me when she gets home, then i get on my train. She texts me after a while, i thank her for the incredible adventure and wish her good night.


One thing she told me was, hey, u didnt make me come. U could have asked what i like and what i dont like. Next time ull have to take care of me properly. So it seems i have a decent chance of seeing her again. However we all know how fickle girls can be, so im also ok with never seeing her again. Nevertheless, good thing to remember for next time.

Im surprised by how calm i was throughout the entire second meet. I guess i really had no agenda and i def put sex off the table way before meeting her. I went with the flow, and this gave me the freedom to focus on the now and calmly find solutions to the logistical issues. The magical, saturday-night vibe of the city helped me relax somehow, and the tent for sure made everything easier. Without it, we would have needed to hunt for some bushes or maybe a hotel room, and i feel that would have hurt our chances of sealing the deal a bit.

I didnt wanna give her everything in one shot. Fractionating touch, attention and the juicy topics kept her intrigued, and this played a role in how turned on she was in the end.

She did everything she could to make sex as unlikely as possible. She never agreed to coming to my city. She had no makeup and had sport clothes on. She was tired, sleepy, drunk, and went out of her way to make this clear to me. Still, she was attracted and was hoping i made it happen. She felt i really desired her. She just wanted things to be spontaneous and magical - and more than everything, to take no responsibility for it. Fair enough. I hate the dating process, and seeing that such adventures are possible makes me feel free and alive.

EDIT: another takeaway i just realized: when girls are open for things to happen, they look forward to it and tremble with anticipation. They dont care if its difficult logistically or if their emotions are gonna crest soon. They dont care about nothing. Its ur problem. But theyll follow ur lead almost blindly. So be daring and feel free to explore thoughts and ideas ud never feel theyd work.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 11, 2021
That was a badass report.

You might have missed the first date lay, but in hindsight, this has paved the way for a memorable public sex memory for you and her.

On the second date, you got pissed that she was tired and drunk, & started disqualifying her - She responded with additional investment and started following your lead.

This was a sticking point for you previously(reading through your journal), but you seem to have overcome it and executed it masterfully here.

I turn my body slightly away, then switch to juicy topics like traveling, the magic of improvisation and being spontaneous, and she lights up and agrees on a bunch of things.

Curious. You mentioned she was a bit cold off the initial opener and resisted your attempt to move her. How did you transition to these topics?

Its too dirty for u, ure a good girl. She almost immediately hugs me and whispers in my ear how she is dirty and loves dirty things.

Love this part.

Im like, i know u are dirty. She gets a bit defensive, pulls back and asks me, why do u know? I tell her, cause ure a human being, all human beings love sex and doing dirty things, funny thing is that nobody admits it. Ever noticed how literally nobody talks about sex, but when a movie like 50 shades of grey comes out everybody goes batshit crazy and cant get enough of it?

This worked like magic for the events that followed.

She did everything she could to make sex as unlikely as possible. She never agreed to coming to my city. She had no makeup and had sport clothes on. She was tired, sleepy, drunk, and went out of her way to make this clear to me. Still, she was attracted and was hoping i made it happen

This lay had Murphy's Law written all over it. Something about you letting go of trying to control the outcome and going with the flow, reversed the endgame outcome in your favor.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I turn my body slightly away, then switch to juicy topics like traveling, the magic of improvisation and being spontaneous, and she lights up and agrees on a bunch of things. She suggests we keep in touch, so we exchange numbers.
This is where the magic happened... Could you detail a bit what you said more or less? I'm still struggling with this part of approaching.

I haven't read the whole report yet, read it up to the first kiss at first meet... sounds great and super fun so far :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Just finished it... epic story with the tent in the middle of a crowded park lol!

This one's coming back for more, definitely.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023

Loved the leading all the way through, even in the small moments, the disqualification, and not letting her off the hook, and also the pacing and giving her something little from time to time.

Also very good to see that it can be effective to spend more time with her, maybe more than one date, and still end up having an amazing sexual experience, even after she was making it all difficult.

A bunch of things to keep as notes from this one, thanks for the post!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
@Stark, @gameboy, @ChrisXKiss.

Thanks for reading. Always looking forward to ur feedbacks.

This was a sticking point for you previously(reading through your journal), but you seem to have overcome it and executed it masterfully here.

Thanks! Yeah, i feel i finally broke thru that.

How did you transition to these topics?
Could you detail a bit what you said more or less?

I think i asked her what she was doing, then i said, cool, im walking around, i saw some friends for lunch earlier, and today i have a day free so im just, u know, getting lost in the city. I think its the best way to explore a city really, getting lost in it without any planning, spontaneously - sorta living the moment and following ur heart.

For me this is a great screen for exactly the type of girl i like.

Also very good to see that it can be effective to spend more time with her, maybe more than one date, and still end up having an amazing sexual experience, even after she was making it all difficult.

Yeah, i think the key was, as @Stark pointed out, giving up any agenda and feeling free to go with the flow. But more importantly, we had the right type of energy.

I recall some past dates where we didnt really have the right energy, and logistics were way better. I didnt feel a strong drive to make anything happen. The whole thing felt dry like a desert.

Maybe its a limit of my current skill, and one could say a true seducer should aim at seducing these girls too. Thats a great goal to have.

However i need to feel some enthusiasm. Without it, i feel like im just going thru the motions.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
Yeah, i think the key was, as @Stark pointed out, giving up any agenda and feeling free to go with the flow. But more importantly, we had the right type of energy.
Yeah I totally get what you mean, sometimes you just feel it with a girl, and the techniques even come from a more natural place.

From the way I read this, I feel if you keep this approach even just technically you will have success with girls that are not there a lot. I am saying it because the leading, calling her out and fractionation parts should have an effect in general.

I guess it would need more calibration, and just wanting to go through it even if the girl feels meh. Sometimes I wonder how much sense it makes to try and push these interactions more, but in the end I feel we would enjoy each other sexually, so why not.

My personal issue is more to calibrate when and how to lead so that I don’t get negative compliance, and also when and how to call her out and disqualify. For example I rarely feel a vibe to just take a girl’s hand and just run somewhere, or to not take her hand/kiss her even if she wants.

Maybe it’s about simply doing them anyway until they become natural and you really care more about doing things the way you want than doing them to get a result. Or at least as you naturally ease into them you can feel better when it’s the right time and useful to do them and when not.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
@ChrisXKiss -

I guess it would need more calibration, and just wanting to go through it even if the girl feels meh. Sometimes I wonder how much sense it makes to try and push these interactions more, but in the end I feel we would enjoy each other sexually, so why not.

I agree in principle, and i think many ppl would agree that thats how a "seducer" should think.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with that.

For me however thats not enough.

Its not enough for me to smash a pussy, no matter how hot the girl is and how good the sex is. I need a "context" or story behind it. It has to feel like were on a journey together. Were sharing multiple experiences, were watching the landscape and suddenly we realize, oh, theres something magical and meaningful here.

But again, not saying this is the best way to look at it. Maybe ill be able to look at it more technically as i level up.

My personal issue is more to calibrate when and how to lead so that I don’t get negative compliance, and also when and how to call her out and disqualify. For example I rarely feel a vibe to just take a girl’s hand and just run somewhere, or to not take her hand/kiss her even if she wants.

Maybe it’s about simply doing them anyway until they become natural and you really care more about doing things the way you want than doing them to get a result. Or at least as you naturally ease into them you can feel better when it’s the right time and useful to do them and when not.

Yeah, i think u touched on this in ur journal.

Ive been thinking about it and its hard for me to explain anything vibe-related. For sure trial and error is a good tool in ur toolchain.

I dont have full control on this thing, i cant make it work all the time. But having a slightly older sister i used to play with, end up in trouble, share sad moments and feel like partners in crime as kids probably helped quite a bit with the learning process. Having female friends def helps too.

Hope an elder will chime in and give us some insights on the topic, id be interested to know more too.