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Socializing  Is the 1 in 10 ratios or better a myth?????


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Guys lately i have been in multiple fights with the so call day games "bro 1 in 30 is excellent" "bro 1 in 100 is the norm"....... But skills you are a kj? you do night game what do you know about day game....

If you follow my history i got started with day game (a bad day game version), but i got laid, with a super horrible latin accent, my accent 15 years ago is not as eloquent as now though, a lot of clients, women and friends don't understand what i say even today....... But, i never ever ever ever ever ever, even as a beginner went over 1 in 10 ratio sorry, and

- in before disgusting girls (i guarantee you whatever girl you fucked i fucked 5 that look just like her during my 20 years doing this shit, and yes i like big booty girls but i have nothing to prove to you)
-in before i only go to top women
- in before i live in _______________ and that is why
- in before _________________ everything is different now a days...

ok bro! cool story.... Every time i talk to these dudes they are doing something totally autistic, such as:

- 5 to 7 HOURS A DAY dedicated to day game. (trolling around looking for targets)
- HORRIBLE TEXTING, "We should go for a drink some time" "hey is x how does your schedule look like so we can get that drink"
- talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking with 0 touch....
- boring interactions.
- wasting time on women not interested with boyfriends....(lack of screening and qualifying)
- bad fundamentals (they look like shit)
- Bad logistics
- mode one want to fuck openers
- half ass openers a step above cat calling, that they know is not going to work.
- doing numbers for PRACTICE, (i actually don't mind this to get rid of aa, but this should no last more than a week)
-0 body language reads, 0 hoovering, 0 forcing approach invites etc...
- they don't use situational openers, they are boring as fuck etc...

For those of you who don't know we were discussing on a tribal elder forum, about the "numbers game" stuff cause i share one of my articles most tribals elders don't spam approach:

- in before they are bsing
-in they are lying
- in is for marketing

^ i am a pretty good detector of bs BUT I AM ALSO A GOOD DETECTOR OF COPING AND BAD STRATEGIES.....

instead of you trying to look for conspiracies' theories, this dude is lying, this dude is scam, where is the proof, oh show me (like there is something in it for anybody are you paying for a demo?, get your game to 1 in 10, 1 in 5 or 1 in 3...... I never said you can get every girl you want but 1 in 100, 1 in 30 etc... first of all, there are no that many fucking targets so i don't even get how are you doing that, and if you are god bless, how are you bragging they are all hot, there are 100 girls in day game running around??? you are the one that sounds like a bullshitter..... If you know a place were there are 100 girls above average running around in day game, please let me know where that is???? in before Themyscira

"In the beginning picking up women can be a science, but the better you get, the more it becomes an art. Once guys pass a certain threshold or so, the only thing that differentiates them is style. This style is based mostly on your personality and what types of women you like. Improvement only exists in adapting your objective skill-set to your subjective desires. Any sort of “next step” is actually more of a lateral movement, rather than moving up.

Beyond getting the first couple lays, quantifying “game” in any sense approaches the impossible — completely subjective and any arguments about skill-levels, quality, consistency, or styles is arguing past one another — like claiming heavy metal is better than rap just because… well, just because.

Over the years, I’ve dated women that other guys think are hideous. I’ve dated women that guys who don’t know me literally come up to me in bars and give me high fives when she’s not looking. There are a lot of women that most guys consider “hot” that I have absolutely no interest in, and vice-versa.

What I’m getting at, is once you become consistent, the only real metric for “success” is your own satisfaction. We’re always playing a numbers game, and once you get your % up to 1/10 or above, really any objective measure of skill kind of becomes pointless.

Once your % passes that magic threshold, it’s really just a matter of how much time and effort you’re willing to dump into your sex life. Some of us dump a lot of time and effort. Most don’t.

For this reason, the idea of “who is the best?” Or who can close the most consistently, or who has the best club game, the best day game, etc. — it’s a bunch of nonsense and as my friend Doc used to say, “Dick crack.” It gets a bunch of competitive and horny guys and their egos excited. But at the end of the day, whether I can lay a girl in 50 minutes and you need two dates is pointless. If my girl has a 9 body and a 5 face and yours has a 6 body and 8 face is pointless.

You’re getting sucked into the validation trap, which turns into a very dark place if you stay there long enough.

The fact is, what is perceived as “the community,” is merely a loud minority. An elitist and somewhat pathological minority."
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
"In the beginning picking up women can be a science, but the better you get, the more it becomes an art. Once guys pass a certain threshold or so, the only thing that differentiates them is style.

This is so true. I'm friends with guys on the forum and naturals who get laid and when we talk about girls it's crazy how different our styles our but how we still all get results. As long as you're congruent with who you're naturally - you can almost do anything.

Once your % passes that magic threshold, it’s really just a matter of how much time and effort you’re willing to dump into your sex life. Some of us dump a lot of time and effort. Most don’t.

Yep depends what your priorities are in life at the time
whether I can lay a girl in 50 minutes and you need two dates is pointless. If my girl has a 9 body and a 5 face and yours has a 6 body and 8 face is pointless.

Amen - this represents my user name of "DoWhatWorks" as long as you're happy with your results who cares about the details?
The fact is, what is perceived as “the community,” is merely a loud minority. An elitist and somewhat pathological minority."

For real. Majority of regular guys get laid by luck 3-4x a year and live of scraps. It's easy to forget how "special" this community is in that we consistently get laid by our own actions. I personally love it as it builds a bubble of success where consistent girls is normal and no big deal.

As Gucci mane says enjoy yourself but "don't get lost in the sauce"

@Skills also interested in tips to get to 1/10 ratio. Being honest I'm probably about 1/20 so curious to hear what intermediates can do to get their conversion rate up
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 25, 2021
Of course day game ratio will be lower than night game, in any venue you can just wait like a cheetah hunting a gazelle until approaching... So a good question would be what counts as an approach?

Because in day game it’s obvious, you approach a girl = it’s one more approach. In night game it’s different. Is being social “approaching”? What if you’re just social with a girl and you notice she’s green so you start gaming her? When would you start counting for the ratio? You might have a good ratio but if there’s some screening beforehand (looking for greens, IOIs, etc), would it really be a pure ratio? Some guys say they have a 1 in 2 ratio because for each 2 nights they go out they pull 1 girl, but that doesn’t take into account rejections, etc…

Of course this is all mental masturbation but in my opinion ratio should be something like: girls you fuck / girls you wanna fuck. (if you have a chance of talking to them haha)

I like the conclusion that it doesn’t matter in the end as long as you’re happy with it, but of course it’s interesting to maximize this ratio. Probably a good idea would be learning as many styles as possible and adapting your game to the different girls you wanna seduce, or just refining your current style / techniques for your niche..

What I’m currently doing is reading new material or re-reading old posts or books, and every night I go out I try to apply at least 1 or 2 new techniques. Sometimes I don’t need to do this because it would be overkill / not calibrated. And fundamentals-wise, every day I try to look better than the day before..

But yeah once you reach a certain point I guess there’s not so much you can do? At least not to get a significant ratio increase

tl;dr: it’s easy to have a good ratio if you play safe, but are you being true to yourself? are you really trying to fuck all the girls you like?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
When i play the 'Sergio Busquets role' in 2006, i was ridiculed.

2010, Spain won the world cup.

Realtors in Asia now are doing what i said 2 years ago. Girlschase finally recognize the "shift".

TLDR: when i hear ppl say i approach 3000 girls or 85 lays, i am always skeptical.

I guess i will aggressively document. Time to take all over the world.


William Wallace

Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 13, 2020
alot of things in beauty is objective. but the thing here is that what you like can be shaped around many things such as race and ethnicity etc. but your true with another mans 7 can be another mans 9 it's useful for themselves to compare it like that.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
This is so true. I'm friends with guys on the forum and naturals who get laid and when we talk about girls it's crazy how different our styles our but how we still all get results. As long as you're congruent with who you're naturally - you can almost do anything.

Yep depends what your priorities are in life at the time

Amen - this represents my user name of "DoWhatWorks" as long as you're happy with your results who cares about the details?

For real. Majority of regular guys get laid by luck 3-4x a year and live of scraps. It's easy to forget how "special" this community is in that we consistently get laid by our own actions. I personally love it as it builds a bubble of success where consistent girls is normal and no big deal.

As Gucci mane says enjoy yourself but "don't get lost in the sauce"

@Skills also interested in tips to get to 1/10 ratio. Being honest I'm probably about 1/20 so curious to hear what intermediates can do to get their conversion rate up
that bolded in quote was by mark manson not mine, i found relevant to the discussion that is why i put quoters...

To answer your question the opposite of this:

ok bro! cool story.... Every time i talk to these dudes they are doing something totally autistic, such as:

- 5 to 7 HOURS A DAY dedicated to day game. (trolling around looking for targets)
- HORRIBLE TEXTING, "We should go for a drink some time" "hey is x how does your schedule look like so we can get that drink"
- talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking with 0 touch....
- boring interactions.
- wasting time on women not interested with boyfriends....(lack of screening and qualifying)
- bad fundamentals (they look like shit)
- Bad logistics
- mode one want to fuck openers
- half ass openers a step above cat calling, that they know is not going to work.
- doing numbers for PRACTICE, (i actually don't mind this to get rid of aa, but this should no last more than a week)
-0 body language reads, 0 hoovering, 0 forcing approach invites etc...
- they don't use situational openers, they are boring as fuck etc...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Of course day game ratio will be lower than night game, in any venue you can just wait like a cheetah hunting a gazelle until approaching... So a good question would be what counts as an approach?

Because in day game it’s obvious, you approach a girl = it’s one more approach. In night game it’s different. Is being social “approaching”? What if you’re just social with a girl and you notice she’s green so you start gaming her? When would you start counting for the ratio? You might have a good ratio but if there’s some screening beforehand (looking for greens, IOIs, etc), would it really be a pure ratio? Some guys say they have a 1 in 2 ratio because for each 2 nights they go out they pull 1 girl, but that doesn’t take into account rejections, etc…

Of course this is all mental masturbation but in my opinion ratio should be something like: girls you fuck / girls you wanna fuck. (if you have a chance of talking to them haha)

I like the conclusion that it doesn’t matter in the end as long as you’re happy with it, but of course it’s interesting to maximize this ratio. Probably a good idea would be learning as many styles as possible and adapting your game to the different girls you wanna seduce, or just refining your current style / techniques for your niche..

What I’m currently doing is reading new material or re-reading old posts or books, and every night I go out I try to apply at least 1 or 2 new techniques. Sometimes I don’t need to do this because it would be overkill / not calibrated. And fundamentals-wise, every day I try to look better than the day before..

But yeah once you reach a certain point I guess there’s not so much you can do? At least not to get a significant ratio increase

tl;dr: it’s easy to have a good ratio if you play safe, but are you being true to yourself? are you really trying to fuck all the girls you like?
ratio is women you want to fuck you approach 10 women you want to fuck you manage to fuck 1... is not approaching being social as in night game or mingling...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 4, 2021
Why Tom Torero said, and most guys doing the London Daygame Model seem to agree, that 1 in 30 is elite level? Is the LDM the problem? Are the guys doing it the problem?

I have seen a coach (doing some kind of variation of the LDM), that I deemed very good, told me he was on a run where he was around 1:20 or 1:25, but he seemed to implied that it wasn't sustainable long term. In poker they call that a "good run". There is difference between peak luck, and long term average.

Not trying to shit on anybody here. Just trying to understand the discrepancy between two points of view that seem very different.
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Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Why Tom Torero said, and most guys doing the London Daygame Model seem to agree, that 1 in 30 is elite level? Is it the LDM the problem? The guys doing it?

I have seen a coach (doing some kind of variation of the LDM), that I deemed very good, telling me he was on a run where he was around 1:20 or 1:25, but he seemed to implied that it wasn't sustainable long term. In poker they call that a "good run". There is difference between peak luck, and long term a average.

Not trying to shit on anybody here. Just trying to understand the discrepancy between two point of view that seem very different.
I don’t want to speak badly about a dead guy but Tom was extremely overrated. There is a reason he had to hire an actress just to make a somewhat impressive infield video…

Also the London Daygame Model does not put enough focus on crating emotional snd sexual arousal; at least the way it’s taught by most people.

James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
Why Tom Torero said, and most guys doing the London Daygame Model seem to agree, that 1 in 30 is elite level? Is the LDM the problem? Are the guys doing it the problem?

I have seen a coach (doing some kind of variation of the LDM), that I deemed very good, told me he was on a run where he was around 1:20 or 1:25, but he seemed to implied that it wasn't sustainable long term. In poker they call that a "good run". There is difference between peak luck, and long term average.

Not trying to shit on anybody here. Just trying to understand the discrepancy between two points of view that seem very different.

I saw that Steve Jabba, who approaches solely on IOI’s or creating them first, said his daygame approach to lay ratio is 1 lay for 14 approaches. His club game is 1 lay for every 4 approaches.

Daniel Adebayo/Bacchus said in an interview for Girlschase that his ratio for daygame is 1 lay for 6 approaches, with IOI’s or creating them + approaching solo stationery women, someone can correct me if I’m wrong about that last part.

This is obviously phenomenal - I honestly think this is really about IOI’s and phenomenal verbal game/neo-nlp game he uses.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I saw that Steve Jabba, who approaches solely on IOI’s or creating them first, said his daygame approach to lay ratio is 1 lay for 14 approaches. His club game is 1 lay for every 4 approaches.

Daniel Adebayo/Bacchus said in an interview for Girlschase that his ratio for daygame is 1 lay for 6 approaches, with IOI’s or creating them + approaching solo stationery women, someone can correct me if I’m wrong about that last part.

This is obviously phenomenal - I honestly think this is really about IOI’s and phenomenal verbal game/neo-nlp game he uses.
Steve jabba does no only approach based on iois, 1 in 3 approaches is based on forcing iois, and he is not currently doing day game or night game.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2020
I can get around 35-40% of girls out for drinks who I first 'meet' over dating apps, IG, tinder, Snap, etc *who respond with interest.* [as opposed to the 'Hey, what's up' nonsense. I.e. girls who want to actually have a convo or get to know you.] My text game could be bette.r

I'd say of those I get out I can get 40-50% out for a 2nd date where we end up have sex then or very soon thereafter. And a small % of ONS. The # of girls I get out more than once who don't want to sleep with me has basically dropped to zero. If they come out 2x to meet an older, dominant guy it's pretty clear what they are looking for.

James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
Steve jabba does no only approach based on iois, 1 in 3 approaches is based on forcing iois, and he is not currently doing day game or night game.

Steve Jabba said on a livestream recently that all of his approaches are based on IOI’s - night and daygame:

80% of those are forced IOI’s
20% are passive (unforced) IOI’s - which is a woman just randomly giving him IOI’s without him doing anything to draw them.

I’m not sure whether he’s gaming now or not, he hasn’t said either way.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Steve Jabba said on a livestream recently that all of his approaches are based on IOI’s - night and daygame:

80% of those are forced IOI’s
20% are passive (unforced) IOI’s - which is a woman just randomly giving him IOI’s without him doing anything to draw them.

I’m not sure whether he’s gaming now or not, he hasn’t said either way.
He doesn't do night game anymore, he doesn't do day game anymore according to him(heartnot in it), when he did 1 in 3 approaches forcing ioi, not all of them... you can ask him he comes every once on a while

James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
He doesn't do night game anymore, he doesn't do day game anymore according to him(heartnot in it), when he did 1 in 3 approaches forcing ioi, not all of them... you can ask him he comes every once on a while
I’m just repeating what he told me - all of the approaches he said he did were based on IOI’s - none were completely cold. Then he gave the amount of approaches that were forced ioi’s (80% of all his approaches) and those that were passive ioi’s (20% of all his approaches).
I would think receiving passive ioi’s are girls that are high interest/green lights as opposed to the other 80% forced that would be a mix of green and yellow lights (maybe girls).
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 24, 2021
Guys lately i have been in multiple fights with the so call day games "bro 1 in 30 is excellent" "bro 1 in 100 is the norm"....... But skills you are a kj? you do night game what do you know about day game....

If you follow my history i got started with day game (a bad day game version), but i got laid, with a super horrible latin accent, my accent 15 years ago is not as eloquent as now though, a lot of clients, women and friends don't understand what i say even today....... But, i never ever ever ever ever ever, even as a beginner went over 1 in 10 ratio sorry, and

- in before disgusting girls (i guarantee you whatever girl you fucked i fucked 5 that look just like her during my 20 years doing this shit, and yes i like big booty girls but i have nothing to prove to you)
-in before i only go to top women
- in before i live in _______________ and that is why
- in before _________________ everything is different now a days...

ok bro! cool story.... Every time i talk to these dudes they are doing something totally autistic, such as:

- 5 to 7 HOURS A DAY dedicated to day game. (trolling around looking for targets)
- HORRIBLE TEXTING, "We should go for a drink some time" "hey is x how does your schedule look like so we can get that drink"
- talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking with 0 touch....
- boring interactions.
- wasting time on women not interested with boyfriends....(lack of screening and qualifying)
- bad fundamentals (they look like shit)
- Bad logistics
- mode one want to fuck openers
- half ass openers a step above cat calling, that they know is not going to work.
- doing numbers for PRACTICE, (i actually don't mind this to get rid of aa, but this should no last more than a week)
-0 body language reads, 0 hoovering, 0 forcing approach invites etc...
- they don't use situational openers, they are boring as fuck etc...

For those of you who don't know we were discussing on a tribal elder forum, about the "numbers game" stuff cause i share one of my articles most tribals elders don't spam approach:

- in before they are bsing
-in they are lying
- in is for marketing

^ i am a pretty good detector of bs BUT I AM ALSO A GOOD DETECTOR OF COPING AND BAD STRATEGIES.....

instead of you trying to look for conspiracies' theories, this dude is lying, this dude is scam, where is the proof, oh show me (like there is something in it for anybody are you paying for a demo?, get your game to 1 in 10, 1 in 5 or 1 in 3...... I never said you can get every girl you want but 1 in 100, 1 in 30 etc... first of all, there are no that many fucking targets so i don't even get how are you doing that, and if you are god bless, how are you bragging they are all hot, there are 100 girls in day game running around??? you are the one that sounds like a bullshitter..... If you know a place were there are 100 girls above average running around in day game, please let me know where that is???? in before Themyscira

"In the beginning picking up women can be a science, but the better you get, the more it becomes an art. Once guys pass a certain threshold or so, the only thing that differentiates them is style. This style is based mostly on your personality and what types of women you like. Improvement only exists in adapting your objective skill-set to your subjective desires. Any sort of “next step” is actually more of a lateral movement, rather than moving up.

Beyond getting the first couple lays, quantifying “game” in any sense approaches the impossible — completely subjective and any arguments about skill-levels, quality, consistency, or styles is arguing past one another — like claiming heavy metal is better than rap just because… well, just because.

Over the years, I’ve dated women that other guys think are hideous. I’ve dated women that guys who don’t know me literally come up to me in bars and give me high fives when she’s not looking. There are a lot of women that most guys consider “hot” that I have absolutely no interest in, and vice-versa.

What I’m getting at, is once you become consistent, the only real metric for “success” is your own satisfaction. We’re always playing a numbers game, and once you get your % up to 1/10 or above, really any objective measure of skill kind of becomes pointless.

Once your % passes that magic threshold, it’s really just a matter of how much time and effort you’re willing to dump into your sex life. Some of us dump a lot of time and effort. Most don’t.

For this reason, the idea of “who is the best?” Or who can close the most consistently, or who has the best club game, the best day game, etc. — it’s a bunch of nonsense and as my friend Doc used to say, “Dick crack.” It gets a bunch of competitive and horny guys and their egos excited. But at the end of the day, whether I can lay a girl in 50 minutes and you need two dates is pointless. If my girl has a 9 body and a 5 face and yours has a 6 body and 8 face is pointless.

You’re getting sucked into the validation trap, which turns into a very dark place if you stay there long enough.

The fact is, what is perceived as “the community,” is merely a loud minority. An elitist and somewhat pathological minority."
mode one and sexual direct is something I admire. I like to get your take on this because I really don't like small talking, is boring.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
mode one and sexual direct is something I admire. I like to get your take on this because I really don't like small talking, is boring.
Nobody like small talking, mode one is fine with green girls already invested that already made up their mind... in this generation, this sexual market place I like to maximize my odds... the dude is or has not even been in field in years... if I have my dream scenario is open situationally, reach hook point, guuge her with a bit of sexual humor and then use a bit of second generation while micro escalating then close very high odds.... this opening directly and descriptive sexual for me is low odds you burning through so many leads with the excuse of she is a time waster... no brah you are just screening for super dtf low odds specially in usa in this environment... second generation is high odds when done right.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 24, 2021
Nobody like small talking, mode one is fine with green girls already invested that already made up their mind... in this generation, this sexual market place I like to maximize my odds... the dude is or has not even been in field in years... if I have my dream scenario is open situationally, reach hook point, guuge her with a bit of sexual humor and then use a bit of second generation while micro escalating then close very high odds.... this opening directly and descriptive sexual for me is low odds you burning through so many leads with the excuse of she is a time waster... no brah you are just screening for super dtf low odds specially in usa in this environment... second generation is high odds when done right.
Got you G