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Is there a good time limit to conversations?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2014
Hello gents,

I was wondering, is there a good time limit to conversations? In my field work, I find myself getting stuck in long conversations, even if the conversation is going in the right direction. Right now, I have girls giving at least 60% of the conversation, but even with what little information I give, do I screw myself by eliminating mystery from myself?


Mr. oblivious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 13, 2014
Im not sure if there is a time limit but i usually don't worry about the time during an interaction i just take it by how its going if you enjoying talking to the girl and your deep diving having a good time i talk to them for a while if you have other places to go i usually just grab there number or something or set up to meet them later on in the night if its night game.

I guess its kinda situation if you doing a cold approach probably try get your point across and try move her or at least grab her number.

If your at a social gathering or at a party i think you have more time to kinda relax and plant seed talk to a girl build interest move on to others make your away around the room and set yourself up for many possibilities later in the night

Generally when you are targeting one girl i have longish conversation then usually try move her to a quieter place to continue conversing and try escalating'

anyways without all the random gibberish my answer would be its situation (try read the situation )


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Randy -

I think Chase said somewhere or Ricardus that you should go no more than 10 minutes.

Me, personally, I prefer the shortest and most direct route when pulling numbers. I will rarely go past 5-10 minutes with a girl unless I pull her for an instant date. Here are two examples:

Marty's Quick Pull
My Little Caesars Chick

In reality - the shorter the conversation the better because you build up tons of mystery and intrigue, and you leave a lot of meat on the bone for future conversations.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
it really does depend on the situation and the girl, for example meet a really horny chick towards the end of the night at a club and you spend maybe 5-10 minutes chatting casually with her, just building a little comfort and before long you can tell that she would be receptive to going back to chill at yours, so you make the move, you don't continue chatting just because you can, you move things forward because you can.

meet a girl during the day, and you stop her, spend 5 or so minutes introducing yourself, then you find out what shes doing - you and her go get some coffee, spend 10 mins walking, then 30 mins chatting in the shop, then you ask her back to yours.

it just depends, its all about moving things forward when you know the times rights and you know you have a good chance/shes given you windows. to a degree you don't want to be spending too much time talking if possible, because you don't want it to be a waste of time for you, but if things are moving even slowly but surely forward then just keep going.

i guess also its all about how much time your prepared to put in as well. convos can range anywhere from 5mins-1hr+ depending on the girl.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 25, 2013
In my very modest experience, you can't be in a discussion for very long without steering it toward a goal, which might be dating or friendship. Most guys are afraid of exhausting every topic they can think of and that actually only happens when your conversation is on a superficial level, that is you didn't move fast enough. That's when it gets awkward, because you're still strangers with the girl. Which is why stating your interest, going direct, is very helpful. I'd be interested to know what other, more knowledgeable, posters think of that however