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Is there any difference between seducing a girl w/o alcohol or drugs?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 11, 2015
I have very few experiences getting girls into my life without alcohol. Most of the romantic and sexual encounters has been me and the girl taking substances like alcohol, mdma or weed.

I live in Norway. A country known for their reserved people. Being described as cold, norwegians are known to only open themselves when they take substance. Most of the girls I meet also tell me this, because a guy directly-opening a girl at daytime is so uncommon. If you dont already have friends from school or work, drinking is often the only way to connect with someone else.

I have no experience with gaming in other countries, so it could be common other places. But what I hear from foreigners is the same; people here are ultra reserved, then they open themselves

So whenever I am having a date with a girl I feel like I have to drink. Even at times I really dont want to. Alcohol here is expensive. And exesive drinking is having a more negative impact on my psyche. I have to drink less, but I also want to meet more girls.

So how do I do this? And what is the difference between seducing a girl w/o alcohol?
I know that much of it has to do with my own mind, but there must be some key differences here. I want to understand the mechanics of this. What are they and how fast can I escalate being sober?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
See if you can learn how to open up, spread energy around... You will be different in cold and reserved environment, thus attractive... It is difficult though if you are the only one doing it, you have no guidance, no examples...

Get some experience in different environment, I would recommend Latino countries, most are naturally happy and open, friendly, hugging each other anytime they meet... Submerge yourself between latinos at least for couple of months if you can, definitelly good experience to learn, and good influence... If nothing else, Latinas are smoky HOT...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2014
People drink alcohol to lower their inhibitions they hold on to. Most people drink for this reason. Alcohol lets you feel more comfortable opening up. Especially where people are reserved like Norway or Japan. Japanese people are probably the most shy and reserved people on the planet. They get absolutely trashed at night. Here's the thing. MOST people NEVER get to the point where they can open up without alcohol. It's a practiced skill that some people are "naturals" at. The better you get with women, the easier it will be to gradually get women to open up in a comfortable way and without alcohol. When you get good at this, especially in a country where no one is very good at opening up, you will slay. You will stand out from everyone else. So to answer your question, alcohol/drugs are just a crutch that many people use to help. Being good without them just puts you that much farther ahead of everyone else.
Drck on your point, I've always noticed Mexican people are overly warm and friendly and a lot of fun to be around. And good with women as a result of this. Spend some time in countries with warm climates and you tend to notice this.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers