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Is there anything a girl attracted to bad boys can do?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
I have a female friend who she is attracted to physically abusive men,
she does not know this consciously ,but all her boyfriends were physically abusive,(so thats her type),
She was raised by a physically abusive dad and a docile mom
I wonder if there is any way for someone like this to break the cycle.
or is it her destiny to also get a child with a physically abusive man,and bring up a child attracted to this sort of man again.
also while i know a girl who is raised by a single mom or an abusive dad,seeks out an abusie boyfriend,does anyone know why this is the case exactly?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
I suspect this is the same chick as before dude... I have no idea what het issue is but I recommend you forget about her asap. Her presence is holding you down that is for sure.

She is the same chick we talked about in a before post,no?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
I suspect this is the same chick as before dude... I have no idea what het issue is but I recommend you forget about her asap. Her presence is holding you down that is for sure.

She is the same chick we talked about in a before post,no?
lol,hey man,hope you good,
yeah its the same chic,but I think you are wrong on this,your name is darkknight ,i guess this is the opposite of white knight,
im not a white knight,im not going around helping chics in the hope of sex,
but I think as a seducer you may be looking at things through to narrow a lens,
I think not being a white knight doesnt also mean be a selfish guy whose every actions is about how to get laid,
I think a man should orient himself in the world in a way that decreases the total sum of suffering.
for example in my rural home there is no internet or electricity,im trying to get electricity to those villagers,
this is not a sequence of events I am doing with the aim of getting laid .


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
The last time I recall she drew you into a conflict of hers, you had to call the police or something and afterwards she had the gal to be on good terms with that guy again or even leave you while going away with him!

I'm not dark knight because opposite of white knight... It's more because I like nerdy fantasy tropes.... blame it on playing lots of rpg's...

I do believe in helping others, but not in being used. Also some people are just toxic and I cannot imagine you can feel like a real man when people pull these kinds of tricks on you. You have to cut people like this off or become truly macheavillian around them. Otherwise you will end up losing. How do you suppose that will affect your winner effect/momentum?

Regardless, you are heavily invested in this person and I suspect you cannot really move on while this super toxic person is around.

It's not that complex Ree.. you're just making it difficult on yourself. Has nothing to do with only wanting to get laid either.

"I think a man should orient himself in the world in a way that decreases the total sum of suffering "
Speaking of nerdy tropes. You are not a paladin dude.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
The last time I recall she drew you into a conflict of hers, you had to call the police or something and afterwards she had the gal to be on good terms with that guy again or even leave you while going away with him!

I'm not dark knight because opposite of white knight... It's more because I like nerdy fantasy tropes.... blame it on playing lots of rpg's...

I do believe in helping others, but not in being used. Also some people are just toxic and I cannot imagine you can feel like a real man when people pull these kinds of tricks on you. You have to cut people like this off or become truly macheavillian around them. Otherwise you will end up losing. How do you suppose that will affect your winner effect/momentum?

Regardless, you are heavily invested in this person and I suspect you cannot really move on while this super toxic person is around.

It's not that complex Ree.. you're just making it difficult on yourself. Has nothing to do with only wanting to get laid either.

btw u ever played among us,simple game but cant get enough of it


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
How do you suppose that will affect your winner effect/momentum?
I have realised the times I feel the best is when I am helping others,btw how old are you?
and man there is nothing that feels better than getting some clueless biteer comunist and turning them around,i beliebe that does wonders to my winner momentum,I suspect this is why even Chase writes all these articles,I actually wonder what you would say the diffrence is between what chase does and what I am doing?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
Regardless, you are heavily invested in this person and I suspect you cannot really move on while this super toxic person is around.
move on from what?im not trying to lay this person


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
"I think a man should orient himself in the world in a way that decreases the total sum of suffering "
Speaking of nerdy tropes. You are not a paladin dude.
whats a paladin?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
My age is not relevant dude. Move on from investing in this person who clearly has a toxic effect on you.

What does she really add RIGHT NOW in your life? I suspect nothing of true value.

... A paladin is a true white knight usually supported or embued with holy light who goes on a crusade to defeat all evil and ease all suffering, lol. It was just a comparison..


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
Regardless, you are heavily invested in this person and I suspect you cannot really move on while this super toxic person is around.
I suspect you are unable to see anything other than from a gamer point of view,when i was new to game,i was like this too,ur advice seeems to me the sort of advice i would give someone with oneitis ,yet I dont have oneitis


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
My age is not relevant dude
maybe its not relevant , but maybe it is,it is just a honest question,
i think i stumbled upon game at 24 and man,every single step i took was to rack up my lay count,
now im 31,and im thinking more among the lines of getting kids,decreasing corruption in my country,fixing my family.
this is a normal trend,younger people are ususally thinking about themselves,while as people get older they get more conservative,less hedonistic and a really old guy might even start thinking about his legacy


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Yeah nice try trying to frame me (that was why you were asking about my age right?) . I didn't write anything game specific except common sense. It's hard to see what is right in front of you dude. Especially when you are invested.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
A paladin is a true white knight usually supported or embued with holy light who goes on a crusade to defeat all evil and ease all suffering, lol. It was just a comparison.
seems like something i would be interested in doing,actually.....i hope i am a paldin after all....interesting word,i never heard of it before


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
Yeah nice try trying to frame me (that was why you were asking about my age right?) . I didn't write anything game specific except common sense. It's hard to see what is right in front of you dude. Especially when you are invested.
I think you are the one having a hard time seeing stuff ,

i asked a straightforward question,you could have answered the question,or said you didnt know the answer,which you likely dont because its a ahrd question,instead you read the question as a gamer and gave me game advice,when the question wasnt a game quation.

akon: how do i dig a well to provide water to this villlage in africa?
dark knight: forget about it dude,building a well wont get you laid.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
ree: women who grew up in abusive famlies go on to produce abusive families too,how can this cycle be stopped.
dark knight: forget about these women men,just approach more,


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 2, 2017
I don't have an answer to your question, Ree. But I too would be interested in hearing a well-informed opinion.
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
once she becomes aware of it consciously, and addresses/accepts/heals from her trauma.... then she can make a conscious decision to change. till then she will be guided in behavior by subconscious forces she is unaware of...