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It's not the girl, its the emotions


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
This is something I realized last weekend while I was over at a girl's place. As the sun came up, I realized that I was feeling really good and I thought, "Wait, do I really like this girl?" So I started using logic to see how I was feeling. What I discovered really changed the way I view girls now, and I thought it was important to share, especially for people who are hung up on one girl.

The secret is: It isn't the girl. It is the emotions you have been bottle fed since childhood. We are bombarded with the need for love. But the emotion is fake so much of the time. Its also due to some chemicals in your brain, but the bottom line is: The girl doesn't matter. Your brain is giving you these good emotions. YOU are giving yourself these. As long as the girl is pretty enough for you to be with, you'll get these emotions. Because they're yours, not feelings from her. She gives you physical feelings, nothing more. You control what emotions you get.

For people who are hung up on one girl, this is really the first step towards emotional freedom. Once you realize that you can get these from anyone, you can move on and get the good feelings from someone else. I realize this isn't easy, especially when you have memories with a girl. But who owns those memories? You do. And they're good memories. But they're not hers, and they aren't really because of her.

I'm not saying that true love isn't possible. I'm sure it is. But I'm willing to bet 95% (or more) of situations where the guy is after one girl is due to this.

So what did I do in the morning after? I smiled, went for round two, and as she looked into my eyes (I could tell she was falling for me), I smiled to myself and realized "this is what an abundance mentality is." Then I got up, and went on a date with a different girl a couple days later.

You can get these from any girl, because they're actually your feelings. And you control how you feel. So choose wisely, and don't get torn up over one girl. You don't want to do that to yourself.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

More like Esther Hicks and the Law of Attractions. Your emotions are you. :) Anyway, good post, cool stuff.
