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Jackal's Journal


Jul 3, 2016
Hey Guys,

I'm new to the forum. I've read girls chase for a while and applied lots of the information on fundamentals. I got a decent hair cut, some facial hair, lost a lot of body fat, and substantially improved my fashion sense. I am a lot more confident. However, I am not getting the results that I want, and am not where I want to be with girls right now. This is a result of my lack of cold approaches, and interactions with girls, because I am not getting enough opportunities for me to succeed and improve. By creating this journal I hope to create clear goals and objectives, and have some pressure to achieve them by having them publicly visible.

-I have approach anxiety. I see a girl that I find attractive, and often catch girls looking at me, however, I do not approach them. Sometimes even the idea of going out and approaching girls makes me anxious. However, if I feel very confident when talking to girls that I meet via friends or work, or even when talking to girls that work in shops.
-I never go out at night to bars. I plan to, but I always become to scarred and anxious and stay in.
-I do not schedule times to go out and approach girls during the day. I will often see girls that I find attractive when I leave the house, but I always use the excuse that I am going somewhere and am therefore too busy to approach. In the long run my goal is that I will approach a girl no matter what I am doing, but at this stage I think having scheduled times in which I approach is important.
-I also feel that I masturbate, and use too much porn. This has had a negative affect as I lose the drive to interact with women. I have repeatedly tried to quit pornography and failed, and tried to go for periods without masturbation. I haven't used pornography in a month. I went for a period of 11 days without masturbating. I felt supercharged. However, I broke.

-Aim for one cold approach per day.
-Have scheduled outings for each day in which I will approach girls. Have a specific location, time and the type of approach that I will use.
-My aim is to go for 30 days without masturbating, as it will hopefully incentivise me to approach and overcome my approach anxiety.

Day 1: Monday/Tomorrow

Aim is to approach on girl.
Location is a street near where I live that is fairly busy.
Time is between 12 and 1. This is more than enough time.
I will use an indirect direct approach. I will ask her where Starbucks is, and then follow it up with a compliment.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Jul 3, 2016
I achieved my goal that I set for Monday. I went out at the specified time, but it took me almost an hour of walking around to approach a cute girl. This is the second time I've done a street approach. I've only ever done cold approaches in coffee shops, or at the gym. Street approach really appeals, because there are so many opportunities and all I need to do is leave the house and walk around.

I waived at a girl that was coming down the opposite side of the road.

Me: Hey, do you know where starbucks is around here?
Her: ...huh? (she didn't understand. I live in China, and not all girls speak fluent English, so communication is difficult sometimes)
Me: Coffee.
Her: Oh, erm, you can go over there (points at some shops across the road).
Me: Oh. What's your name?
Her: (Laughs) Sorry, erm, I need to go. Bye, bye.

Okay, so I didn't follow up with the full indirect-direct opener. But, this was definitely due to the fact I was very nervous. I was very happy that I'd managed to open her. Next time, I'll just ask if they know where there are any coffee shops instead of starbucks. This will make things easy for girls who's English isn't that great. I also should follow up by saying that I thought they were cute, and that I needed an excuse to talk to them. The girl was in a hurry, so I should have done a better job of engaging her.

I haven't done any approaches for the past two days although I should have. I will continue to specify specific times that I will go out and approach, with clear goals, and openers that I'll use.


Day game:
Time: between 2 and 3pm
Location: A street near a metro station a few stops away from my house, near by hairdressers.
Goal: Approach 3 girls using the same indirect-direct opener.

I don't watch tv, but I spend far too much time on the internet, not doing anything productive. I spend a lot of time on youtube. When I am at home, and I have spair time I should read instead.
I should also leave the house far more often to go and game.
I also think I don't have enough hobbies. I only really go to the gym, but i feel like I should pick up another hobby.


Jul 3, 2016
Didn't achieve the aim I set for myself last time. I had an hour to do it, yet didn't. No, excuse for it.

Tomorrow Day game
Time: 2 to 4 pm
Location: Streets near a sports bar that I go to
Goal: Talk to three girls
Opener: indirect-direct opener