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Jake D's Progressions


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Hello! I'm brand new to these forums, but I've been reading Chase's articles for about a year now. I decided to make a journal here because I thought it was time for me to make a move and start applying the things that I'm reading - take some action, and quit sitting back in the bleachers.

A little bit about myself. I am 16 years old, and have been living in the US for my entire life. I've always been naturally shy, but I've been slowly changing that over the course of high school. I've had a total of 1 girlfriend, not counting other non official things that I've been through. Even though I'm making progress, it's at a turtle's pace. That's why i'm making this journal to sort of force myself to start making some real noticable progression.

So I thought I would start this journal off with last night, which was sort of my first time approaching "officially" you could say...

Me and some friends were watching some pickup videos on Youtube, of some pretty crazy, pretty inspirational stuff! We got really pumped and decided to go out and approach some women. So the five of us hopped in the car and drove down to a nearby college. I know this is a bad place to approach considering our age, but we really didn't have many other options at the time. When we drive by to scout it at first, one of my friends spots a pretty cute girl, I'd say about a 7. He quick dashes out of the car and approaches her. We drive around the block to pick him back up, turns out he snagged a number from her!

We park a few blocks off, then get out to start circling the campus. It's pretty late, but there's plenty of girls out and a few parties we probably could've BS'd our way into, but couldn't because of time constraints. We walk, and spot two cute girls sitting on a bench about half a block up. Same friend from before approaches both - they're smoking some cigs, about 6 and 7 respectively; we walk ahead of him and let him catch up later.
Walk down the block some more, I see two cuties walking in my direction in short, black dresses. I chicken out on the approach, I'm just too scared right now and I have to push myself to make the first approach. I spot three girls walking across the street and decide it's time to get over my fear once and for all. I walk by, and say, "you all look gorgeous!" I know it's not the best for an approach, but I had to say something to get in the zone.
We make a loop around the block, then head back in the direction of the car. I spot two more girls standing by the corner. I quickly break off of my group and engage them from the side. "Excuse me, but you two are both incredibly cute. My name is Jake." I then hold out my hand and ask for both oftheir names. Two more girls walk by about a second later and I ask for their names as well. One of them complements me on my hair. I thank her, and then bow out to head back to my friends.
All four of us decide to talk to some groups of girls. We make some cheesy statements that don't lead anywhere. On our way to our second loop, I basically rinse and repeat my previous opener to two more girls. They seem extremely flattered, but I don't take it much further than that.
After a few more mediocre approaches, we start talking to these two girls, which is really where I felt some social tact.
We introduce ourselves, and they start to talk to us for a minute. Both really cute, 7's I'd say. One of my friends lies and says we're juniors in college. I facepalm in my head, and just start to listen to the conversation. Eventually, they turn out away from us, and start having their own conversation. Rude. Four MORE cute girls walk into the set, and then make a completely seperate circle from us. I then say, "So, you gonna' introduce us? Or..." after that, one of the girls turns and introduces herself to us. I think it was a good use of social pressure. After that, we eject, seeing that it's not leading anywhere. We head back to the car and head home.

Seeing as those were some of my first approaches, I think I did pretty well. Some things I need to work on: logistics. Terrible place to actually game at our age. Most girls were 3 years older than us. Still possible, but not likely. Two: I need to continue with conversation and initiate deep diving. My openers had decent reactions, but I just didn't follow through. Three: better use of social pressure when girls cut you out of their circle. I could use some real help on that one.
Anyways, I feel like that was enough for one day, so I'll get back to this when I have some time to approach - maybe I'll do some at school!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Heya Jake,

Cool to see you starting with such enthusiasm, man. Plus, you've got friends that are there to motivate you. My thoughts: You can get a girl at a college if your fundamentals are down tight. The combination of dressing well, maintaining a conversation, and walking with confidence alone would put you at an edge compared to other Uni guys.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Great first run, it's always nice to have some friends that are down to game at that level. If you push like this everytime you will become amazing very fast.

I think it's good you could practice with these f'd up logistics. It let you release any thoughts of coutcome and just game to game.

You should look for a mall, I hit on tons of 16 year olds there.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Thanks PrettyDecent and Tyme2k for the words of encouragement, I really appreciate them!

I didn't have much of a chance to approach today at school, so I was more observing and working on my non-verbal fundementals. I was concious of my posture and eye contact with people, and I noticed a significant change in my voice, so that's a step in the right direction! I observed some girls I could possibly approach tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes.

So until next time guys,
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Hey guys.
Nothing really spectacular happened today, so I'm not going to go into any detail. Mostly just general observations and some logistics talk.
Me and three other friends went down to the mall to approach today. Got there and we sensed this cold, unfriendly vibe there. None of us could break into any barriers, and even simple hello's were turned down or altogether ignored. We decided to leave and head to a college campus that would be sure to give us some good practice.
We hit up the campus and I didn't do as well as I planned. After a few warm-ups, we decided to split into two groups. Me and my friend did some wingman work, opening around 3-4 single girls and 2-3 groups of three. Got some good practice in, and after about an hour or two, we decided to call it a day and head home.
Learned a few important things today.
1) My opener is getting better, but I need to implement some deep diving and some number closing.
2) Stopping girls is much better than trying to talk to them as they're moving. My friend tried to open some girls in motion, which didn't go over so well. I started with something like, "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" and they would stop and I would get much better reactions.
3) BIG one I noticed. Approaching cold outside of school is much easier than in-school. For some reason, my school has the thought that cold approaching a girl is weird/creepy and frowned upon. I might find some better logistics later down the road, or I might just push through those social shields at school and approach anyway. I have a social event at school coming up and I plan to push myself out of the comfort zone and approach some girls there!
All in all it wasn't a waste of a day, and I did learn a thing or two. I recommend trying to get some friends into pick-up, it's much easier when you have buddies to back you up and help you along the way - especially when one of them is naturally good at it!
So until next time guys,