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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012

I would like to go over being, James Bond and how he affects women around him.

There have been many Bonds, over the years so there are many interpretations of him.

IN Your opinion; What do you think is it that makes him such an irresistable character?

What tactics does he use to convert women to fight the good fight?



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
There was a line from Casino Royale where Bond is taking to a woman and asks her to join him for a nightcap. She responds with something like, "Mr. Bond I'm not that kind of girl." Smoothly and without missing a sexy beat 007 replies, "Well perhaps you should try harder." She smiled and the two of them were off to his place. That's what I like about James Bond, he's just so damn smooth!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
James Bond: I tend to notice little things like that - whether a girl is a blonde or a brunette...
Tiffany Case: And which do you prefer?
James Bond: Well, as long as the collars and cuffs match.

He's fun, he's witty, he's dry, he's a killer and you don't mind
Also his moves are very smooth, the reason they picked Sean Connery even though most were against him, his moves were smooth

"the essence of it for me was always to make everything look easy, simple" -Sean Connery on Bond


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
I wonder how beneficial it is to look up to James Bond as an archetype for a PUA. I love the character, I've seen every movie--several times--but I never seriously considered the character as someone to model myself after. The character often uses girls, and has little interest in them beyond furthering his mission, although sometimes the girl's objectives align nicely with his own and they join forces (of course the girl conveniently dies later so the character can stay single).

Then again, if you analyze the character dispassionately, he:

-is utterly dedicated to a noble cause larger than himself
-is busy and fulfilled in an interesting life
-is mysterious
-is self confident
-is charismatic
-doesn't back down
-pays careful attention to his grooming and dress

And anyone can do that.

It should also be noted that the character:

-is an adrenaline junkie
-is competitive to a fault
-is a bit of an alcoholic
-is morally bereft, or at least negligent when it comes to girls (pretty much any girl in his life ends up dying because his life is too dangerous, and yet he constantly gets involved with them)
-has at least one type of venereal disease (never seen him don a jimmy hat)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012

You've pretty much nailed down his characteristics. So what you should take away from James Bond then is that he is a great role model for picking up women and getting them into bed. His process aligns exactly with what Chase has recommended on this website.

...Beyond that (relationships, handling female drama, personal growth), you might want to stick to this website. ;)

Sorry, since I have a James Bond avatar myself, I felt compelled to reply!

- Franco


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Yes, he embodies the characteristics of a strong, sexy man--I just still have difficulty bringing his whole "essence" into the real world though. Good thing I have this site to back me up! Your avatar is certainly badass--I had a hard time accepting Daniel Craig at first because he's so young and "thuggish", but he's cool with me now.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
There's a great post on what makes James Bond great with girls on Bakadesuyo.com, which is a really fun (and addicting) website run by a guy who's as nuts about finding research on this stuff (and a lot more) as I am:

10 ways science explains why James Bond is so irresistible to women

Here's the post, re-posted, although you'll need to go the original if you want to read the research links:

Eric Barker said:
Bond is supremely confident. This makes him sexy. It also makes him great at his job; being overconfident often gives better results than being objective and rational. (We’d all be better off moderately overconfident.) Neither men or women prefer modest guys. Bond has the personality of a trained man of action: SWAT team members differed from the average person by being extremely confident (“self-deceptive enhancement”), more emotionally stable and more resilient.

007 is almost always calm. (Maybe that’s due to all the sex.) Even when people are trying to kill him he’s calm. This is sexy. Bond doesn’t move unnecessarily. You never see his knee bouncing or hands fidgeting. He speaks slowly and deliberately and is rarely rushed. These are all very charismatic qualities. He has the unflinching eye contact of a predator — and this increases the chance women will fall in love with him. 007 doesn’t gush over girls and show his feelings. He keeps them guessing and uncertainty increases attraction. Bond doesn’t smile much and this too makes him sexy because happiness isn’t alluring in men. His body language is commanding and he’s not afraid to take up space, which is very masculine and appealing. 007 doesn’t ramble on and this too is smooth. Bond never slouches. Good posture increases confidence, feelings of power and makes you physically tougher. (Which works out well when you want to look classy in your tuxedo while battling machete wielding evil minions.)

There’s generally booze wherever 007 goes and alcohol does lead to sex. Liking alcohol was the biggest indicator of who has sex on the first date.

Bond has a keen eye for who to trust and who not to. This quality is frequently seen in sexually open-minded people, actually. 007 can tell when a lady is into him. And science agrees: handsome men are the best at identifying who is attracted to them.

Bond has it all and that’s exactly what the most beautiful women demand in the men they date. Women who really enjoy sex prefer “bad boys” — and there’s no doubt 007 qualifies. Feminine women prefer masculine men. And for one night stands women look for physical attractiveness and dominance — which Bond has in spades.

All the Bond actors have been tall. This isn’t a coincidence. A man who is five foot six needs to earn $175,000 a year more a year to be as attractive as a man who is six feet tall. A lot of people commented on Daniel Craig’s buff physique in Casino Royale. Once again the depiction clicks with the research: muscular men have more one night stands and you can tell how many women a guy has slept with by the size of his arms. That chiseled torso may mean he’s a better lover.

The Aston Martin doesn’t hurt. Not at all. Neither does dropping tons of cash at exotic casinos — throwing money around makes men more attractive to women who are interested in flings. And, like Bond, men who gamble with women around are better at it.

Bond is by no means a comedian but he knows the power of a well-timed one liner. Women are attracted to funny men because humor is a sign of intelligence. You can even predict how many women a man has slept with by how funny he is.

Bond has been attacked in innumerable ways and survived everything. Of course, this is because he’s fictional. It is interesting to note that research shows masculine men are hardier. In fact, being un-masculine can be lethal for males. (Maybe it’s all those orgasms keeping him alive. I doubt he’ll die of a heart attack or prostate cancer.)

Women fall for him because he’s exciting to be around and this plays a much larger part in a relationship than most think. It’s the key to a great first date. Even the femme fatales assigned to kill Bond fall for him. But studies show this isn’t surprising at all. 007′s character has frequently been accused of being sexist. This is probably true — and only serves to make him that much more attractive to the ladies.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
This is a great post.

I've been trying to crack the Bond persona for years now. This might bring me a lot closer.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
I did a project for one of my history classes on how James Bond embodies American Masculinity and here is what I found

1. James Bond is always calm. He is always in control because of his calm confidence. He also bluffs to get out of a bad situation, like here in Goldfinger. notice how he doesn't break down.


2. He's not afraid to take risks. Bond abuses drugs and gambles.


He's also dangerous and doesn't let women get in the way. (Later in the movie, he tells the girl he needs to leave her, which only helps him get her in bed quicker)

3. He is witty. Not funny, but witty. There is a difference. In this scene he makes two good jokes, but hardly smiles and doesn't laugh. You know he has a sense of humor and is intelligent, but you also take him seriously because he's serious


A Life Loquacious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
cccrunner said:
I did a project for one of my history classes on how James Bond embodies American Masculinity

I'd be interested to read that... as much to find out how you can rationalise how a character who is meant to be a British secret service agent, and much of the character hangs on his British reservedness as opposed to American style 'gung-ho' approach (such as in his interactions with Sheriff J. W. Pepper in 'Man with the Golden Gun' and 'Live and Let Die') and project the idea of an American masculine archetype onto that character..?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
I'd be interested to read that

I don't know it is 15+ pages (And people think Chase's posts are long!) But the basic way I reconciled it was explaining how the characteristics of charisma, sexuality, and consumerism were what defined Cold War masculinity. I used examples from American experiences in the Cold War. My favorite was how I compared JFK in the Cuban Missile Crisis to James Bond in a the classic Bond movie deathtrap. I also compared the playboy bachelor to Bond for sexuality. And Bond's gadgets to the "golden age of consumerism in America". While they do portray Americans as gung-ho (I love when the CIA guy calls him Jimmy), there are more similarities then people think (and the Brits would like to admit)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
Thanks to everyone for their very constructive comments. Loved reading each one of them

Sean Connery, lived in the 50's 60's, kind of a Mad Men like era. Unlike the celebrities of our generation.
His accent and speech is quite 50's 60's
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gE_Ioko ... 7B98AF666D

if you take a quick listen to this tape, you hear a man in his 30's, sounding very much like your grandfather.


Bond is a FUN yet MATURE.

Bond is a MAN, even if he's childish at times

Bond is a SNOB.

Bond is BOLD

Bond is SMOOTH

Here's an example on how to be smooth, from the first man to cross the speed of sound, 'Chuck E. Yeager.

Soon after Yeager became a pilot in the Army Air Corps, he was sent to Oroville, CA for training. While stationed there, he sauntered over to the local USO office and struck up a conversation with 18 year old Glennis Dickhouse, the organization’s social director. New in town, Chuck and the other boys were in need of some entertainment, so Yeager asked Glennis to organize a USO dance for the squadron that night. Greatly annoyed with this stranger’s bold request, she asked him, “You expect me to whip up a dance and find thirty girls on three hours notice?” He replied, “No, you’ll only need to come up with twenty-nine, because I want to take you.” Sonic Boom!

This is an example of how to be smooth and have in a dialogue similar to Bond's.

To be like Bond, one must understand how real men were like in the 50's 60's. Growing up in a respectful environment which required everyone to act a lot more mature than kids nowadays. (not boring, mature like Bond)

I think the most important aspect of James Bond; apart from being a playboy and a killer, is that he is a man and not a clown.
(he is a person who uses the law of least effort)

Ccrunner I would also love to read that material, if you're not shy about sharing it with us
Could you perhaps upload it to a free hosting service?