Taken from my journal:
January 6
School started up again today, which is a bad thing for a lot of people because they're like "oh, we have to study now... "
But I'm looking at it in a positive way: a constant supply of women to approach without having to make an effort (like busing downtown lol). This also means: no excuses!
I started off the day with a shit load of approaches. Walking around the college like a motha fuckin creep! That's how I do! Hahahaha. Just gonna note some memorable moments:
Me: *to girl who was sitting in front of me in class, blocking my view* "how tall are you?"
Her: "ummmm... 5'10"
Me: "oh, well you were making it hard for me" (lol, a good tease, now that I read it, it sounds extremely sexual too hahaha, didn't even realize that when I said it)
Her: "weak laugh and looks away"
Took that as a sign of disinterest, so I left.
Me: *to sitting girl who I opened, then sat down across from* "that's a nice ring, can I see it"
Her: *moves her hand towards me*
Me: *brush my finger across her finger* (investment + touch)
Her: *moves her hand back*
Me: "what's the story behind it?"
Her: "oh its my engagement ring, our wedding's going to happen once I graduate"
Damn... talked with her a bit more than she left to go to class.
In the book store, one of the books that I wanted to purchase wasn't scanning, so the librarian had to enter it into the database or something silly like that. So I had to go to the side of the line-up and wait. A pretty girl comes up, and puts down her books to be scanned.
Me: "I like your hair"
Her: "thanks"
Me: "it's really ashy and... nice" (really practiced giving genuine compliments today. I always use the same direct opener (you are absolutely gorgeous), but I'm finding it easier and easier to think of better ones. Like, they don't have to be absolutely amazing compliments (well not yet)... something like: "hey, I like your boots (colored brown), they go well with the color of your hair (colored brown).
Her: "thanks"
Now she was waiting for her books or whatever as well, so I talked to her in like bursts, since she had to talk to the cashier as well. I would say something to her whenever the cashier wasn't present.
Me: *to head librarian* "is it done yet?" (let the girl know why I'm standing motionlessly at the side of the line-up)
Him: "not yet" *walks away*
Me: *to girl* "Is your name ______? (since she wrote it down on a piece of paper for the cashier, and I saw it)
Her: "yeah"
Me: "I'm Darren"
Me: *to girl in line-up that I knew from last semester, she was smiling, looking at me lol* "taking any English classes this year?"
*light banter with her for a bit*
Me: *turn back to girl I want to talk to* "we should definitely grab a coffee"
Her: "right now?" (surprised I'm moving so fast)
Me: "yes"
Her: "okay..."
Me: "great, just meet me in front of the Starbucks in the library"
Her: "okay, you'll be there?"
Me: "yes, should be in like 5 or 10"
Her: "okay"
So I go there after I purchase my books, and she's not there. Fuck. Whatevs.
I have to go get new glasses, so I leave campus. About 30 minutes later, I'm walking down the street, and this girl walks past me. I turn around and open from the side.
Me: "quick question... are you single?"
Her: *laughs* "no"
Light banter about what she's up to.
Work, she says.
Ask about work. She works in a restaurant.
Me: "ahhh, so you must love being surrounded by food"
Her: *starts laughing* "yes!"
She then asks me what I do, but I quickly turn it back to her.
I deep dive, ask if she could imagine herself working there for the rest of her life.
She says she could (which surprised me). She loves it there.
I could've deep dived more here, asking what she loves so much about it, but instead I provide positive feedback: "a lot of people nowadays go crazy over what they want to do, but you, you seem like you've got a hold of your life" (said something like that).
Her: "thanks"
Try to close here, try to schedule a date.
She says Tuesdays are her only free days.
I say, lets grab a coffee tomorrow then.
"I can't" she says, "I'm hanging out with my bf."
Me: "okay, just add your number to my phone then."
She does, but I text her later, and it turns out that she gave me a fake number.
Later on, I'm sitting on the bus going home. A cute girl gets on the bus so I shove aside so that she has the choice to sit beside me. She does.
Me: *smile*
Her: *smiles back*
Me: "what's that you got there?"
Her: "oh, *smiles* its a white board... it's got some stuff on it" *starts laughing* "I'm returning it to a friend" (from what I could see, there wasn't much on the board, just some half erased lines or something like that lol... whatever must've been on it before must've been funny).
Introductions, I do the handshake + deep stare into her eyes accompanied by closed mouth smile
Start light bantering about where we're from, about the area we live in.
Me: "this is a nice area."
Her: "yeah, there's a lot of families, I haven't met a lot of students yet"
Me: "well... I'm a student" *give her nudge on upper arm*
Her: "oh cool! UBC?"
Me: "no, Langara"
Her: "what are you studying?"
Me: "psychology"
Her: "oh sweet! some of my room-mates are majoring in psychology"
Her: "what do you plan on doing with it? psychologist?"
Me: "hmmmmm....." *thoughtful look* "probably something to do with helping people, like counselling. You need a masters for it, psychologist, you need a ph.D, and that's too much"
Me: "what about you? What are you studying?"
Her: "environmental studies"
Me: "hm. so you must really care about the environment"
Her: "yeah, especially in a city like this, there's so much nature"
Me: "save the world!"
Her: *laughs*
Me: "so, what do you want to do with that degree?"
Her: "I really want to open up my own coffee shop."
Me: "aahhh, a nice, cozy coffee store"
Her: "yeah, but that wouldn't be the only thing we sell. We would also have a section for weed, hash, butter..."
Me: "aaaahhhh, I see... so the coffee store would just be a cover-up"![]()
Her: "exactly!"
Me: "that doesn't really have anything to do with your degree though, does it?" (digging deeper)
Her: "not really, but it's something that I've always wanted to do."
Me: "yes, just follow your heart... no matter how corny that sounds"
Her: "hahaha, yeah, I always tell people that... 'just follow your heart!'"
Me: "we must sound like the biggest stoners right now."
Her: *starts laughing*
Right here I should've gotten off, but I wanted to build more rapport and then close.
Me: "I really like your jacket by the way." (brown leather jacket) - note: I should've brushed her upper arm or something when I said this
Her: "thanks"
Me: "it goes really well with your hair" (brunette)
Her: "yeah, it's leather."
Me: "sweet, I'm wearing leather too! High five!
*high five*
Me: "goes well with your scarf as well" (colored brown lol)
Her: "yeah... I was actually thinking about that today!"
Me: "hey, so you seem like a swell girl."
Her: "thanks"
Me: "we should grab a coffee sometime"
Her: "yeah!"
Me: *take out my phone* "what's your schedule looking like?"
Her: "umm... really busy since school just started, but add my number and we'll figure something out"
Me: *hand her my phone*
Her: *tries entering her number but my blackberry confuses everyone lol* "I can't do this hahaha! Just do it yourself!" *I take my phone back and she tells me her number as I enter it down*
Her: "you live around here?"
Me: "yeah, just a couple stops away"
Her: "me too!"
Me: "you better not be stalking me!"![]()
I don't remember how exactly she responded to this, but it led to a bunch of funny sarcastic remarks. Her reply was definitely positive.
Me: "hmmm... she seemed like a pretty cool girl" (pretending to talk about her lol)
Her: "yeah.... she smoked joints and stuff"(pretending to talk about herself lol)
Me *rubbing my hand on my chin + skeptical look*
Her: "like end up on a bed..." (I don't actually know if she said this, but that's what it sounded like, it sounds too good to be true though! maybe I was just imaging things! but when she said this, I just smiled. I should've responded instead: "ohhhh, now that's what you want" OR "keep dreaming girl" OR "pffftt... that's what you wish") But I actually don't know if she said this! Lol!
Hahaha, we got off at the same stop and made our separate ways. She was with her guy friends and I didn't realize this until then lol. Shook her hand again, and bided farewell. Texted her an icebreaker two hours ago and she just responded: "word. we should smoke a doob!"