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Jo Gonzalez Newbie Assignment


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 4, 2013
Hey everybody,
I’ll start with an introduction. My name is Jo Gonzalez, I am 22 and I've been working at my "game" for about 4 months now. I started working on my game after I had this serious relationship with my ex during my senior semester of college. She was the first girl to cheat on me and it wrecked my world while being betrayed by those of my spiritual faith and I felt used and mistreated, I was in a pretty bad place. After a few one night stands and binge drinking, I realized I never deserved a woman like that someone who would lie and betray my trust so I wanted better for myself, I wanted a woman that I deserved that met my standards (which were non-existent at the moment) and someone that I had no doubts about. So on I went googling advice to text women and I found girlschase.com and I instantly read almost all the articles on the site and got the ebook. While I used key techniques from Chase and the other writers, I never really got a handle on the “approach”.

Fast forward to today and I graduated from college and moved to a new area for work. So with no friends or ideas of where to go I started adventuring out in Massachusetts. I managed to make a few friends and found a few nice spots in the month I’ve been here but I realized that I have some serious social and approach anxiety with strangers. While I’ve been able to work on my social anxiety alongside with my fundamentals (Vocals, socializing, dress, eye contact, etc.) it’s pretty useless because I don’t approach any pretty girls even with all the knowledge that I gained form the site. So last week I met with a wingman to hold me accountable in actively developing my seduction skills. We went out around Boston and there were tons of girls at malls, on the streets, at the many bars with went to and as we went my friend encouraged me to talk to girls and all I did was pussy out with crippling anxiety. While I was being a pussy my friend nervously approached girls, just working on his game. I definitely felt the loser effect here.

Knowing that I am going back out this Saturday I decided to give the newbie assignment a go. Since I’ve already worked on the first three days on venues, posture, and eye contact (for a month now) I decided to skip to day 4, saying “Hi, hello, hey” to six girls. God this is hard.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 4, 2013
Day 1 (4) I went to a local mall today, nervous about just saying hi to girls. Wow golly gee. I walked around pretending to browse noticing beautiful women here and there scattered around. I didn’t say hi, I just nervously thought to myself “I should say Hi” and just walked past a few pret girls. While in Macy’s I saw a cute dark skinned girl walking towards me and I just reacted said “Hello” in a shy voice waving my hand ever so slightly by my hip and she replied with a shy “Hi” and walked past. I walked around with a perk of confidence from saying a simple hello to a pretty girl and I walked around the mall some more. I saw a girl working at a booth but her back was turned to me so I thought I should say Hi from the back it’d be too weird. Walked around some more and saw a cute girl on the phone and I used the phone as an excuse not to say Hi. Weren’t many pretty girls after that so I ended up leaving the mall. Feeling unfinished I headed to the nearest supermarket where there were a few cute girls working and walking around. Again I was too nervous to say hello to anyone and I just wandered the aisles til I saw a sexy body from the back and I circled the aisles so I could say Hi from the front. I managed to find her say Hi and she smiled, she wasn’t very pretty in the face but I was happy to actually make the effort to go out the way to say hello.

Thoughts: While I am happy I am saying hello to people, I don’t know why I won’t do it with the girls just walking right past me. I think that I need to be in close proximity to greet people or they need to make eye contact with me before I say anything. I am going to keep trudging and go ask a few girls how their days are going, this way I will probably feel more comfortable just walking up to anyone regardless if they are looking my way or not. I just don’t really know what to do after I am done with the question, I guess just awkwardly walk away.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Try this Jo, say "HI" to EVERYONE. Don't let a single person walk by you without saying Hi. When I go out for the night this is my warm up and when I first got into game I spent 2 hours walking the streets of downtown, then went to the mall after and pulled probably more numbers in one day than ever.

Doing this will help you make it a normal practice.

You need to get out of your head though man, you are in the same boat as most people in the community, myself included. What happens is we study and study thinking we can prepare ourselves, but it only makes approaching and interactions that much more difficult. You have all this theory and steps in your head which will really only hinder your ability to grow. The key to getting better faster is releasing everything you learned while you're out, push yourself and relax your mind. Once you're fully into the moment women will be attracted to you and your interactions will flow naturally.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 4, 2013
Thanks Tyme, I'm going to try that. I've been making excuses the past couple days not to go out, so I won't even bother listing them here. I'm on my way to the mall, its 65 degrees today and its beautiful out. I am gonna challenge myself to approach some ladies and I'll let you guys know how it goes.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 4, 2013
So day whatever. It's been a while since I posted, sorry Chase but I diverted from your newbie assignment so I'll just write a journal of my thoughts.

Today was great. After months of freezing approach anxiety, I managed to talk to four cute girls today. Something I never did...ever. I was at the mall walking around today, seeing a bunch of beautiful women but approaching none. I called up my friend who is also trying to learn the game (we met online and been helping each other when in need) and I told him that I was too nervous to go talk to women. He told me to go just meet women and it wasn't a big deal and if it fails no big deal, just keep moving. So I was walking by and I saw this HB6 walking by me a brunette with big boobs, a bit short, small face, with a dark complexion. I said "Hey" she stopped and I told her I thought she was cute and I wanted to come meet her, she replied with a thanks, a name I can't remember (haha I was so nervous about this too) and when I asked what she was up to she replied with "Im meeting my boyfriend to get a phone" I said "Well that sounds fun" and left. I called my friend and he told me to keep moving with my momentum and I approached a HB7, a blonde with a slim face, nice lips, small frame, and beautiful smile. I said "Hey" and she said hi and kept walking so I said "wait wait hey come here". She stopped (I was completely stunned that this worked) and used the same direct approach. She said thanks and told me she was shopping because she was leaving to Europe tomorrow. After like ten questions about Europe and where she went to school, she told me she is in high school as a senior (I qualified her by saying she was good looking for her age no no), then awkwardly said that I had to leave soon but we should continue this conversation with some coffee later on, which she replied with a "I have a boyfriend phrase" and I asked how long she known him and she said a few years (obvi lying). I left with a nice meeting you and scadaddle on to work. I felt pretty nervous talking to the women, conversation was difficult and I was shaking a bit.

Yes, I need improvements but I made a great stride today. In the months I've been studying and reading articles, I didn't make ONE single approach. Today I conquered that. I got over this crippling anxiety and talked to women just to meet them and see if we had chemistry. This is a truly proud moment for me. No longer will I let beautiful women walk by me and say nothing, just hoping one day they would talk to me. I took control of my life and my relationships, Today is that day where I start to meet women and leaving no "missed opportunities".

After work around 1am, I hit up a few bars, the first one a miss and the 2nd one was okay. I approached this HB5 wearing a bright pink short, c cup boobs with a little chunk (is she even hot at 5) in a corner after I saw her friend was distracted and used my direct approach again. We talked a bit, it was hard to hear her over the music. She was clearly drunk and barely looked like she could stand. Eventually she asked me "What I wanted to do with her" and I said "what do you mean" she asked the same question again which I replied the same answer and she said why am I talking to her and I said "To have a conversation with a beautiful woman and to see if we had chemistry and have some fun ;)" (Please let me know a better reply). She eventually said I have a boyfriend and I pushed her a bit to see if she was honest she seem pretty legit so I said ""nice meeting you" and left. I quickly approached this pair which the redhead distracted by some guy and the girl seemed bored. She was a HB6 dark skinned with a tat on her shoulder, small boobs with a small frame. I opened with a "Hey, you look bored. Come talk to me" and moved to the bar next to her positioning myself behind her and she turned around and said "I'm not bored" and I said "Well anyway, my name is Jo" She gave me her name and the redhead talking to the guy turned to me and said "Hey! you hitting on my sis in law?" I replied with a simple yes. She said she was going out with her brother and wasn't interested and I asked could I hit on her and she said no and the guy next to her said "She's with me." (har har har Im a tuff guy). I told em "Have fun" and left for the night since it seemed pretty dead and last call was coming.

Some may see four failures here but I see four learning and growing experiences. Before this I may have had only 4 rejections in my entire left and now its 8. And its possible because I took a risk (Today I realized that risk is small if not there at all) and approached women I was interested in and took my life in my hands. I know this is a numbers game and I will approach a 100 more girls and even more, because I know one thing and that is ITS NO BIG DEAL. Its really not. Its not awkward, or weird, or embarrassing, its just two people having a conversation and that is it. Thank you Chase, thank you random folk who wrote articles, thank you PUA community. You helped me get to this moment in my life where I talk to women and I try to get what I want instead of letting my hopes just walk past me.
I will continue to write in this journal and would appreciate any tips or advice.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 4, 2013
No days off for this playa! Had an epic last day at my delivery job at Dominoes. In this last hour of work I saw this hb8 brunette, tied up hair, big tits, bit short, small waist, cool jewelry, and a nose piercing. She asked if she could write on the receipt on me and as she was writing, I asked if she was single. She said "Yes, kind of" I told her to write her number down and she replied "People still do that?" I said "Only the cute ones do". She laughed a bit, and I said "Hey where's your number?" She said I'd had to come back again to get it, I told her it was my last day at Dominos and it was now or never. She paused and gave me her number and left. Turns out I mixed her order with another kid and had to run back, got a warning for running a red light by a cop and she came back out pretty drunk. I said sorry for the mix up but thanks for being cool and when I got back to Dominos, I quit my weekend job! haha epic night!

Sent her this text a few hours ago "Hey Shelby. Getting free pizza must be awesome! Save my number. Joe" No reply yet but either way Im feeling good and having a good night. Let me know what you guys think!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 14, 2013
Dude, keep going! that's awesome. I'm a newbie also and it was very encouraging to read your journal!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 23, 2013
Keep it up Joseph!

One little advice on this:

Sent her this text a few hours ago "Hey Shelby. Getting free pizza must be awesome! Save my number. Joe" No reply yet but either way Im feeling good and having a good night. Let me know what you guys think!

Never ever tell someone to save your number, it seems insecure. If she wants to know it's you calling or texting she will do so.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
diegoC (ezio) said:
Never ever tell someone to save your number, it seems insecure. If she wants to know it's you calling or texting she will do so.

I've banged girls I told to "Save my number"


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 23, 2013
I've banged girls I told to "Save my number"

jajaja, I'm sure you have Tyme.

I'm not saying this will fuck everything, not at all. I just think is like saying a girl "I'll text you. Text me back". Why would you say that? You must assume she will because she wants you. That's why I think telling someone to save your number is not necessary (she will save it if she wants to, and if she forgets, whatever, she will save it then) and better not to do it.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 4, 2013
diegoC (ezio) said:
Keep it up Joseph!

One little advice on this:

Sent her this text a few hours ago "Hey Shelby. Getting free pizza must be awesome! Save my number. Joe" No reply yet but either way Im feeling good and having a good night. Let me know what you guys think!

Never ever tell someone to save your number, it seems insecure. If she wants to know it's you calling or texting she will do so.


Hey Diego, I actually got that one off the Chase website but if you got any alternatives for the first text let me know!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 4, 2013
Day 3- So I decided to make my journal a bit more organized, I'll be labeling the days only by counting the days I've done approaches. Yesterday was my day off from both of my jobs so I decided to take some me time. I've also started making daily/weekly/monthly goals. Which I'll put along with my posts.

Today was the day after the Boston marathon bombing so going into Boston made it a bit surreal especially with all the national guard checking bags at the subway, so I was a bit on edge. Besides that it was a beautiful 60 degrees today and people (beautiful women) were happy, out and about.

My daily goal was to approach one girl either before or after my shift or on my lunch break.
In short: Goal failed. Commuting in this morning around 8am I saw this gorgeous brunette, with round cheeks (on her face), a soft look to her face, a beautiful body of slimness with thickness in the right places. This girl just made my hot dropped when I looked at her, she was totally my type from looks to style. She was on the subway with her friend and I wanted to approach but being crowded, I really didn't want to make a direct approach and risk the awkwardness, so I didn't. I am still kicking myself over this one. The rest of the day continued of seeing beautiful women walk by me on the street but I was doing nothing. I got off of work early and just went to Kohls, where this cute cashier was smiling at me. I had to come to her about three times just to make a return (was some confusion among the employees of where you return and buy) but I joked with her everything and she laughed a bit. On my last visit to her it went like this:

Description: Tannish skin, tied back black hair, c cup tits, small waist, firm butt.
Approach: Are you single?
She replied with a yes I am and I said "That's great, when do you get off of work?"
hb: "I'm not looking for anyone"
me: "Well I am not either, I just wanted to grab a cup of coffee with you to get to know you"
hb: silence....
Me: "Well the worse that could happen is that we become good friends"
hb: "I'm not interested..."
Awkward silence for the rest of the transaction. (This one was rough but a good learning experience)

Shot over to the mall to try my luck, had a cute babe staring at me and I just walked by her. I turned around after walking a distance to see if she was still around and she was gone (Opportunities are short-lived and have to be taken as soon as it comes). On my way back I did see another hb walking towards me, I stopped her with a Hey!


Young looking face, fair complexion. Black hair just past the shoulders, decent boob size, thick thighs and fat ass!
Approach: Hey! I saw you walking by and I thought you were cute and I wanted to meet you, I'm Jo. (She actually kept walking when I said hey and I had to tell her to wait and come back, I am a big proponent of not following women and stopping and making them stop and talk to me)
Hb: "Are you serious?" (She says with a smile)
Me: "Yeah, I'm Jo. How old are you btw (she looked younger as I got closer)
Hb: "15"
Me: "Well then, it was fun talking to you" (I turned around pretty quickly since I was caught off guard)
Hb: As I was walking away "Thanks anyway!"

I called it a night after that and went home, happy I did something today.

I don't like approaching girls who are walking and can't walk away, if things go awry, shit gets awkward. When I know I only have a certain amount of time, I tend not to approach girls, I feel rushed for some reason. I'm going to work on that. I really don't know a good way to approach a girl on public transportation and I still get nervous when approaching and talking to beautiful women so I am going to keep approaching til it goes away so I can focus on dialogue.

Goals Daily: 4/17/13- Make one street approaching while I am in the Boston area (this would be around my work shift, for some reason I won't approach during my work shift)
Weekly 4/15-4/21: Approach a girl waiting for the subway or riding the subway
Monthly 4/13: Become comfortable talking to beautiful strangers
Live by this quote "Don't be yourself, be the person you always wanted to be"


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 23, 2013
Hey Diego, I actually got that one off the Chase website but if you got any alternatives for the first text let me know!

Well, like I said in other post, whatever you read, remember: Not everything is written in stone.

Surely, you have read here that when you first meet a girl you should send her an ice-breaker text, don't contact her the next day, finally, text her the day after to schedule a date. That is a good process, for sure (I do follow it).

Now, it doesn't mean it has to be like this every single time. You might open a girl, have a great interaction with her and number close. So, you might text her right away and she will get more excited than a 7 year old getting a new PS3 (or me! When I watched the new superman trailer), on the other hand, she might not be that much.

Everything has pros and cons. So, that's why the processes usually recommended here aim to be in balance. The girl who is excited about you will be really glad to hear about you 2 days after (you meet her, silence, text her). The one who is not that sold into you already, well, you are not chasing with a text right away, so 2 days later seems fine (not to soon, not to late).

Now, imaging this. Maybe you are completely sure that the interaction didn't go so well, even though you got her number (keep in mind that getting a number doesn't mean you will see her again), you know it, you feel it. So you push it a little (wait 3 days, 4…) to make her wonder why you haven't text her, to make her think a little about you (not needy). Or maybe she won't be even thinking about you. So when you text her and she responds (or not) you might aswell have done it 2 days after and get the same result. I guess you get it. Too many variables. So you just have to flow and don't even care if it blows: To many girls out there.

Now, for sure, I recommend sticking to the process after meeting a girl (ice-brekaer, silence, schedule date). But keep in mind what I say. When you get better (and you will) you will flow differently, thinking less about rules. I'm sure Chase posted that, nowadays, he usually schedules dates the day after. I think he doesn't even text them an ice-breaker if he meets them really late in the day.

On a recent post I added an ice-breaker example:

You: "Hey Bridgette, I had a great time with you at the coffee. Can't believe you didn't leave a tip! Naughty of you…"

Her (45minutes later): "hahaha I also had a good time [name]!"

You (1:30hr later): ";)"

I guess you can have your own style. What I like about this message is that, first, you make her know that you had a good time with her. The other two sentences are just a funny/teasy thing to light things up (in this case, related to something the happened on the date), to make her more likely to respond if she was not in a very good state of mind at the moment she got your message (bad mood, whatever). Note the times too. I space out my answers to make her know I'm a busy guy, this way it also heps the interactions die (you don't want too be in conversations over text).

Just as an example I'm going to post the messages exchanges between me and a girl I'm going to see on saturday. Met her last saturday:

April 14:

• Me (5:09am of Sunday): "I'm glad I meet you tonight hiphop girl :)" (Didn't sign up with my name because she save my number and I'm using whatsapp. She told me she dances hiphop)

• Her (12:11pm): "Hey! Nice to meet other fellow countryman here. We'll be in touch" (she happens to be from my country)

• Me (13:47): ";)" (I could have not answer but I wanted to so, a simple wink smile is good. I actually used them in real life so it makes sense)

April 16

• Me (12:41pm): "Hey [name], I hope your weeks started more relaxed than mine. I'm going up and down! Let's get together like I told you, how is your schedule the following days?" (I actually say I would like to see them before I trade numbers. It's been said in this forum. Use it)

• Her (13:38): "Hey! I'm going crazy too! I've got a lot of things piled up for this week so lets leave it for the weekend! If I got time I will let you know but between the work and some other things I have to do will be hard"

• Me (14:42): "Thats tough! Way better on the weekend. Does friday works for you?" (now I give her a day because she said to leave it for a weekend, still, I want to know if it's okay with her)

• Her (15:56): "I'm seeing some friends on friday but it could be on saturday! Or something on sunday"

• Me (17:23): "Saturday is perfect. We'll coordinate in the next days. You'll give me a hiphop move! ;)"

• Her (18:06): "hahaha Okay, we'll do something on saturday then"

• Me (18:33): "Okay ;)"

• Her (21:03): "Where are you living" (I had told her when I met her)

April 17:

• Me (8:20): "In [neighborhood]"

• Her (9:39): "Where street did you told me? I'm near the [name] metro station"

• Me (11:39): "In [street]"

• Her (11:48): "Oh perfect! Are you already working or not?" (I just arrived 2 months ago to this country)

Well, I guess this might be give you and idea to space your messages and some other things. I wont answer her last message until 4 or 5pm (or more, I'll see). She wants to keep chit chatting but I don't want to. Is not good to bond via text.

She has seen I have logged to whatapp, for sure. Just as you are looking when girls log to facebook, whatsapp, they do it too. If you don't respond they get intrigued. So, if you use whatsapp and are afraid that if you go to the app she will be able to see you were online and haven't even respond her message yet, dont sweat it. You already ask her out and that's a clear sign you actually want to see her. If you don't want to log to whatsapp, that's okay too (but it's hard because you might want to answer a pal, whatever), she knows you get notifications so if she doesn't see you online after she sent her message she still will be wondering. You are not a guy looking his messages right away.

You are busy. You are interesting. You are the sexy. You are the one she wants to fuck.

Even though you used a message Chase wrote, I still think is not necessary to say "save my number". I'm pretty sure that Chase (or anyone that is getting results with girls and going well at this) wouldn't use this now (or at least acknowledge that is not necessary).

And just keep in mind that Chase has a lot of success with women and makes me look like a little dirt in a corner ;). Then, who am I to say a message he wrote is a little bit off. Well, I'm a guy who thinks, and that has to be you and everyone in here. Read everything you can (but go out or it won't even matter how much theory you know), but don't do something if you think is not for you (if you truly believe it is something that you don't like for whatever reason: it's just not your style, whatever)

For example, years ago, when I discovered the PUA community I read a book called "The Game". They did something that it's called peacocking. In essence, you had to wear flashy things to get attention from girls, and it worked, it really did (actually, Chase wrote a post that scientifically proves that it works. And of course, there is a way to get attention without dressing like a clown. Good post, read it. It just makes sense: fashion). Well, I have to said I didn't like that.

In that same book they told you that you had to DHV (demonstrating higher value) so you could learn magic tricks. Go with cards to parties, etc. Fuck that. I didn't like it. So, even though I really believed what this guys were accomplishing with girls I didn't want it to do it that way. I just moved on and never again try to improve my game with the advice they were giving back then (until I found this place that had a lot of theories I had already come by my own. I was delighted).


PS: Fuck, this turned out to be pretty long! jajaja
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 4, 2013
HI! The last few days have been crazy! With the Boston Bomber and then the shooting at MIT, its been wild in Mass but besides the news here are some reports from me.

I will start by saying that improving your game takes a serious psychological toll on you and like every muscle that must be worked to become strong, this is no different. This Wednesday and Thursday I could not even force myself to approach, just watching pretty girls walk by in the city. I would think such negative things in my head like "Oh she's busy" or "I have to be somewhere, maybe next time", it is all BULLSHIT excuses and it needs to stop. So this weekend I knew that I was desperate to meet women and I wasn't gonna allow myself just to sit back and let life just fly right by me. I joined a yoga class and it's pretty legit. I'm going for the relaxation and help with my anxiety (and having tons of sexy girls to stare at, isn't too shabby as well). This Friday I decided to try some night game in Providence, RI with a new friend I made, he was down for anything. I had two mixed drinks to loosen me up but keep a sober state and I made some approaches!

Day 4 (4-19-13)
First approach was in a lounge, I was a bit hesitant when I saw this cure brunette sitting in a corner on a couch all by her lonesome. I saw two empty glasses on the table and I knew she was with someone and I convinced myself it was her boyfriend. My friend headed to the bathroom and I felt like a loser just standing there sipping on my beer, so I forced my feet to move towards my target.

Description: It was dark so I couldn't see too well but she was a tall brunette with a cute face, dressed in business casual.
Approach: Indirect Direct "Hey, what are you doing here all by yourself?..."Well I saw you sitting here and I thought you were cute"...(you know the rest)
She replied that she was with a friend that was in the bathroom (very thoughtfully she said friend) and before I complimented her I sat right next to her. She said thanks for the compliment and I asked what she was up to tonight.
She replied that she was leaving soon because she was tired. I teased her saying that it was only 11 o clock, she said she had to work today. Que friend walks in and she introduces me to a fellow named Joe. We chat for a bit but her friend is sitting there pretty much staring at us so I eject with a "its was nice meeting you" and head back to my friend.

Since its a pretty small lounge, me and my friend leave to another and then a sausage filled club and finally to our last destination, another club. I went to two girls that were alone and try to open only to get blown out by being ignored. Then I had this one guy hugging on me trying to sell me molly (guess I am attracting some people). I rode the bull that was set up (for 30s) I was pretty tipsy at this point and I was just having fun now. With all the energy I had I approached this girl on the balcony watching everyone else all by herself.

Description: Tall, dark skinned, rocking body with nice sized tips and long sexy legs.
Approach: Indirect Direct, same as above.
She replied telling me that her friends ditched her when she went to the bathroom and I told her that they must hate her (jokingly), she laughed a bit and we chatted a bit while she told me a bit about herself. Eventually I moved her to a corner of a bar and tried to kino by touching her arm and hand, but I was a bit uncomfortable. It was pretty hard to have a conversation due to the loud music. Eventually she told me she was gonna go find her friends and she left. DAMN! Should of escalated faster.

After that I made no more approaches and left shortly after.With this I wanted to keep going and try some daygame so I took advantage of a free infield coaching session by CJ the Siege in Boston. I figure I have nothing to lose especially since it's free.I made it to Boston and CJ was a pretty cool guy, low energy, my style. He made me do some exercises with him like giving him $20 bucks which I had to earn back by making approaches. He told me my approach anxiety is really holding me back and I just need to get comfortable approaching strangers so that was today's focus. It went great! I walked up to about 8 women (some not my type) and just asked em for directions and some that I thought were cute, I went direct afterwards. Here's the reports of the ones I went indirect with.

Day 5 (4-20-13)

Description: Short girl, seems very spiritual, brunette with light blue eyes.
Approach: Indirect "Do you know how to get to Harvard Square?"..."Actually, I just thought you were cute and"...
When I told her she was cute, she just beamed with a smile and I started asking where she was going and she told me she was headed to work. We chatted about that a bit and since this was my first approach, I was a tad nervous so I tried to eject saying "well it was nice meeting you" but she stopped me asking if I still needed directions to Harvard Square. I said no but I'd like to grab coffee with her so lets trade numbers. She replied gleefully with a okay, you have to live life to the fullest and after I got her number she said she might be busy the next few weeks because shes moving but she does wants to grab coffee. (Girls are weird when they do this)

CJ congratulated me and gave me $5...sweet. On to the next one. After not approaching a few girls, he said that I was in fight or flight mode and if I keep allowing myself to flee, I would never get over this habit. I took that advice to heart so even after pausing on approaching girls, I went up to a few girls and asked for directions and kept it like that if I wasn't interested. I actually hit on one girl with her boyfriend standing right next to her haha! I ejected out of that one pretty quick.

Description: Asian girl with a slim body but very attractive face.
Approach: Same as above
When I told her she was cute, she went into how she was walking up to people and asking them to input their memories of Boston for her app and how it was a relief to finally be approached. I smiled and went into convo about she was doing. After a few minutes of chatting, I told her we should grab coffee and grabbed her number. Then I told her my friend was waiting for me and I had to leave and ejected.

This is finally getting fun. So after making the excuse that some girls aren't conveniently placed that I can approach them (like walking too fast or too far away) CJ told me to go run after the girls I wanted. So I approached two girls just by running after them one was like 20 from the back but 50 in the front and the other girl was very cute and on the phone. She stopped when I approached with the indirect and after I told her she was cute, she told me to wait a sec and after 15 secs she started walking away saying "IDK what I am doing, I have a boyfriend but thank you for the compliment" hahahaha. After this I left making plans with CJ to meet again.

Thoughts: Women love compliments, it makes their day when a stranger stops in the middle of the day just to tell a girl shes pretty. You're an asshole if you don't stop a girl and tell her how sexy she is. No more excuses, I need to approach girls regardless of the situation, it will help me expand my comfort zone. I love making girls smile because I stopped them and meeting really cool people. Time to keep pushing!

Goal of approaching girls on the street- Completed!
Goals: 4-21-13 Homework from CJ: Converse with 3 people, my goal is to ensure those three conversation are with beautiful women
Weekly 4/15-4/21: Approach a girl waiting for the subway or riding the subway (I am going to push this one to next week since I didn't do it this week)
Monthly 4/13: Become comfortable talking to beautiful strangers
Live by this quote "Don't be yourself, be the person you always wanted to be"


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 4, 2013
Hey Diego,

Great stuff, I definitely have to use this. I got two numbers so I was going to open tomorrow with a jokey text about our conversation and since I only got the numbers to set up for coffee dates, I was going to transition from there.

Do you have any tips for me?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 23, 2013
Do you have any tips for me?

On the date you should try to concentrate on not to many things. Perhaps try to focus on using pauses, talking slowly. Be very aware of moments you can use witty/chase responses. Of course you'll try to deep dive, push thing forwards and try things that may not be your objectives, but remember what are you priorities so you keep the focus on getting better at them.
