Hey my old thread still exists. So bump (6 years later!).
What's up all? In the span of a few years I've gone from: low experience to quite a bit of sex partners (mainly from online game through a combination of an anonymous app called "Whisper" and Snapchat). Usually meeting them on the former and transitioning to the latter. Gotten over 30 lays on that + lots of sexting / nudes from other people who sometimes live further away. Even had a long term relationship and 2 decently long term fuck buddies out of it.
But with the app now showing more and more diminishing returns, and full of scams / bots, felt I should try and get daygame handled finally. I really need to hold myself accountable for the journey so what better place than here?
Here are some approaches I did lately:
Approach 1: Offering drinks to two older ladies
The common idiom is to not offer drinks to girls you're courting. In this case I was in a festive mood right before Christmas (and before the bars shut down over here) that I was buying for a few friends so I also offered to the two ladies. One of whom I had met a few days earlier (wasn't my type at all, but she was fun to talk to); the other was definitely my type. Older, curvy asian with a cute face.
They invited me to drink with them, so seeing as how my friends also decided to leave at that point I sat with them. I sat next to the one I was interested in; and started having small talk with the two of them, probably giving 50/50 attention to both. The one across the table kept getting phone calls from another girl friend of theirs they were trying to invite over ; so I took the chance to talk to mine more and do a little deep diving, few compliance tests (showing me her necklace, jewerly, etc). I tried to get closer and put my hands over her shoulder, which she allowed but only for a bit then she moved.
So I pulled back and started talking more to the other girl. I brought attention back to the girl I was going for slowly and tried to feel out logistics / plans for later (She was going to work and unfortunately was going with her friend). Got their facebook contacts and they left.
Approach 2: Cute Cashier with pickup line
This was a more spontaneous approach. I was at the supermarket picking up a few things for a family dinner when I noticed the cashier was pretty cute. So I approached:
Her: "How are you going to pay sir?"
Me: "With your beautiful eyes that feel like they're reading my soul."
I had a laid back smiling attitude while delivering the line and I think she went speechless. Don't quite rememeber what I said after but in the interim I had taken out my phone to pay with it; and she commented on the color (girls seem to find it interesting that I have a rose gold iPhone cover -> peacocking success!). This led to a bit of a flirty conversation as I tried to guess her ethnicity.
I made a mistake here as she pointed out a coworker that was that ethnicity and my head jerked back. At this point I felt it got past the point, and the line was starting to get bigger behind me so I paid and left.
Approach 3: Cashier at Gas Station
Cute 19 year old black girl;
Me: "Excuse me but you are really cute." (Direct)
Her: *Blushed* "thank you".
Exchanged names, had some pleasantries and I left. I saw her a few times after and eventually got her number, but I feel like I should've done it at the first meet since we were vibing really well. When I first told her I'd see her again, she said "I hope so!" (Shit!)
Approach 4: Girl in line behind me at coffee shop
Noticed her unique looking necklace, with the name of the company I used to work at. Ka ching! I opened up a convo asking about it and we got into a good rapport conversation. Very friendly but I could sense some tension in male/female dymanics. When it came time to order my coffee, I got it and said goodbye, but her reaction I could tell was disappointed I didn't ask her number or something. (Opportunity!)
Approach 5 + 6: Girl walking through metro station / mall
An opener that seems to walk, especially if the girl is walking slowly, confidently and/or swaying her hips seems to be: "This might sound really random, but I notice you walk like a model and wanted to say hi".
Both times, they, of course, denied being a model but we spoke a bit about what she does, etc. I got compliance asking her to show me her bracelets, watch, but instead of "hooking", she ends up "having to go" and leaves without much fuss. Twice the same exact routine.
Approach 7: Successful lay, but not even close to my standards!
Like approach #1, I offered shots to my friends, and to not make her feel left out to a lady behind us. This lady ended up coming up and hugging my friends and I and putting her arm around my shoulder. I'm like why not, and match her energy. She suddenly starts feeling up my ass; I look at her, and decide to repay the favor. She whispers "lets get out of here".
This woman is much older, definitely not my type, but the alcohol had really hit me, and I was in a deeper dry spell, so I went with it. Before we got to my car she was already feeling up my dick, but I got her to my car and did the deed. Very sloppy, very eh, but pussy is pussy. I went back to the bar after and she went home.
Funny Approach #8:
This one I'm amazed it even happened; I saw this one girl walking on the street to the corner store. Curvy girl with tight white pants that really accentuates her "assets down there".
Unsure what possessed me but I walked up to her to her side, got her attention, and said: "Wow nice ass". As soon as I realized what I said, I expected a slap, but she laughed.
Unfortunately I didn't react well as I stood there shellshocked and she went in the store. When she came back I got her number but obviously she flaked. Felt like I screwed up a sure thing over here. But makes for a funny story.
Approach 9: Gym approach
Now this isn't a recommend thing to do but sometimes it can work. We were working out close to each other and I was using a machine she wanted so she asked me if I was nearly done. This started us talking, and we spoke about workouts. Eventually I got her number and we've been texting, but the gyms shut down due to Covid again. Trying to get her out as soon as possible.
Noted opportunities:
- Lots of conversations are being started, but unless the girl is "seated", don't have time to "hook"; especially the ones moving.
- The frames stay rigid; I sometimes am very nervous before some approaches despite having done this 100s of times, and I forget to move the frame from friendly to sexual.
- I am a "silent extrovert" so I'm sociable but my voice, due to nervousness or confidence doesn't carry weight so lots of times sounds like mumbling leading me to repeat myself. Not attractive.
- Easily adopting the other person's personality instead of keeping my own.
- Conversations don't turn emotional ; I need to have more emotionally charged stories to share to get them emotional then sexual.
- Calibration calibration calibration. Definitely a sore spot and needing to work on.
If you guys note anything else in these, please let me know. All feedback appreciated.