Like anything, I learned how to journal through experience. Only by trying out new things and seeing which methods of journaling work best for you will you know how to truly organize it.
I started off with the original Bullet Journal system for organization. However, the calendar didn't suit me very well, and I instead replaced the monthly calendar with a list of monthly set of strengths and weaknesses, which I would then turn into a plan of action on the next page.
I'm not a big fan of writing field reports in my journal, or anywhere really, so I left those out. If they help you, you can certainly write them rather than a checklist. In fact, I rarely keep track of my thoughts on a day to day basis unless they are something to add to the strengths/weaknesses page or perhaps an important concept. Otherwise I find my journal gets filled with junk thoughts like, "Miranda had a tight pussy, it made me cum in 5 minutes."
Here's how I think organizing your journal would suit you,
- - 2nd/3rd Page = Start of Month, Write out Strengths/Weaknesses
- - 4th Page = Write out bulleted list of how I will change weaknesses into strengths
- - 5th Page = Write out date, and put down any thoughts/experiences/field reports (Again, I don't personally do this, but you may find it helpful)
- - Repeat, or add another page with some theme, perhaps going into further detail on how you are going to turn a weakness into a strength.