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Journey through the world of seduction

The Tycoon

Sep 15, 2017
I'm new to posting on this board, but I've been a long time reader (stalker) of girlschase and its board :) Like a lot of people here, I decided it's time to take my life into my own hands rather than wait for fate to intervene.

A little about me- I'm 17yo, I'm turning 18 in Nov. My life so far hasn't been a very happy one. I grew up in a lower middle class family, with an alcoholic father who when not working (his work lasts for 2-3 weeks) would be out from dawn (literally) and come home drunk late at night, or the next morning. I'd always thought my father hated spending time with me and my bros because we were a burden. Basically my mum trained me in every way. I'm extremely grateful for her efforts but it also didn't aid in my growth as a man. No one around me centred on improving themselves so why should I, I thought. I became obese at the age of 9 and worse, I had some messed up hormonal imbalance at age 12, thus leading to me developing severe gynecomastia. I had a huge set of man boobs and basically looked like a freak. I went to boarding school for My middle and high school, basically with the same people. My reputation and social life suffered badly, especially because I was awkward, and my mates laughed and made fun of me because of that ,plus I was overweight. I was so ashamed of myself and had no self esteem. At such a young age, well until recently, my emotions were all over the place, I was severely depressed. I hated myself, hated God, hated my parents, I was filled to brim with envy and hate. I had attempted a failed suicide once, and I promised never to do that again. As depressing my life was, I was still in every way, a major cause of my problems. I was lazy as f*** and very undisciplined.I had settled for comfort and mediocrity instead of embracing reality and going for the things I wanted. I could have done more to change my situation and improve myself but I was so comfortable and scared of change as well. Plus, as harsh as this may sound, I was surrounded by my mediocre family (with the exception of my lil brothers) which also strengthened these characters further. I have done it all, complained, whined, bitch,hate, every possible negative attitude/ action, and it has gotten me nowhere. I'm tired of living that way especially at this young age. It's all behind me now, I've accepted that. I can't change the past but I sure as hell can make a better future.

I found GC at a rough time in my life, when my social life and social skills were non existent. I couldn't even talk to girls without dying of anxiety and fear or without thinking of sex. I started working on improving my fundamentals. I lost some weight, looked better and in fact had my first girlfriend, who was gorgeous and very sexy, and who thought I was a badass and a player. What?! :) I was honestly surprised that we even made it that far. I displayed most of the teachings here, strong eye contact, sexy walk, voice, dominance, mystery etc. a lot of them purely by accident and some consciously. We had a great relationship, but then I got comfortable [again!] and stopped working on myself. I gained all the pounds I'd lost plus extra. I had alot of freetime ( basically about 8 months free) and I spent it all watching TV day in, day out. I barely talked to anyone new, and I barely worked on developing a skill or gaining money. I ended up breaking up with my girlfriend, I felt a bit sad, but then I moved on. I told myself, if I could do it once, then I can do it again, and better.

I moved to the US recently leaving my parents behind, and even though I'm living with my uncle and his family who also embody this mediocrity I wanted to escape from, I've made the greatest progress here than I've ever made in my entire life. I've been buying and eating healthy foods, taking cold showers everyday, and working out consistently. At first when I started, I just wanted an average body, but now I'm aiming for the body of a god. My physique has dramatically improved, my chest is looking better, my face is getting leaner (and meaner :) I'm losing body fat, I feel energized and confident (sometimes). Life is awesome. Also I've been approaching new girls, and although I haven't gotten any lay, which is the end goal, I'm certainly better than I ever was. I hold good conversations, good eye contact and touch. I've gotten a handful of dates, But I still have a very long way to go. A large factor to this, is because I have been very inconsistent. I'm beginning to believe in actions. And I'm tired of wasting my time and life doing nothing and gaining nothing. This is my journey through the world of seduction. I want to be the best. I want to be able to effortlessly get the woman of my dreams, and I want to be a guy who has a lot of abundance with beautiful women.

I'm starting the newbie assignment tomorrow, to get a sense of direction. This journal will be to keep track of my progress, failures and also a way to improve upon myself( as an individual) and my sexual life.

The Tycoon

Sep 15, 2017
I posted sometime ago about the beginning of my newbie assignment. I've found a few places I could hunt for the meantime, but I'm still looking for better venues than those tbh. The good thing about the city is that everywhere offers good potentials, So many beautiful women passing by and you never get to see them if you mess up. Yet approach anxiety still has a strong grip over me. Approach anxiety and a negative mindset are the two most destructive characters I'm trying hard to shake off from my seduction life. Time management, consistency/ commitment and discipline are the foundational characters I'm incorporating into my life. Even though I go off course sometimes, (ok a lot of times :) I always try my best to come back on course.

Today I wanted to go to a new venue and scout as well as approach potential girls, but I had to meet up with an important friend, who's not only living productively, but also has connections. Good connections are what I need, esp at this time of my life. Plus, it's an excellent way to develop my general social skills. The meeting paid off, I've built a solid connection with this fellow, we both offered our values in different ways to each other. I couldn't go home without at least talking to some cuties, just to get something done. I had set a goal in the morning to approach 3 girls today, but I chickened out on approaching the cute girls I saw on campus. I did say hi and had a small talk with a freshman girl in the library.

I also approached and had a talk with a cute mexican in the train station ( I don't usually approach girls in train stations, I feel the social pressure is very high there and I'm kinda scared :p but well, this train station was almost empty, and even though I was kinda nervous, I just had to do it.

Me: (Walk to her, failed to pre open her, went indirect, smiled) Hi, excuse me, does this train go to Essex?
Her: Yes , only the F trains go there. Hold on let me check [brings out phone to check on map]
Me: well, thank you.
Her: it's cool, no problem.
Me; [After about 4-6 secs] By the way, you look really good, what do you do? Business? Modelling? [ should have done better, the compliment felt insincere even to me ]
Her: I do blah blah - forgotten what
Me: Oh cool, I just finished exploring this area, do you work around here?
Her: yeah. wait you're not from here? where are you from?
Me: Told her where I'm from [ shouldn't have] and you? where you from?
Her: I'm from Astoria
Me: where are you from originally, made some wild guesses
Her: [smiling hard as I fail every guess] I'm from Mexico
Me; oh wow, never would have guess that. What are you doing here so far away?
Her: well I was born here and I grew up here [her train arrives, she has to leave]
Her: this is me, don't take this train, take the other
Me: well, it was a pleasure to meet you, I'm The Tycoon, what's your name?
Her: Tells me her name. [Bids farewell and goes to her train]

Come to think of it, I should have gotten her number, but it didn't even cross my mind.
Wasn't the best of interactions, but I put myself there and took action, which is all that matters.

I failed to pre open, it always escape my mind most of the time to preopen.
I'm still not sure I get the concept of indirect approach.

Learn to preopen. Get comfortable preopening'
be genuine in compliments. Look closely about what you truly like about the person.

What could I have done better? I could have maintained a good eye contact with her. I could have gotten a little investment from her, such as a handshake, looked a her fingers, or moved her. I should have at least asked for her number, just in case.

Later on, on my way home. I saw a sexy latina girl with blonde hair (maybe dyed, who cares) curvy body walking on the streets, I just had to go say hi.

Me: [stop her, she didn't fully stop, smile, forgot to ground my opener] I think you're absolutely gorgeous and I wanted to come say hi
Her: Oh thanks [we begin walking a little bit]
Me: [ready to pounce, in a good way] so what's your name?
Her: sorry, but I'm not interested, [keeps walkin]
ouch, didn't see that coming. shrug it off, more fishes in the sea

I didn't reach my my goal of 3, but good job for trying. More success (and failures) await!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

The Tycoon

Sep 15, 2017
Friday[September 29] was epic, I had a wild make out session with a cute random girl from a bar which was also the first time in my life, making out with a girl from a bar. As trivial as it may sound, it was an ego booster for me. If things workout favorably, I should be meeting her on sunday, but if not, eh, I know better than to get worked up over one girl, when there are a lot more out there.

The day started out regularly. I had a homework to do, so I head over to a nearby library to do them because I disdain staying home to do important works and I just wanted to f***ing get out of the house. On my way out of the library restroom, I passed by a cute spanish woman. I smiled at her, and she smiled back. I was half way up [anxious], but decided to back to go open her.

Me: [ can't recall the convo, but it went something like this] I was on my way up, but I thought you were very cute, and I wanted to come say hi.... I'm the tycoon.
Her: [smiling] oh hi, I'm blah blah
Her: how old are you?
Me : how old do you think I am?
Her: [smiling] I don't know, you look like you're in high school
Me: what?! I left Highschool a long time ago ( last year actually ;) Age is just a number, it doesn't matter. You don't see me questioning how old you are. So what do you do?
Her: I do blah blah
We talk some more, before she tells me that is a mother with three kids, oh shiit. I remained calm though, laughing a bit, replying I never would have guessed that. She has to use the restroom. I couldn't just stand there waiting, so I go upstairs and look at the books on the shelf, positioned at a spot I thought she'd pass me by, and I could casually reengage her. Unfortunately, she took another route and she headed out of the library. Sounds like something was up in her home, as she was talking furiously to someone on her phone.

I noticed a cute girl sitting all alone on a table, I head over to her table, and sit diagonally to her [should have sat beside her or maybe in front]. I made no eye contact with her, let her notice me. I walked around a bit and came back [mostly cause I had approach anxiety] and a while of debating my anxiety, I go straight in. I used the indirect route. I can't also recall the convo, but it was something like: Hi, I know the place written on that book's cover, what's it about? To which she engages, gives me details blah blah. we talk some more, and then I told her, she's very cute, asked her name. To which she smiles and responds. She seemed interested, we had good eye contact, but I just couldn't get her to hook
I opened her inquiring about the book she was reading. She gives me details blah blah. [After a brief pause] By the way, you're very cute, what's your name? To which she responds. We have some basic convo, but I just couldn't get her to hook. She later told me she had a boyfriend. We exchange numbers. I kiss her hand [just for the fun of it] and bid her farewell.

At night I went out searching for more bars. I talked to a pretty girl on the bus and she tells me she has a boyfriend, but she seemed interested in me. I stopped talking to her [note to self: never take such responses to face value] I arrive at a bar in Williamsburg. After an unsuccessful attempt to enter inside the bar, I decide to talk to the girl outside. She was fairly cute. I decided to go direct and tell her, I thought she was cute, and had to come meet her. To which she hooks. She asks me if I smoke, I then bring out my cig and we smoke and chat for a lil while. Out of the blue, she tells me, you're very handsome. I smile, and thank her for that. We talk some more. I gave her a sexy look [in my own definition:), and she starts telling me how handsome I am, and how she wishes she wasnt with a date. I reply how about a kiss then. To which she says, just once and we makeout. Nothing much, we resume our convo but now it's me trying to steer the convo into something more ;) I tell her how life is short, and who cares what that so called date or anyone inside the bar think of us. As long as we're having a great time. She agreed with me but still didnt want to do anything. Turns out the guy she's talking about isnt even her a date. He's just a guy who's been hanging out with her, and who brought her here and is paying for the drinks [she literally said this, to my utmost surprise] She thought it would be disrespectful. I offer to take her on an adventure [just to leave that place] but she wouldn't have at it. I've had enough of this, so I throw my cigarette, move close to her [to manhandle kiss her] our faces are close, and we begin to have a wild makeout. I begin groping her body [really nice body] and after a while, she stops me [again] and says that we should stop. To which I replied, C'mon, I just threw my cigarette away for you :) and we make out some more, even wilder than the previous. This time she stands up, she says she's gotta go before she does something crazy;), and before the said date comes out. I try to convince her otherwise, but to no avail. I ask for her number and she gives me, I ask when she's free and tells me she's free on Sunday. We talked a bit, and I bid her farewell, while sitting there analyzing what just happened ;)

I've noticed I don't know how to ensure a good flow of conversation after the approach and opener. There was a time when I couldn't even open girls, but now I think I have improved on that, especially since I started looking relatively better. Come to think of it, most of my convos are usually interview styled, and quite mundane and boring, no intrigue, no chase frames, no teasing / challenge etc, but my nonverbals help me out alot. For example, I try my possible best to maintain eye contact, and I always touch, no matter what, it seems it's becoming a habit [sometimes I go overboard with touch}. But in a case where good convo is required, e.g like the girl in the library, I always fall behind. Not just her, but I've lost a good number of girls because of my poor conversation skills [might have sent a girl in my art class who liked me to auto rejection recently]. I've begun reading how to make girls chase. And I read conversations under the social fundamentals and I'm currently reading the repartee and rapport section. I see clearly I don't do a lot of things written there. No wonder my conversations are dull. My goal for the next two weeks [and possibly this month] is to focus solely on improving repartee and rapport with new girls.
Plus, I've learnt words could be very deceiving. Just because a girl says she has a boyfriend doesn't mean she doesn't want something more

Conclusion : Great job putting myself out there and approaching new girls. I got rewarded with a wild session ;)

The Tycoon

Sep 15, 2017
So I've been away from the blog/ board after a long while. Lot's of things have changed, for worse and for the best. I have built some good connections, I moved away from my Uncle's place into an apartment in the city close to school. I have also been working out aggressively and I do look better than when I first moved in. I switched to business and Finance, and I have begun mastering practical skills such as Excel, copy writing and coding. It took a lot of balls to defy the my parents (tried to guilt me back to Chem Engineering), and live on my own terms. In fact, I'm working on transferring to a reputable Business School and get the best out of education. Irrespective of all these, I really slowed down in game, and while I built some good connections with males, I lost momentum in mindset and game with girls. I reverted back to the old thinking pattern and beta demeanor that brought me here in the first place. I have also been battling with social anxiety esp cold approaching girls. I have been battling my ego which seems to be invested in the outcome ( get rejected = not good enough). I also noticed that most times at the heat of the moment (when it's time to approach/ connect with the girls I desire), any excuse that pops up in my head makes sense, and I back off. Excuses like; she is not my age, this place is crowded, she is too young, maybe she is waiting for her bf etc. These are irrational excuses.

For peace of mind, I resolved to resume on the journey of seduction again, this time aligned with my other life targets. I would have to be efficient and dedicate more time to building social skills. I would also have to let go of the ego investment in outcomes, the important thing is that I am out there making something out of myself as a young man. I started to approach girls again incrementally. I opened a gorgeous looking girls in the elevator yesterday. But I went all in, lol, telling her how beautiful I thought she was (she really was). We did have a relatively short convo, but I didn't get her number or any lead because she bid me farewell as the elevator opened at her floor. Didn't beat myself up, as I least made an effort. Today I arrived at the park, and saw about two cute girls; sadly I backed off last minute out of anxiety (smh). i saw another girl on the street, approached her and asked for the direction to the train station (instead of the compliment I was aiming for).

Practical Steps For Improving
I have to accept and commit to really improving on game. Improving my game will do nothing but be a benefit to me. Think long term, visualize being that sexy man I desire, Stop being passive in it
Focus on improving on Fundamentals; begin with posture and fashion (aim for masculine and edgy)
Accept that my time here in the US is limited (stop stressing about an uncertain future! whether I stay or leave doesn't matter); thus I will have to outwork my peers while also building a social life/ social skills. (Hopefully,10 years from now, I will be grateful i put in the necessary work!)
Journal consistently to keep track of progress, finish reading Chase's book to get an overview (and to destroy beta thinking), read the boards regularly to be inspired by the fellow comrades who are also improving themselves. Accept masculinity, it is literally my nature as a man!
Go far away from home and places I frequent to game; in case of fuck ups, this will literally guarantee that I never see the girls I approach, lol. It could also help to reduce the ego investment.
Remember, I'm only 18 and have enough tolerance for risks/ failures. No one cares about a horny 18 year old running after girls/ living on a budget. This is the best time to find my strengths, weaknesses/ limits in the big 3 (health, career and social life). My value as a man will keep increasing in the long-run as I keep improving & facing my fears.
Make it a system/ habit to go out consistently at least 2X/ week (starting incrementally). For now, go out every Wednesday and Friday (include Saturday and Sunday?)

Great job on going out there and facing my fears. It's not easy, but it's definitely worth it.

The Tycoon

Sep 15, 2017
Today was a day set aside for reading good books and writing down great points from those books/ artcles. I finished my chores late, so missed out on the plan I made for going out to approach new girls.

Highlights of the Day
-I chickened out of approaching a stunning girl with a curvy booty, the irrational fears that came up were; people are around, cold approach is weird here [with "cameras" in the train station], she's entering the train station and I'm not, she will reject you etc. As is the case, these excuses in the moment seem to make sense, but then I am left with a deep burning regret later for not taking my chance. I was crippled out of anxiety from approaching the thick Latina at the Deli
-Making an effort to take to the cute girl that kept staring at me from time to time in the laundry (will write out the convo later)
-Approaching that gorgeous sexy MILF with the baby troller waiting for her husband. I was aiming for luck, but I did fuck up a bit.
-Making the most out of today, and keeping the momentum of improving game going.
-Inspiring my roommate, deep diving him, and making plans on starting a business

Since I finished my work late (had pulled an all-nighter the previous night), I had to abandon my plan to go Downtown or to Brooklyn to approach new girls. I went to the Laundromat. Saw a cute girl that kept staring my way at least. After, challenging some anxiety, I decided to go in for the kill. Let's call her J. [positioned myself next to her, observing my clothes in the dryer, then turn to her after a while]
Me: Hey, just out of curiosity, how much did it cost to buy those headphones? They look really cool'
J: Oh thanks... about $120. [after my joking facial expression of bewilderment] ha ha, yeah it's expensive, it's Apple's.
Me: Bummer, You use Apple, it would be hard for us to be friends [referring to my Samsung phone]
J: Laughs
Me: I'm the tycoon btw, and she introduces herself [Attempt to deep dive her]. So J, where are you from?
J: DR. But I was born and raised here.
Me: I love it here in the city, so much to see and do. New experiences. Do you like it here in NYC
J: smiles, yeah. Where are you from
Me: From a country far away, make a wild guess [claimed she was bad at guessing] Told her
We talk for a bit. I attempted to deep dive her, but the general vibe remained casual and shallow (which wasn't what I was aiming for). She doesn't have any hobbies except eating and sleeping. Makes it easy to conclude that her life revolves around work, eating, trivial activities like social media etc.She gives me her number for a meet up later. The number didn't go through. Either, she gave me a fake number or I typed it wrong. Any way, the convo served it's purpose - giving me more experience

Things I could have Done Better
-First and foremost, I should have gone direct after the casual approach. I could have done this by expressing my true intentions; I found her very cute, and would like to know her. Rather than playing games like a nice boy
-I could have built up investment, requesting to have a look of her ring, and touching/ holding her hand. I could have also incrementally touched her more
-My eye contact was alright. Maybe I should have gone for the intense look?
-Stop worrying about the public/ what people around think. What's the worst that could truly happen? Also stop seeking validations or waiting for signals. If you find a girl attractive, walk up to her and make something happen - what's the worst that could happen?

-Don't listen to comments from people and reasons that pop up in my head on avoiding game. See them for what they truly are - excuses. Ignore the thought that many "successful" people focused solely on their craft. It's my life and I tailor it to suit only me. Besides, wouldn't it be best to get the best of both worlds, rather than be a boring type-A person who's only good at academics/ career? Maybe, having the confidence and abundance of women will allow me to focus on my career. When the time comes to grind, I will already have the foundation. View game as a challenge, as a beginner sales training for my main career after college. Remind myself of those people who even after building a successful career messed up with girls, got their assets taken in divorce or worse got tied down to a dominating bitch. In fact, look around me - my Uncles, my close friend loses his shit around girls, my dad after becoming financially successful is now wasting a lot on drinking and women who keep asking for money (Is this compensation for the work he put in?), I recently gave away my debit card details to a random girl with "game", and almost had my money stolen. If I could be so easily swayed for pussy, what does that say about me as a man? Reflect on these; Is this really the direction you want to keep heading?
-Up until about 4 days ago, I thought cold approach was "weird" and girls might be "disturbed" or that "people" don't do such a thing. Rubbish thinking. I have gradually cold approached about 4 girls now, and I'm gradually increasing the challenge. Rather than look for the outcome, I am enjoying the process. The drive has been slowly building back up. This is showing progress
- Record your interactions asap, when it's still fresh on my mind. Also be critical of them, don't attempt to tone down or make them seem nice. Look for blind spots, what you did right and what you could have done better.
-Begin reading Chase book. Seriously, make this a priority, so I get an overview of wtf I'm running around doing. Also do the home works and take notes. Focus on that rather than multiple articles and books.
-Remove any thought about sleeping with new girls or sex for now. Learn to be comfortable around them, face & confront my irrational fears. Failures are only reference points; use them to see where you can improve rather than putting yourself down. Work hard on improving my fundamentals. This could go on for 6 months, a year, longer? Who cares. Just be active in improving my social life.
-Work on fundamentals everyday. Keep track of it and remind myself every morning. In this case, this will be posture, eye contact and social momentum. (Add other areas gradually)
-Improve on fashion. This will also help in confronting those pesky irrational fears. Besides, If you dress like every other guy, don't be surprised to be treated/ get results like every other guy. Get out of your comfort zone a bit.
-Build a hobby along side game.

Overall; keep working on game and improving yourself. Approach more girls (aim for 15-20/ week, i.e roughly 2 girls/day), trouble shoot, repeat over and over again. These will help me out in the long-run, and will give me experience when the opportunities arrive.

The Tycoon

Sep 15, 2017
Later The Same Day

I have noticed more girls are starting to give me "the look" (whatever that means). But yeah, relatively more girls are started to stare at me than before. I could make some guesses here as to why; better walking and standing posture. It still feels a bit unnatural standing straight/ tall, but after seeing my image with a slouched posture and a straight posture, I'm never going back :) good haircut, lost some serious body fat, dress better (at least on most days - really need a lot of work here). This is good and is a sign I am doing a few things right.

I was on my way to the school library, when I saw her standing my the stairs with a grey fur coat. She looks at me, I look at her back, and give a smile [attempted the sexy smile], she smiles back. I just decided to approach

Me: Hey, you look a bit familiar [was like f***! should have just gone direct]
Her: Maybe, it's because we had a class together,(silly smile)
Me: hmm, maybe. [I think I complimented her jacket; can't remember] I'm the tycoon
Her: I'm G
Me: So, what's your major
Her: Bio, (talks a bit), ask about mine
Me: I was doing Chem E, but now I'm a Finance Major (thought: was this even necessary?). You know, you're very cute, Where are you from G?
Her: Oh thank you, I am from DR, but I have some Polish ancestry. (I didn't know how to proceed; kinda froze up)
Me: Hey, I have to go study for a test now, but I'd like to meet up with you sometime, cool?
Her: thanks, but I have a boyfriend. I'm actually here waiting for him.
Me: Alright, it was great meeting you (Walked away)
Turns out she really was waiting for some guy to finish up in the bathroom. But I don't care.

What could I have done better?
-Now I think about it, since she already smiled at me and I really did find the fur jacket stylish, I should have just gone in by complimenting her on her style and told her what I liked about it. Maybe; hey, I had to come tell you to really look stylish in your fur jacket. I really don't see a lot around here, I'm the tycoon.
- I should have sprinkled in some light-hearted teasing in the convo, rather than asking the same old mundane questions. Maybe sth like: So do you always stand here to talk to all the cute boys that pass by you?
- Should have persisted in asking her out. Make it seem like nothing/ sth casual. Maybe; We could just grab sth as simple as coffee and you can bring your boyfriend along or Mess around? like; Who says it's a date? I find you interesting and I'll like to know more abt you. Perhaps you could tell me how you ended up being polish, hispanic and here in the big city.

What I did Good
-Ignored that pesky approach anxiety
-Eye contact. Improving fundamentals