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Kino Move - The Fresh Prince.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 16, 2014
I remember seeing Will Smith do something like this in an episode of “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.” I modified it to be used as a kino move.

In the episode he was consoling his cousin Ashley and gave her a hug and then pulled away and said the line.

When I was younger I used this one at parties, bars and clubs.

Done ONCE per party/bar/club.

You can do it again once you and your friends have venue changed.

If you venue change WITH a girl and have already done the move you DO NOT need to do it again. Once is cute. Anymore and it can seem like a calculated tactic and try hard.

As of writing this I realize that I have been most successful (in terms of escalating later on in the interaction) when done on HIGH NOTES during the interaction. Any other time during the interaction probably won’t work because not enough comfort or rapport has been established.


While having the lady’s attention, standing beside her (not too close), turn your cheek (the side facing) towards her, and tap your cheek twice with your finger and in a Louisiana, Georgian or other southern states, female accent say, “Give mamma a kiss sugar.” Done in a way that expects the kiss to happen.

After she has initiated leaning in to kiss your cheek but before her lips make it to your cheek, here is the small window (the modification) of opportunity that makes this a killer move.

Fake her out and turn your head so your lips meet hers.

Essentially it is a fake cheek kiss.

I have done this to ten young women. NONE of them slapped me, called me names or embarrassed me or anything that would lower my social value if front of others.

All of them did the same thing. They had a look of amazement and confusion. Like thinking, “Did he just fucking do that!?”

Make sure, after she gives you that look, to smile. And then you can laugh together and talk about how crazy that was or escalate however you do. -dcl


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 27, 2013
Once, when I told a girl to give me a kiss on the cheek, she doubled over in laughter at me for nearly 10 minutes straight and said "You don't just tell somebody to do that!!!!"

Who knows, maybe it was my delivery.

I have done this to ten young women. NONE of them slapped me, called me names or embarrassed me or anything that would lower my social value if front of others.

You're pretty bold! Did you take them out on dates/close them? You're not the only person that I've heard of doing this.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 16, 2014
Hi Gentle_Phrases.

The vibe that I had going was pretty high in positive-playful energy. That's the way I just am sometimes, especially when I am out having fun.

I am not huge or anything like that so I was also not very intimidating. Perhaps that played a role.

This was when I was younger, twenty two - twenty three.

Alcohol and drugs definitely helped. Only for temporary relief of anxiety.

Most of the girls were from relatively close social circles.

The ones I had met the same night I had already been gaming them for an hour or so.

I have never done it on a date. That would be fun, later on in the night.

Out of the ten women I did it on, I only kiss-closed one. I would chalk that up to my heavy lack of game at the time. Having no idea how to escalate after that definitely was a mood killer.

I highly recommend it.-dcl


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
haha I have done that with the last two chicks I was with. I never tried it as the first kiss though, I seen this move on a mexican soap opera and I thought it was clever.