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FR+  kiss close, failed escalation


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Kiss close.

It was a warm day. After speaking to this girl, I had taken time to know her a bit. Next thing was, I saw her at the next meeting. Mind you, this is the office, you can't flirt in the open but talking with her was so easy and we slid from topic to topic with ease.

After a few minutes of talking quietly. I had begun deep diving already. Then I moved her, asking her to carry her things. With ease it happened and we went outside and talked for ages.

I flirted there, saying "she was looking innocent but probably wasn't." Then I had to go but she admitted to enjoying talking with me when I indicated that I enjoyed talking with her. I used barriers to show that I would have kept talking with her if it weren't for the friends she was waiting for. She agreed but didn't bite by making them leave her cuz she didn't have the address to where they stayed.

#challenge #idea next time push a little more to make her come away with me. It would be more attractive that way.

We closed off by hugging and saying good bye. (I later studied that I don't have to say goodbye to an office flirt.)

Next work session, when she was to meet me, I wasn't there. This wasn't intentional but since I wasn't there,being caught up with a friend, I didn't see her so I imagined she would have left the city.

It turns out that she was still in town.

After first session, during break, she came to look for me. She sat next to me holding my hands gently. I chase framed that "she stayed back to still have a chance to see me again". As we spoke I took her by the hand and brought her to the next room where we all were. She's about my height but taller in heels so her standing next to me was very noticeable. I realised she took off the heels later.

When she was sitting, I came, asked her to scoot over and sat with her, talking. She often laughed and leaned into me. Everybody was in the room too. I got up and was busy with something when she began walking out and said to me on her way out that she was going on a tour. I asked, "is this you inviting me to join you"..she promptly said yes.

I joined her and we were talking some more. Light banter here cuz it was in the lobby. Then I took her to the bar and we kept talking. The only person in the room with us was the bartender.

I moved her to a more discreet section and it was clear she liked this. Then for lack of kissing strategy, I accused her off fake lashes and kissed her gently then. She smiled and hugged me closely. I pulled her to a corner but she wouldn't kiss again...telling me she was seeing someone.

After a few minutes, I went for another kiss and she parted her lips slightly but stopped when she knew her lipstick would stain me. I said something along the lines of, "let me bother about that..why you so concerned?"

Indeed the stain was bold but I didn't get phased. She was still very soft towards me and I got water to use for wiping the stain.

We kept moving in and out of the attempts to kiss.

#reflection #yesterday I guess the #stickingPoint was crossed slightly.

We left that bar and took a short walk to a lounge for bowling etc. She was so flexible with me. We sat on the couch and talked for a long time. About her passions, het friends, her missions etc. It was great. [We were fasting Bdw so we couldn't buy food.]

In the end, I tried the manhandle kiss but no still.

Time was up so we got up and left. Getting back, she said "see you later"...I replied "see you later". I should have been quiet.

I was under some pressure and at the venue asked a few questions to get responses, then I directed a personal question to her. Not necessary given the circumstances...it felt awkward afterwards but I shook it off.

Imagine I had reserved the moment till after service in the evening when everyone was gone and I could do what I wanted..it would have flowed more nicely. The concern or pressure was that she might lose interest as time went on.

#idea #inspiration
Maybe I could have gotten her to work with me on something and flirt in bursts. That way, after service, when we meet..the explosion would have been awesome.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers