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LR  Korean Bliss (HOT) : F closed now no 2nd "Date" ?


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 16, 2014
New to the forum, first post... before I say anything else, I need to say:

THANK YOU CHASE. Your material is gold, you are brilliant, and you clearly LOVE to help people. There is no greater gift in this world than that, in my opinion. You've helped and are helping me BIG TIME. I owe you, and I admire you.

Background: we're both early 30's, she's a nurse who works overnight shifts usually, Korean, smoking body, lives with her mom still (born in Korea and moved here at 16 yrs old, still very "traditional" according to her...even though we fucked) ;) - teased her about living with her mom (see: "grounded" below) a few times but always clearly jokeful about it

Met a girl (Kelly) about 2 weeks ago at a huge party my brother was hosting. Kept the initial interaction to 5 min or so, definite interest from her, got her # and arranged a date.

Met for drinks last Friday, stayed at the bar for about 2-3 hours (she paid...I tried to say we'd split it, she just said she'd get the tab so I let her...Chase is a f'in Genius), took her home to have some wine and chill. Took her as my lover within 10 min of getting home, MAD PROPS TO CHASE!!!
Only resistance she put up was for the 1st kiss...she turned away and giggled. I pulled her back in within seconds and she didn't resist anything else, all the way through sex. On the drive to my place she did mention how her legs weren't shaved (seemed shaved to me, plus she had on some short ass shorts...so not sure if she was just second guessing what was about to happen or what), and mentioned it again at my place. made some comment before we even kissed about how she didn't plan on anything like "this" on the first date etc...I just shrugged it off more or less.

Anyways, sex was pretty good (as unbiased as I could be), took her back to her car near the bar and said goodnight after 2-3 hours of intimacy. Texted next morning (Saturday), and here's the dialogue since then:

May 10 - Saturday 10:54am
Me: Hey Kelly, had a great time last night. Hope you aren't too tired for work and didn't get grounded ;)
Kelly: I had a great time too! still tired but good pain ;) Have a good weekend

May 13 - Tuesday 11:56am
Me: Hey Kelly, hope you're rested from work all weekend. What's your schedule look like Wed-Friday? I'm thinking of grabbing Thai food or cooking you a delicious dinner the next time we meet since you paid for our drinks. Which day's best?

May 14 - Wednesday 12:47pm
Kelly: Hi ____, I worked from Sat night to last night. Just woke up (she put a "sleeping" emoticon face). How is your week going?
Me: Wow, you work some crazy hours! Busy week for me too, need more sleep! So tomorrow forgot I have a football game, but Fri I am house/dog sitting for my bro. Will have the house all to myself... Let me know if you're down for a cooked meal and movie, and maybe a personal tour if you promise to behave... ;)
Kelly: Lol a cooked with movie sounds good. It's tempting :)
Kelly: *cooked meal
Me: Very tempting ;) Let's say Fri at 7:30pm. That good on your end?
Kelly: Just got a text from hospital asking for help Friday night..,,
(she sent a screenshot of the text from her hospital manager/friend asking for help... I guess as "proof" ?----in reality she could have had a friend send her the text I suppose. It was odd she sent this, so immediately I was like "huh?")
Kelly: Thinking about going to work at 11pm Friday night

May 15 Thursday 11:12am
Me: Completely understand, your job is very unpredictable! Let me know what you end up deciding... you work too much and need to relax more!
Me: Hey Kelly! So dinner, yes/no? Want to figure out my plans for tomorrow... either way is cool
Kelly: Maybe no. Haven't decided whether to go to work, but I don't want to hold you. I'm sorry

Please feel free to:

1) Critique any of my texting
2) Provide insight into her decline to a 2nd "date"
3) How to react to this now... where to go from here if I want to see her again (dont think shes gf material but even hard for me to say at this point). Thus far I haven't replied at all...

I've read a TON on girlschase.com, but I haven't seen all that much material in what to do when/if girls don't agree to 2nd dates AFTER intimacy on the first date... Chase? Would be awesome if he weighed in on this. I appreciate any comments though from the readers.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 16, 2014
Oh, forgot an interesting possibly important part...

When I went to grab the condom, she said: "what, you don't trust me?... I'm on birth control"
I said: "nothing personal, I always wear one."

And then she goes:

"my American friends said the girl usually puts it on...but in my culture the guy always puts it on."
I told her that was def not true...and I'd be pitting it on myself anyways. She said she wanted to "watch."

Thought all that was interesting...could be dealing with a very inexperienced girl, or one who wants to PORTRAY as though she's innocent, who knows.

But the whole "you don't have to wear a condom" thing...as crazy as it is, I bet is not all that abnormal (bet the more experienced guys here can confirm...not that I'm experienced whatsoever).

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
"When I went to grab the condom, she said: "what, you don't trust me?... I'm on birth control"

What in the actual fuck? Girl is definitely inexperienced.

As for texting, just chill, back off for a week, then reengage. She's clearly interested in seeing you again.

Good job on the lay, bro!

- Anatman


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
anataman hit it right on the money, yes back off for a little while, make other plans of your own. and if she keeps making excuses on you again dont get angry and tell her to go F-herself lol be nice(I did that once), never burn bridges. She will go out with you again man, just dont chase her and be patient.


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 16, 2014
Anatman said:
"When I went to grab the condom, she said: "what, you don't trust me?... I'm on birth control"

What in the actual fuck? Girl is definitely inexperienced.

As for texting, just chill, back off for a week, then reengage. She's clearly interested in seeing you again.

Good job on the lay, bro!

- Anatman

lol thank u brother. I texted her Thurs night last week. was thinking of texting again tomorrow (tues). is that too soon? i know she tends to work sat & sun nights so i was weighing that in as well


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 12, 2014
Agree with everyone else - she's still into you but likely had a legit reason she couldn't hang out. A girl wouldn't send you a screenshot unless she was trying to communicate that she wasn't blowing you off.

In general, never act like it bothers you if a girl cancels or can't hang out (this is tough for me, especially with last minute cancellations). I'd recommend texting something like "No worries, we can see if there's a better time next week" and then disengage for a bit. Then check back in a few days and ask her when she's free.


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 16, 2014
Ok so I thank you all for your advice. I have two threads going but not on purpose, so sorry but I'm posting here again too since it's the way it worked out.

I followed what pretty much everyone said and waited from Thursday of last week up until today (Wednesday) to text her. Texted her as follows:

May 21 Wed 5:55pm
Me: Hi Kelly! How was your weekend? Hope you didn't work too much ;)

6:02pm (7 minutes later......)
Her: Hi! :) Not really. Worked Sunday and Monday nights only. How are you?

Me: I'm great! So busy. Interested in relaxing and cooking a meal with me at my place this coming weekend? :)

Her: I'd love to!!! But my sister coming to town this weekend :(

So...thoughts on this? Part of me wants to believe her but also may be her turning me down politely. You guys will know more and have some good advice. How do I proceed best from here to maximize seeing her (and of course being intimate) again? I didn't text anything back yet, wanted to hear some opinions first.

Is it weird she didn't suggest another time?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 12, 2014
She's still into you. Just send something simple:
Sounds like a fun weekend! Let me know when you're free

In general, unless I'm trying to plan something for the same day, I like to ask girls when they are free over the next several days or week and force them to give their availability. This gives you options and makes it easier to find a time that works without seeming too available. For instance, if I have the next 3 nights free and I ask a girl if she can hang out on a specific night and she says no, there's no way for me to find out if she's free one of the other nights without seeming lame. Instead, I can just find out which of the nights she is free.