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Lady cop wants to get me drunk — but Iʼm not a drinker!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 14, 2017
Police Encounter

Ok, so here I  am on a several month pit  stop in a smallish Central  American town; more on  that here. Iʼm splitting a rented house with a local.

The other night, my roommate had a lady cop over, still in uniform. Sheʼs his cousin‑like buddy, and they were drinking.

This wasnʼt a chick Iʼd be desperate to fuck. Sheʼs kind of big, although not in a sloppy way.. more like thick and robust. Really big hips. Face not all that cute but okay. Probably Mestiza but somewhat more towards the Maya end. Looks to have a wedding band — not  that I  ever give those much purchase, but I  just happened  to notice.

Initially I  was in my room, but they coaxed me out to chat. My roommate said the lady wanted to handcuff me. I  talked with her a  little while, with the roomie mostly silent.

She asked me lots of questions, trying to figure me out. I  answered her questions, perhaps a bit guardedly. We talked about crime in the area and which areas are or arenʼt safe to walk  in. (I  walk  all  over the damn place and tend to be pretty fearless about  it. My expat buddy tells  me that while the locals make a big deal over the occasional incident, this whole district is way safer than where  I  am  from.)

I  tried to deep dive a bit, though I  am rusty and didnʼt have lots of leads. I  did ask her what made her want to be a cop, and she related wanting to be a cop since she was small, getting uniforms when she was small, etc. She had initially presented a very cop‑like demeanor, but gradually became a  little  bit more friendly.

One line of her questioning was strange. When I  expressed my intent to continue on to Africa, which was kind  of mistaken as a “travelling the  world” scenario, she queried whether I  would accept a travel partner from the country Iʼm in. She was very inquisitive as to what my criteria would be for travelling with someone I  might happen  to meet  here.

In particular, she pressed me to know, if I  found such a partner, would I  want him  or  her to have money? Or  would I  pay “his  or  her, say  her,”  way?

I  am vehemently against spending money on pussy in any way, shape, or form, so the real answer is, “oh,  Hell  no.” I  was reluctant  to put  it so bluntly, but I  did basically indicate that Iʼm not inclined to pay someone elseʼs way. This was quite an awkward conversation.


Eventually, the lady wanted to know what I  drink. Her and my roommate were drinking beer, and she had gathered that I  donʼt drink beer. But she wanted to know what alcohol I  like, because she wanted me to join them in drinking another  time.

I  indicated that I  rarely drink. She nevertheless canvassed me on spirits.

Her and the roomie proposed that she would buy a bottle of whatever hard  liquor I  like and her  and  I  would split  it.

I  need to note here that I  have never been drunk in  my life. And that is something I  value. I  am an intellectual, and I  hate having things fuck  with my mental faculties. I  was buzzed once and I  hated  it. I  had a small piece of a weed cookie mess with my head once and I  hated  it.

I  donʼt want to do stupid shit. I  donʼt want to say stupid shit. I  do  not want to divulge information I  would normally not divulge, especially to a cop, for Godʼs sake,  LOL. I  donʼt want to lose all concept of game. I  donʼt want to not  remember what happened the night before. I  want my dick to work! I  donʼt want a hang‑over.

When I  see people drunk, I  feel a sort of pity and disgust, and feel quite happy for not being so foolish.

I  donʼt want to normalize getting fucked  up. I  donʼt want to damage my organs. I  donʼt want a beer  belly. I  donʼt want to age prematurely. I  look way younger than many of my age  peers, and not  drinking is part  of  why.

I  have a personal limit that I  will only take one drink at an event. But even  that I  donʼt usually do. I  only have a  few drinks a year, if  even.

I  have longtime friends who would surely pay a monthʼs salary to see  me drunk. Several have tried quite  hard, and  failed.

Well, this lady would not consider a single shot as even drinking with her.

Based on prior experience, I  could deal with three as  long  as theyʼre not one  after another.

Even that wasnʼt enough for her. She tried to get  me to agree  to five. “Whatʼs  two  more?” she asked. She couldnʼt justify buying a bottle if I  wouldnʼt even have five. The  two  of  them kept  at  me.

Did I  not trust the lady, the roomie wondered? He assured me that I  had nothing to worry about, and said suggestively that she would take  care  of  me.

The lady made me feel terrible. Either it  was take more booze than I  am comfortable with, or  else refuse to be social with  her.

Iʼve occasionally felt this sort of conflict before back  home, but it was more intense here... I  suspect drinking is more embedded in the culture. Beer is utterly ubiquitous. My  roomie gets shitfaced quite  often.

I  managed to duck out of the question that  night, but my roomie has asked on  her behalf twice  more. Thereʼs a house  party in a  couple days, at  which many police will be in attendance, and sheʼll have a bottle for me. But nobody is police there. And, Iʼm  assured, nobody will speak about anything afterwards.

My roomie told me last night that this isnʼt actually a cousin but theyʼre like cousins and heʼs not sexual with her. But she  was at  him about  me, he tells me. She likes white  guys, he  figures.

Whereʼs My Lawyer?!

Iʼve since looked it up, and determined that my skinny ass would probably get “sloppy  drunk” from five shots, unless spaced over several hours, especially given my history of minimal alcohol. So, for the sake of my sanity, how  can  I  possibly accept?

I  almost wonder if in  my refusal to experience drunkenness Iʼm being stuffy...

With that said, I  donʼt see why you need  to drink to have fun.

With that said, I  havenʼt managed to approach one singular chick in this country (in  day  game), thanks to a combination of the low population and severe approach inhibition. (Again,  more  here.) Maybe I  could  use a  little disinhibition?

Well, this past summer I  did an experiment back  home where the approach inhibition is also quite high for different reasons. At a friendʼs advice, I  took a  couple shots of hard liquor right  before going into the megamall. It did  not help in  the slightest. The masks and public  health rules and paranoid climate on  top  of my usual demographic  issue were just too  much and I  still couldnʼt  do a single approach in  there.

My having socially interacted with females so dismally little especially over the past two  years, there might be something to  be said for taking this opportunity to at  least be  more social with one, rather  than just saying “hi” and  then walking  by. But Iʼm moving soon anyway to  somewhere with more favourable demographics and less “COVID” measures, so itʼs not like I  have  to improve while in this particular spot, especially if it  means breaking my  own health and wellness principles.

Iʼm really not sure whether I  should go to this party and how to deal  with the lady wanting me to drink way  too  much. More  generally, I  donʼt know how to deal  with this  sort of  situation where people equate refusal to drink with being unsocial. And if this lady is actually after  me, maybe I  should try seducing her, for the experience.. but then  again, there are some risks, not  the  least of  which is being pressured to drink too  much!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
You want to state valid reasons. And you mentioned those in your OP - both the selfish reasons and the disgust of seeing drunk people. If you give absolutely no fucks, you state things as they are. This can be attractive as you stick to your guns and tell her exactly what you stand for. And if she wants to qualify to you, she will have to fit into your frame. However it's more risky since your social frame will be one of othering yourself + it's judgmental at the core. If she's inclined to follow the crowd, this can backfire.

The less judgmental respons would include all the selfish reasons:
I  donʼt want to damage my organs. I  donʼt want a beer  belly. I  donʼt want to age prematurely.

And it will not include anything that makes you sound judgmental of others or embarrassed about being drunk. The latter will most likely make you come across as taking yourself too seriously, which is not sexy. So you avoid saying:
I  donʼt want to not  remember what happened the night before. I  want my dick to work! I  donʼt want a hang‑over.
I  need to note here that I  have never been drunk in  my life. And that is something I  value. I  am an intellectual, and I  hate having things fuck  with my mental faculties. I  was buzzed once and I  hated  it. I  had a small piece of a weed cookie mess with my head once and I  hated  it.

I  donʼt want to do stupid shit. I  donʼt want to say stupid shit. I  do  not want to divulge information I  would normally not divulge, especially to a cop, for Godʼs sake,  LOL. I  donʼt want to lose all concept of game
When I  see people drunk, I  feel a sort of pity and disgust, and feel quite happy for not being so foolish.

I  donʼt want to normalize getting fucked  up.

However... if you don't want to join the party but still want to hang out with her, then make a suggestion yourself. If you don't want to agree to others' terms, then suggest your own. It sounds like she digs you, but do you dig her too.. if yes, ask her out
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Derek da man

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 24, 2020
I would agree with @Lover in that you don't want to appear judgemental as this will close people down rather than have them open up to you. If you appear to set a "judgemental" frame about them drinking it will be difficult to set a "sex is easy and to be enjoyed without a monogamous relationship frame" which is what you generally need for pick-up.

From what you say it sounds like the micro-culture surrounding you, and importantly her, is a drinking one. This may simply be the norm, or it may be part of the way they can let go of their own internal conflicts between society rules (monogamy, good behavior, etc) and being able to "party" freely (casual sex, inappropriate comments/behaviors).

From the sound of it this chick hasn't any problem with the "casual sex" thing as she's attracted to you, but she's probably having issues relating to you, especially if you're from different cultural back grounds, as well as looking for "plausible deniability" afterwards by being able to excuse her behavior to herself and others with "oh we were drunk". Also, for some girls they lack internal self confidence so need alcohol to reduce inhibitions in order to flirt and be sexual, although it doesn't sound like it in this case.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

This is what's known as "the slippery slope."

Agree to one drink? "Why not three!"

Agree to three drinks? "Why not five!"

If it's not something you want to do, you need to be able to put your foot down politely but firmly:

"I appreciate it, thanks. I can hang out and chat. But I don't drink. It's a health thing." No need to go into it any further than that.

If someone presses, then it's just, "My body just doesn't handle alcohol well. I have folks in the family who had serious health issues from it. I stick to just being good company, sans the alcohol." Even if you don't know anyone in your family who had serious health issues... I'm sure there's someone in your family tree somewhere who did ;)

I suppose you could also answer the way I've always answered when pressed on hard drugs: "I don't want to get hooked. I'm bad at self-control. I'd rather not even introduce a habit I know could mess me up." People will persist, saying, no, not YOU! You wouldn't get hooked. It's not that much. You could handle it. And you just say, "Nah, I appreciate it, thanks, but I can't trust myself. I can hang out and chat but I can't do that."

Also... imagine if this chick got you to break your rules for her, lol.

"I'm a sloppy drunk today because some ugly big-boned lady cop pestered me into it."

At least if you're going to let someone compromise your values and maybe turn you into a drunk, insist she be hot!

"Yeah, I simped, and did what this girl told me.. but she was just so hot..."

Check out this article too:



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Police Encounter

Ok, so here I  am on a several month pit  stop in a smallish Central  American town; more on  that here. Iʼm splitting a rented house with a local.

The other night, my roommate had a lady cop over, still in uniform. Sheʼs his cousin‑like buddy, and they were drinking.

This wasnʼt a chick Iʼd be desperate to fuck. Sheʼs kind of big, although not in a sloppy way.. more like thick and robust. Really big hips. Face not all that cute but okay. Probably Mestiza but somewhat more towards the Maya end. Looks to have a wedding band — not  that I  ever give those much purchase, but I  just happened  to notice.

Initially I  was in my room, but they coaxed me out to chat. My roommate said the lady wanted to handcuff me. I  talked with her a  little while, with the roomie mostly silent.

She asked me lots of questions, trying to figure me out. I  answered her questions, perhaps a bit guardedly. We talked about crime in the area and which areas are or arenʼt safe to walk  in. (I  walk  all  over the damn place and tend to be pretty fearless about  it. My expat buddy tells  me that while the locals make a big deal over the occasional incident, this whole district is way safer than where  I  am  from.)

I  tried to deep dive a bit, though I  am rusty and didnʼt have lots of leads. I  did ask her what made her want to be a cop, and she related wanting to be a cop since she was small, getting uniforms when she was small, etc. She had initially presented a very cop‑like demeanor, but gradually became a  little  bit more friendly.

One line of her questioning was strange. When I  expressed my intent to continue on to Africa, which was kind  of mistaken as a “travelling the  world” scenario, she queried whether I  would accept a travel partner from the country Iʼm in. She was very inquisitive as to what my criteria would be for travelling with someone I  might happen  to meet  here.

In particular, she pressed me to know, if I  found such a partner, would I  want him  or  her to have money? Or  would I  pay “his  or  her, say  her,”  way?

I  am vehemently against spending money on pussy in any way, shape, or form, so the real answer is, “oh,  Hell  no.” I  was reluctant  to put  it so bluntly, but I  did basically indicate that Iʼm not inclined to pay someone elseʼs way. This was quite an awkward conversation.


Eventually, the lady wanted to know what I  drink. Her and my roommate were drinking beer, and she had gathered that I  donʼt drink beer. But she wanted to know what alcohol I  like, because she wanted me to join them in drinking another  time.

I  indicated that I  rarely drink. She nevertheless canvassed me on spirits.

Her and the roomie proposed that she would buy a bottle of whatever hard  liquor I  like and her  and  I  would split  it.

I  need to note here that I  have never been drunk in  my life. And that is something I  value. I  am an intellectual, and I  hate having things fuck  with my mental faculties. I  was buzzed once and I  hated  it. I  had a small piece of a weed cookie mess with my head once and I  hated  it.

I  donʼt want to do stupid shit. I  donʼt want to say stupid shit. I  do  not want to divulge information I  would normally not divulge, especially to a cop, for Godʼs sake,  LOL. I  donʼt want to lose all concept of game. I  donʼt want to not  remember what happened the night before. I  want my dick to work! I  donʼt want a hang‑over.

When I  see people drunk, I  feel a sort of pity and disgust, and feel quite happy for not being so foolish.

I  donʼt want to normalize getting fucked  up. I  donʼt want to damage my organs. I  donʼt want a beer  belly. I  donʼt want to age prematurely. I  look way younger than many of my age  peers, and not  drinking is part  of  why.

I  have a personal limit that I  will only take one drink at an event. But even  that I  donʼt usually do. I  only have a  few drinks a year, if  even.

I  have longtime friends who would surely pay a monthʼs salary to see  me drunk. Several have tried quite  hard, and  failed.

Well, this lady would not consider a single shot as even drinking with her.

Based on prior experience, I  could deal with three as  long  as theyʼre not one  after another.

Even that wasnʼt enough for her. She tried to get  me to agree  to five. “Whatʼs  two  more?” she asked. She couldnʼt justify buying a bottle if I  wouldnʼt even have five. The  two  of  them kept  at  me.

Did I  not trust the lady, the roomie wondered? He assured me that I  had nothing to worry about, and said suggestively that she would take  care  of  me.

The lady made me feel terrible. Either it  was take more booze than I  am comfortable with, or  else refuse to be social with  her.

Iʼve occasionally felt this sort of conflict before back  home, but it was more intense here... I  suspect drinking is more embedded in the culture. Beer is utterly ubiquitous. My  roomie gets shitfaced quite  often.

I  managed to duck out of the question that  night, but my roomie has asked on  her behalf twice  more. Thereʼs a house  party in a  couple days, at  which many police will be in attendance, and sheʼll have a bottle for me. But nobody is police there. And, Iʼm  assured, nobody will speak about anything afterwards.

My roomie told me last night that this isnʼt actually a cousin but theyʼre like cousins and heʼs not sexual with her. But she  was at  him about  me, he tells me. She likes white  guys, he  figures.

Whereʼs My Lawyer?!

Iʼve since looked it up, and determined that my skinny ass would probably get “sloppy  drunk” from five shots, unless spaced over several hours, especially given my history of minimal alcohol. So, for the sake of my sanity, how  can  I  possibly accept?

I  almost wonder if in  my refusal to experience drunkenness Iʼm being stuffy...

With that said, I  donʼt see why you need  to drink to have fun.

With that said, I  havenʼt managed to approach one singular chick in this country (in  day  game), thanks to a combination of the low population and severe approach inhibition. (Again,  more  here.) Maybe I  could  use a  little disinhibition?

Well, this past summer I  did an experiment back  home where the approach inhibition is also quite high for different reasons. At a friendʼs advice, I  took a  couple shots of hard liquor right  before going into the megamall. It did  not help in  the slightest. The masks and public  health rules and paranoid climate on  top  of my usual demographic  issue were just too  much and I  still couldnʼt  do a single approach in  there.

My having socially interacted with females so dismally little especially over the past two  years, there might be something to  be said for taking this opportunity to at  least be  more social with one, rather  than just saying “hi” and  then walking  by. But Iʼm moving soon anyway to  somewhere with more favourable demographics and less “COVID” measures, so itʼs not like I  have  to improve while in this particular spot, especially if it  means breaking my  own health and wellness principles.

Iʼm really not sure whether I  should go to this party and how to deal  with the lady wanting me to drink way  too  much. More  generally, I  donʼt know how to deal  with this  sort of  situation where people equate refusal to drink with being unsocial. And if this lady is actually after  me, maybe I  should try seducing her, for the experience.. but then  again, there are some risks, not  the  least of  which is being pressured to drink too  much!


You sound a bit like me in your reasoning for not drinking and never been drunk....... Since I am always in clubs and after parties i ran into similar situations, this is what you say "i don't drink i teach martial arts, i don't mind if you do anyways blah blah" that is it simple...(you don't have to mention martial arts)

Drugs same thing, i don't do coke or weed, don't mind if you do....

^ none judgmental cool body language... I never had an issue! You had a kind of week frame, since she is a cop she had a lot of masculine energy you took the passive femenine type frame/role, getting defensive and stuff...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 14, 2017
Thank you for the responses and ideas, guys!

... If you don't want to agree to others' terms, then suggest your own. ...
... You had a kind of week frame, since she is a cop she had a lot of masculine energy you took the passive femenine type frame/role, getting defensive and stuff...

I  have to slap myself for forgetting the most important concept in seduction! Frame. Must always be on  your  terms!

In part, I  forgot because my frame goes against a social norm that even some seducers buy  into at least somewhat, making me seem in a way almost cloistered. In  fact, I  was half  expecting this post to get some “lighten  up and get drunk once  in  a  while” type responses (but  am relieved it  didnʼt).

I  did not give in to her frame, not fully, anyway, but at the same time I  didnʼt really set my  own, either; I  just in a sense withdrew. I  tend  to do  that when Iʼm in a frame battle with someone — it just becomes a stalemate.

This is what's known as "the slippery slope."

Yes, precisely! This is a major reason I  am weary of alcohol (and  drugs) and have basically always resisted the social pressure.

If someone presses, then it's just, "My body just doesn't handle alcohol well. I have folks in the family who had serious health issues from it. I stick to just being good company, sans the alcohol." Even if you don't know anyone in your family who had serious health issues... I'm sure there's someone in your family tree somewhere who did ;)

Haha, how convenient, I  do... well, obviously, the drinking was prolonged and excessive. (This  is where an aggressive person will certainly bring  up the ʼol, “one  time isnʼt going  to kill  you” rebuttal.)

Also... imagine if this chick got you to break your rules for her, lol.

"I'm a sloppy drunk today because some ugly big-boned lady cop pestered me into it."

Yeah, what a bad  look that would be!

Well, Iʼd never have gotten drunk because some chick pestered me into  it, much less one thatʼs not even hot. If I  hadʼve gotten drunk, it wouldʼve been because Iʼd concluded that there are situations where my rule actually works against me. Thus this post — nobody  here has anything to gain by getting me drunk! Based  on several replies along with my own common sense, I  can conclude that thereʼs nothing wrong with my  rule.

Check out this article too:

Good article.

When it comes to alcohol and the like, the motives may not be straightforwardly selfish. A friend trying to get me to drink probably enjoys intoxication, and may honestly feel that Iʼm missing  out by not  drinking.

Iʼve tended to be pretty good at not letting others break my rules. Certainly when itʼs one particular person trying to do  so, I  distance myself from such attempts, withdraw from the situation if I  have  to.

In this particular case, however, my rule goes against a social norm and has been challenged on many occasions by many different people, some of whom Iʼve known from childhood. That is what sowed a  degree of uncertainty as  to whether the rule is actually in my best interests or  not. Not  just what one particular chick wants me to  do.

With that said, I  have to remind myself that just because something is a social norm doesnʼt mean itʼs in my best interests. Taking  it slow, paying for dates, and being monogamous are also social norms yet are clearly not in my best interests!

On a side note, one thing in the article that resonated with  me was the bit about the brain making high-level decisions without any real conscious control. That is exactly what happens to  me when I  see a girl I  want to approach, yet somehow find myself not approaching. Itʼs like an involuntary part of my brain has already decided not  to approach, and then my conscious mind may or may  not find some feeble excuse in  the  moment to justify that decision which has already been made. (Iʼm  still writing a reply about this for my other recent  thread.)

By the way, the video you linked on  that subject is now unavailable, due  to a copyright claim.

As for the lady cop situation, the irony in looking at this as a battle of wills is that in this particular case, I  probably am willing to do what this girl actually wants: have  sex, Iʼm assuming. She only thinks she needs to get me drunk in  order to do that. She actually doesnʼt. Well, maybe she needs to be drunk in  order to give  herself permission — and itʼd be awkward or  worse for  her  to get drunk while Iʼm not. Iʼm  not convinced she really needs to be drunk.. Iʼve gotten a dead  sober chick in  bed.. then again, not a married one. (Iʼm  sure the  latter can  be done, too, I  just havenʼt done  it  yet.)

... as well as looking for "plausible deniability" afterwards by being able to excuse her behavior to herself and others with "oh we were drunk". ...
... it may be part of the way they can let go of their own internal conflicts between society rules (monogamy, good behavior, etc) and being able to "party" freely (casual sex, inappropriate comments/behaviors).

Yes, I  do think this is a factor. The people here tend to be more religious, or at  least more conscious of propriety. If  nothing  else, the low population means more social risk. Even in my short time here, the latter has increased my inhibition to hitting  on chicks, even as greeting randoms has become immensely easier.

So, how do you get a girl past this, “Iʼd  like  to do  this, but I  need  to be  drunk” mode? I  guess itʼs just a  matter of inviting her into a non‑drinking setting; if she does like  me, Iʼm guessing she wonʼt refuse? And  then just be smooth and surprise  her that “it  just  happened,” even though she wasnʼt drunk. Take the lead so  that she doesnʼt feel that it was “her  fault.” Does that sound about right?    lol

... but she's probably having issues relating to you, especially if you're from different cultural back grounds ...

Hm. If this is the case, I  would take that to mean I  was putting too  much of the burden of conversing on  her. I  probably  was. To  a  large degree I  had  her just asking  me questions, and she didnʼt really seem  to know what  to  ask. (She  defaulted  to asking the sort  of things sheʼd ask in a police investigation,  lol.)

My experience thus far is that getting a girl to open  up involves largely having her do the talking. I  probably could have done  more to ask  her good questions, so that she would share more, even  if that meant her having  to fill  me  in on elements of her culture.

If you appear to set a "judgemental" frame about them drinking it will be difficult to set a "sex is easy and to be enjoyed without a monogamous relationship frame" which is what you generally need for pick-up.

I  hadnʼt really thought of the judgemental aspect of it; I  donʼt criticize, but making  sure itʼs not taken that  way is a good  idea.

... don't mind if you do....

^ none judgmental cool body language... I never had an issue! ...

I  like that, giving permission to the other person.

... It sounds like she digs you, but do you dig her too.. if yes, ask her out

Ehh. Iʼm not chomping at the bit.. first chick I  seduced was considerably hotter. But sheʼs fuckable and Iʼm not touching chicks regularly enough, so I  might casually see if I  can set something  up on  my  terms.

Iʼm actually not even sure how Iʼll do that. Apart from the strangeness of having to go through the roommate (unless she happens  to come  by  again), logistics here are a  little  off.

Back home, pre-pandemic, I  normally went for coffee dates. But back  home we had mall food  courts and chain coffee  shops. Thereʼs none  of  that here. Places  here are a  little fancier, which I  donʼt like for dates, especially with potentially cash‑strapped local chicks. Plus, many places are in takeout‑only mode, or otherwise technically require a vax  pass, which Iʼm waiting  on.

Thereʼs a waterfront with a  few little parks. During the pandemic Iʼve also wondered about just pulling chicks straight home, but Iʼd think ASD might make  that hard.

Tim Iron

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2014
I have serious migraines triggered by alcohol - that's a lie but you could use it.