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Laid her twice, she's back with her boyfriend...


Jan 5, 2013
Hey guys, new here, Tight_Genes... get it? Anyway, I have been reading the blog and posts for about a week now, but my situation precedes it by a few weeks. IF I ONLY KNEW! I'll start with a story and end with a question.

I was out with the guys at a local/dive bar about 6 weeks ago, BEFORE I knew what i was doing... I met a girl and really didn't think anything of it until I was leaving. She's friends with an old female friend of mine and as I was leaving, she opened my passenger side Jeep door and said, "I had a really great night meeting people, especially you..." There was an obvious sexual innuendo so I immediately offered her a ride home. She said she couldn't that her BOYFRIEND was taking her home and he was already pissed she was talking to me. I said, "Are you sure?" She fleetingly grabbed my hand and nodded as she shut my door. Dammit, I thought, the one that got away...

The next morning I find her through my friend's Facebook and start up a conversation with her. Apparently that night, her boyfriend went ape shit insane, busted out a window of her car and ripped her turn-signal switch out while she was in it! I told her call the cops! She said she couldn't 'cause she returned the favor. She is now calling him her EX-boyfriend... Needless to say she's a bit of a wild one but I like it!

Fast-forward three hours...

She, our mutual friend and I have lunch and drinks. We go for a walk in the park and I finally get my opportunity, our friend had to leave but she wasn't ready. I invited her to my place to have an outside fire, and a few drinks in the hot tub... Worked like a charm. Hour by the fire, ten minutes in the tub, in the bed, satisfied customer.

I was able to pull her once more and then out of the blue she decided she wanted to go back with the EX!?! Well, I managed to get her to spend the night again and bedded her down again but then the next day she said no more. Well, we've made out like 6 times since then.

Now, I feel like I may be entering friend zone but there is still a HUGE amount of sexual tension between us. I see her maybe once a week without the "boyfriend" but the last time was the first time I didn't get more than a hug.

My question is, is it too late? Have I blown it? If not, what steps do I need to take to get her out of her crazy boyfriend's arms and back in mine without screwing up my other game?

Sorry if that was longwinded, trust me its the abridged version.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Hey Tight_Genes,

First let me say congratulations on the lay, I'm a big fan of hut tubs! I wouldn't worry about it you could have been a possible rebound/revenge lay for her. Some girls just aren't ready enough to let guy of that certain guy, especially if he's a bad boy. I would keep things cordial with her, when you see her speak but don't go in depth. I wouldn't attempt to hit her up especially if the boyfriend is like the way you describe. It's best to go after girls without so much emotional and physical baggage you describe. Once again congrats on the lay!

Another note do not go white knighting! You've already won man, you slept with this guy's girlfriend. I'm not sure if you're going for the lover to girlfriend approach but from the signs of the start it doesn't look to promising. You'll be missing out on more promising lays in the meantime. Remember keep it cordial and still talk in person let her text/call you first.

https://www.girlschase.com/content/white-knight-superman-syndrome-and-damsels-distress Don't White Knight by Chase

Another time,

Just Dave


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey Genes,

As Dave mentioned, you've already won here. In fact, the worst thing you could do is become controlling, needy, or aggressive in any way, shape, or form because that is exactly what her (ex?) boyfriend is doing to her. You need to be the guy that is sexy, refreshing, cool/calm, and in control of his own life.

If you want her at some point in the future, I would let her crazyass boyfriend drive her away first. It sounds like it's already heading in that direction. In the meantime, continue to be exactly the way you have been around her (not needy or desperate, which means don't contact her even more than you have been and ESPECIALLY don't try to convince her to break up with her boyfriend) and she may come to you after she's had enough.

In the meantime, meeting and dating other women is highly suggested and may even speed up the process when she realizes she might be losing her chance with you!

Congrats on the lay, either way!

- Franco


Jan 5, 2013
Awesome, good to know I've been doing things pretty much right without knowing it. I did actually meet the boyfriend one night. I had her hanging with me at the bar when she said her boyfriend was gonna show up soon that I should go. I said I was going to stay, that I'd just go to the other side of the bar. How fun was that night?!? Pretty fun! While he was there she kept texting me and I guess I finally had enough booze to decide to introduce myself to him. Trust me he already knew of my existence. Talk about awkward for that guy. I basically just wanted to see what I was up against and it isn't much. I bought a round of shots, and went back to the other side of the bar and didn't see them again the rest of the night.

I got a text from the girl the next day saying she was up until 9am arguing with him over the ordeal. Who knew my 30 second appearance could produce a seven hour argument?!? Admittedly, it may not have been the greatest idea in the world but what can I say, I'm a bit of a rebel and totally fearless in the face of danger. I've seen her a couple times since then and she didn't seem upset in the least bit that all that went down.

Just sowing those seeds of doubt....


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 24, 2012
Wow, strangely similar to what I'm going through right now (just posted a thread), she just hasn't gotten back with her ex-boyfriend, or at least not yet... hahaha


Jan 5, 2013
I like the idea of Vegas vs Mom but I can't quite cut it that dry as I've taken girls to Vegas with my mom. The key is finding the girl that's Mom material AND Vegas material ;)
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers