Long story short; 2 girls come over, one passes out in her own puke and the other walks her way to my bed to sleep, I escalate but don't have the motivation or sex-drive to overcome her resistance because I had sex like 8 times that day and I was slightly drunk. I finger her and definetely turned her on ladadada, but don't penetrate her vaginally. I know it's all situational, which i elaborate on below, but are the chances fairly low I'll get another shot at actually getting my dick in her? Also anything I could do to increase the chances?
Okay so I'm laying in my bed, it's about 12:30am, and I'm about to go to sleep when I get a call from a girl, lets call her brunette, who I don't commonly chill with but she has been to my house more than a few times to drink and chill because she's also friends with my younger brother and sister. She's definitely cute enough to hang out with so I decide to answer and ask her what's up. She asks me if there are people over at my house drinking and chilling and I reply with no; she than mentions how her friend, lets call her blondie, just got off work and they're looking for something to do. I have chilled with brunette a few times when other people came over to chill and I've also chilled with blondie once before with brunette and other people but it never escalated into anything. So I say they're welcome to come over and drink some beers and they say okay cool and come over. So it's just brunette, blondie, and me.
Once they get here we chill in my room and they want to play with my snake so I take it out for them to play with, (actual snake, not sexual). We listen to music and drink some beers for a little while until we decide to roll up a blunt and smoke it outside. After we finish smoking the blunt we decide to play beer pong and while we're out there we wake up my sister and her boyfriend; so they come out and play with us too. This whole time I am definitely making sure to touch than physically and flirt in any way i can smoothy; I decide I'm going to try to hook-up with blondie but I flirt with them both.. just blondie more. I make sure to stand close, put my hand on her lower back, other simple ways to touch, one time we make two really nice shots at the same time and she hugs me. So ladadada we go back inside and we take some bong rips than we go out back because they want to smoke some cigarettes. While we're out there brunette starts puking and she lays down and refuses to get up; I start to get cold and say I'm going to go inside for a minute and not to much later blondie comes in and says we should just leave her out there for a while and that shes ready to go to bed. Well this whole time I've been trying to figure out how I'm going to isolate blondie from brunette and escalate and than she just takes it upon herself to go to my bed to sleep. That made things a whole lot easier.. so from there I just start making out with her obviously and I try to escalate sexually. But wait; there's a catch. I had sex 8 times already today and I even told brunette and blondie that because they asked how my day was and I thought it was a pretty good day because of that. Lol. They both knew who I hooked up with 8 times that day because they've seen her over at my house with me before recently and it's just known at my house. So even though I'm trying to escalate, my dicks about as soft as it can get because I've already had sex 8 times.. but I'm like fuck it I'm still going to try anyways. Well every time I try to get on top of her; or in between her legs with my body she resits and positions her body to make it hard on me. She says 'nuh-uh' and ladada, but I can also get her in the moment where she starts grinding me and such. But I can't get my dick hard enough to really turn her on without her letting me on top of her; which she doesnt let me do. I manage to start fingering her for a little while but after she gets into it she stops me. I also obviously rub all up and down her body and try to take her pajama pants off once but she pulls them back on. She tells me to just go to sleep but I keep trying; I'll stop for a little and than start trying again. I think I may have stopped for too long.. just a few minutes; than started slowly making out and such again and it may have been better to continue to persist from the first go with better push-pull.
Ultimately, we both fall asleep and I never penetrate her vaginally; is it safe to assume she's going to lose attraction because I didn't overcome her resistance? I think if I hadn't had sex 8 times that day with someone else and also wasn't slightly drunk than I would have had the motivation and energy to be able to overcome her resistance. Any advice on getting another shot?
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I really appreciate any responses!
Okay so I'm laying in my bed, it's about 12:30am, and I'm about to go to sleep when I get a call from a girl, lets call her brunette, who I don't commonly chill with but she has been to my house more than a few times to drink and chill because she's also friends with my younger brother and sister. She's definitely cute enough to hang out with so I decide to answer and ask her what's up. She asks me if there are people over at my house drinking and chilling and I reply with no; she than mentions how her friend, lets call her blondie, just got off work and they're looking for something to do. I have chilled with brunette a few times when other people came over to chill and I've also chilled with blondie once before with brunette and other people but it never escalated into anything. So I say they're welcome to come over and drink some beers and they say okay cool and come over. So it's just brunette, blondie, and me.
Once they get here we chill in my room and they want to play with my snake so I take it out for them to play with, (actual snake, not sexual). We listen to music and drink some beers for a little while until we decide to roll up a blunt and smoke it outside. After we finish smoking the blunt we decide to play beer pong and while we're out there we wake up my sister and her boyfriend; so they come out and play with us too. This whole time I am definitely making sure to touch than physically and flirt in any way i can smoothy; I decide I'm going to try to hook-up with blondie but I flirt with them both.. just blondie more. I make sure to stand close, put my hand on her lower back, other simple ways to touch, one time we make two really nice shots at the same time and she hugs me. So ladadada we go back inside and we take some bong rips than we go out back because they want to smoke some cigarettes. While we're out there brunette starts puking and she lays down and refuses to get up; I start to get cold and say I'm going to go inside for a minute and not to much later blondie comes in and says we should just leave her out there for a while and that shes ready to go to bed. Well this whole time I've been trying to figure out how I'm going to isolate blondie from brunette and escalate and than she just takes it upon herself to go to my bed to sleep. That made things a whole lot easier.. so from there I just start making out with her obviously and I try to escalate sexually. But wait; there's a catch. I had sex 8 times already today and I even told brunette and blondie that because they asked how my day was and I thought it was a pretty good day because of that. Lol. They both knew who I hooked up with 8 times that day because they've seen her over at my house with me before recently and it's just known at my house. So even though I'm trying to escalate, my dicks about as soft as it can get because I've already had sex 8 times.. but I'm like fuck it I'm still going to try anyways. Well every time I try to get on top of her; or in between her legs with my body she resits and positions her body to make it hard on me. She says 'nuh-uh' and ladada, but I can also get her in the moment where she starts grinding me and such. But I can't get my dick hard enough to really turn her on without her letting me on top of her; which she doesnt let me do. I manage to start fingering her for a little while but after she gets into it she stops me. I also obviously rub all up and down her body and try to take her pajama pants off once but she pulls them back on. She tells me to just go to sleep but I keep trying; I'll stop for a little and than start trying again. I think I may have stopped for too long.. just a few minutes; than started slowly making out and such again and it may have been better to continue to persist from the first go with better push-pull.
Ultimately, we both fall asleep and I never penetrate her vaginally; is it safe to assume she's going to lose attraction because I didn't overcome her resistance? I think if I hadn't had sex 8 times that day with someone else and also wasn't slightly drunk than I would have had the motivation and energy to be able to overcome her resistance. Any advice on getting another shot?
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I really appreciate any responses!