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Learning to dance


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
So I have a standing invitation to this weekly salsa dancing event. Usually it conflicts with my classes but next week I’ll be able to make it.

Problem is, I haven’t danced since fifth grade…

I found two WikiHows and am going to try practicing the step. Probably, I’ll come with a friend or acquaintance from college who does have some idea how to dance.

I’m not sure how confident I feel. But I guess one has to start somewhere.

Tips, ideas, advice?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
@Skills has tons of info on this. He's your goto in the community for seductively doing it.

Dowhatworks and Dreamer may have some too somewhere

1. Learn to find and keep pulse.
2. Learn to lead.

You'll get better at both in the classes and the salsa community is a great asset to social circle, seduction, and just fun in general.

ALSO YOU'RE NOT GONNA READ ANYTHING THAT MAKES YOU A BETTER DANCER. Stop reading wikihow, but if you insist on reading skills site will give you a good idea and have videos

Videos are better, just vibing in your mirror, or subtlely keeping a pulse in your everyday is way more useful

Skills site: http://www.dancefloorseduction.com/
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
So I have a standing invitation to this weekly salsa dancing event. Usually it conflicts with my classes but next week I’ll be able to make it.

Problem is, I haven’t danced since fifth grade…

I found two WikiHows and am going to try practicing the step. Probably, I’ll come with a friend or acquaintance from college who does have some idea how to dance.

I’m not sure how confident I feel. But I guess one has to start somewhere.

Tips, ideas, advice?
if is a salsa dancing event those are dudes proficient already that have taken toons of salsa classes or have dance for years, no fast tutorial will really help you much tbh..... I would just game normally and let them know that you don't know how to dance, the girl may find it cute and help you out... Or take a salsa class, is a good way to do social circle type game.... @Glow took kizomba classes i think... I am not into the latin dance scene is more like social circle type game.... @Dreamer i think also into this stuff and @Científico is into the salsa scene...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 16, 2023
Tips, ideas, advice?
  1. Don't look at your feet while dancing
  2. Don't make constant eye contact. Hold as much eye contact as she does. Break eye contact only after she breaks
  3. Don't hesitate to touch/grab/hold. It's acceptable in salsa. Not doing so is creepy.
  4. Start dancing when the song is almost ending, so that you don't look awkward dancing the basic steps endlessly
  5. Scan the room first and look for amateurs to dance with
  6. Don't hesitate to admit you're a beginner, everybody starts somewhere. You can also say that you dance only for fun and you don't really care about the rhythm (some dancers do and they insist you follow but you just ignore and smile)
  7. Copy steps from dancers dancing around you
  8. Have a playful energy, don't be stiff
  9. Don't take it seriously
  10. Don't forget to have fun. It's just dancing!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
  1. Don't look at your feet while dancing
  2. Don't make constant eye contact. Hold as much eye contact as she does. Break eye contact only after she breaks
  3. Don't hesitate to touch/grab/hold. It's acceptable in salsa. Not doing so is creepy.
  4. Start dancing when the song is almost ending, so that you don't look awkward dancing the basic steps endlessly
  5. Scan the room first and look for amateurs to dance with
  6. Don't hesitate to admit you're a beginner, everybody starts somewhere. You can also say that you dance only for fun and you don't really care about the rhythm (some dancers do and they insist you follow but you just ignore and smile)
  7. Copy steps from dancers dancing around you
  8. Have a playful energy, don't be stiff
  9. Don't take it seriously
  10. Don't forget to have fun. It's just dancing!
These are excellent tips, thanks!!

and if you have trouble grab a latina and tell her to teach you
The first friend I asked, an older classmate who has been quite interested in me in the past, was like “I don’t know if you can keep up”. This after she had reached out to me for help with something.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
The first friend I asked, an older classmate who has been quite interested in me in the past, was like “I don’t know if you can keep up”. This after she had reached out to me for help with something.

I meant at the dance, but yeah why not .. what did you say to this? Hope you at least got a little demo.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I meant at the dance, but yeah why not .. what did you say to this? Hope you at least got a little demo.
Well, I’m going to pass out, and then I’ll ping her in the aftnoon about the original topic of our text convo if she hasn’t responded by then.

I should also ask a Brazilian friend if she has any tips.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
So I have a standing invitation to this weekly salsa dancing event. Usually it conflicts with my classes but next week I’ll be able to make it.

Problem is, I haven’t danced since fifth grade…

I found two WikiHows and am going to try practicing the step. Probably, I’ll come with a friend or acquaintance from college who does have some idea how to dance.

I’m not sure how confident I feel. But I guess one has to start somewhere.

Tips, ideas, advice?
I had bachata classes before Covid.
Had a blast doing them, looking forward to coming back.
Just get into a class; it's instant social proof
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Derek da man

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 24, 2020
I dance Ballroom, Cuban Salsa, traditional and Dominacan Bachata (I avoid Sensual), bit of Kizomba and just started Argentine Ttango. I only dance them in social and don't do competition so just for fun. The advice above is excellent, just remember that most girls are just as insecure as you are. They worry about being able to follow and doing what you lead. As long as you have a good lead they will be quite happy to do basics, of they can't read your lead they don't know what you want, start to panic and don't enjoy it so they won't want to dance again.

Therefore, go, enjoy it, take the advice above and be confident that you don't know but are happy to learn and are enjoying it. You can still own it and lead and be a "man" as long as you maintain that confidence. The moment you don't enjoy it they will sense this and you loose your vibe that they will want to share.

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
I hope i am not derailing this thread but I am going to start my salsa / bachatta ( not yet decided) from next month .

The classes will be in a very posh area .

Good sex ratio .

Going there cuz I wanna be comfortable sensualy with chicks .

Should I simply be cool guy there and let chicks talk with me more ..... And I being laidback .

Got any idea about how should I game there .

I have like a month before the classes start .

At best , I can do is dressing edgy + sexy .
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you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Derek da man

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 24, 2020
Should I simply be cool guy there and let chicks talk with me more ..... And I being laidback
This is your best route - become known as cool and fun to be around.

Got any idea about how should I game there
Very discretely - This is social circle not a pick up club. Be chilled, cool and fun to talk to. Always have good manners, go introduce yourself - most guys don't have the confidence to do this - and then ask girls to dance. Maybe use a soft opener but don't pursue hard. Ask all girls for a dance, not just the hot ones. The average and not so good looking ones will remember you much more and ask you to joint them and their friends in the future.

Remember - it's social circle - most people know each other to some degree.

Girls talk - they talk about guys - which guys are nice and fun to dance with, equally they know the guys that ask every other girl out. If you get a reputation for asking lots of girls out word goes round and all you get is no's. Girls don't want to be number 20 on your list of girls that have been asked out. Discretion is key.

Get to be known as fun, sociable, with a little bit of edginess. By all means flirt in a fun way but don't push it beyond this unless she is driving it. It doesn't take long and they will be asking you to go to clubs, dances and bars with them as there is always a shortage of guys that can dance and are fun etc. Once you start getting invitations you will meet their friends and they will introduce you so you have social proof. Then you start to open up a larger circle and pull girls from outside of the dance class. But again always discrete so isolate before any physical escalation - this doesn't preclude verbal escalations or body language, eyes etc.

Most importantly be a confident version of yourself. Even if you make a complete mess of dancing be confident in yourself and own it. That's what girls find attractive.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 16, 2023
@Derek da man has covered pretty much whatever I wanted to say. I'd like to add one more thing:
Befriend the guys as much as girls. Else they'll gang up against you behind your back. 90% of the guys are thirsty af there. They'd be gaming a girl for months and sometimes years (not kidding). If you steal his girl, he'll spoil your reputation. So, know who is who before you do anything. Be particularly careful of old men. They're white knights who jerk off to girls' pictures.

Follow the fight-club rule: Don't talk about game.
You'd be tempted to correct them when you hear everything they say is anti-game but don't. Don't agree with them either. Else they'll think you're a chump and start preaching. Just change the subject if the topic arises or leave the place to go get some water or go to the toilet.
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Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
This is your best route - become known as cool and fun to be around.

Very discretely - This is social circle not a pick up club. Be chilled, cool and fun to talk to. Always have good manners, go introduce yourself - most guys don't have the confidence to do this - and then ask girls to dance. Maybe use a soft opener but don't pursue hard. Ask all girls for a dance, not just the hot ones. The average and not so good looking ones will remember you much more and ask you to joint them and their friends in the future.

Remember - it's social circle - most people know each other to some degree.

Girls talk - they talk about guys - which guys are nice and fun to dance with, equally they know the guys that ask every other girl out. If you get a reputation for asking lots of girls out word goes round and all you get is no's. Girls don't want to be number 20 on your list of girls that have been asked out. Discretion is key.

Get to be known as fun, sociable, with a little bit of edginess. By all means flirt in a fun way but don't push it beyond this unless she is driving it. It doesn't take long and they will be asking you to go to clubs, dances and bars with them as there is always a shortage of guys that can dance and are fun etc. Once you start getting invitations you will meet their friends and they will introduce you so you have social proof. Then you start to open up a larger circle and pull girls from outside of the dance class. But again always discrete so isolate before any physical escalation - this doesn't preclude verbal escalations or body language, eyes etc.

Most importantly be a confident version of yourself. Even if you make a complete mess of dancing be confident in yourself and own it. That's what girls find attractive.
So , basically what I am currently doing is chatting up with guys and girls ( especially those chicks whom nobody talk with out of hesitation ) in a class .

It's been only a few days in that class .

I don't overtalk with chicks i.e. if they don't wanna talk more in the class ...I won't .

Basically , building pre selection .


Thanks for the advice , I will do as you say it .


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 10, 2017
Pulled many lays from dances (square dance, contradance, ballroom, morris, folk)
When you get good modify your dancing to the woman's level, if you insist on dancing as well as you can you make her look bad, otherwise you make her look better, so they will want to dance with you.