No, but I expected this response. In PUA terms I think this is called "flow state" but to access it consistently it seems like a way of being rather than a state you luck into from a good response or w/e.
A bunch of people talk about flow state like some nirvana stuff (not the band), but I've seen few actually agree on an actual definition. Most people just tell whatever experience happened to them that made them feel so alive and careless and "flowing" and amazing and whatnot, but it's always something random, I noticed.
I think it's more like being in the present and not being hung up by overthinking, but in my opinion there's a spectrum to this, it's not like "ooh flow state" or depressed worried plebeian. I think making being more present always in your life is a truly inspiring goal, and everyone should aspire to it, but I think it's more of a gradual thing, a fight that you win everyday but improving your life.
Things that help I guess are meditation (the obvious one), and just getting your life in line in general, living in a way you truly enjoy, so you're not obsessing about everything you still want to achieve and your shortcomings of the past (or course this is a bit contraditory, like saying you need to be sucessful so you don't have to strive for success, and I guess human beings always want more anyway...)
No, but I expected this response
I mean the way you wrote it was quite confusing, I had to read the title again and then read everything and then try to tie it all together to make some sense out of it lol