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Let's Just Be Friends: When She Shit Tests


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 13, 2013
This has only happened once to me, but the way I navigated through this shit test gives more credence to some of the tactics Chase says to use when facing a woman's shit tests.

The girl I had been seeing some what casually had just texted me saying that she was going to stay home that day because she had a bad cold, we were supposed to meet at the university campus. As I walked along the campus grounds I spotted her sitting on a bench playing with her cell phone. She had just lied to me!

I walked up from behind the bench and surprised her, and boy was she surprised. Here was the conversation we had as we sat on the bench:

Me: You lied to me, why did you lie to me?
Her: (smiling a bit because she was caught) I don''t want us to kiss or have sex anymore....I just want us to be friends.
Me: Rebecca, you know I'm a sexual guy...you know I can't just be friends with you...
Me: I um...I can't be your friend.

I got up off the bench and started to walk towards where I had parked. Behind me she had started crying. Noticing that she was crying I turned around and walked back towards her.

Me: Rebecca, you know I can't just be your friend. Do you know what that means? I do. It means I'll be going shopping with you and telling you that you don't look fat in that dress. It means I'll be coming over to your house to fix your car while you're inside having having sex with some guy.

Through her tears she started to laugh, and at that point I knew I had defeated her frame. I slowly got of the bench again and started walking towards the library.

Her: Hey, where are you going? Wait for me, I just need to get my stuff.

I then took her into the decks of the library where no one ever goes and received oral from her.

Of all the things I've ever done, bring her and myself back from the brink of the friend zone has always been my proudest accomplishment. Going off what I've learned on the website, she lied to me because she had stopped respecting me, but by showing her that I could live without her and also by reasoning away her idea of me becoming her friend, I showed her that I was still the man and still in control. There was some other words muttered within the conversation, but I laid out the important ones here.

- The Clouds and The Rain


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 27, 2014
Very impressive OP, there's no point of being just friends with a woman, it's a waste of time.

Nice job.

To Need a Woman

Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 11, 2015
thecloudsandrain said:
Me: Rebecca, you know I can't just be your friend. Do you know what that means? I do. It means I'll be going shopping with you and telling you that you don't look fat in that dress. It means I'll be coming over to your house to fix your car while you're inside having having sex with some guy.
Okay, I don't know if I'd go as far as to make yourself sound like you're talking her through all this 'girlschase' rigaroma. Those analogies are meant for you, not her. With a list of 3 examples off the top of your head, it might sound a bit sus.

Seriously though, are you sure you didn't exaggerate this story just a little?? It sounds a little satarised.

There are too many threads about this basic 'friend zone' concept on this site. The one that made me laugh the most was the "Law" of least effort. A law?? Ha, sounds like a rule you'd give to puppy dog!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 12, 2014
Okay, I don't know if I'd go as far as to make yourself sound like you're talking her through all this 'girlschase' rigaroma. Those analogies are meant for you, not her. With a list of 3 examples off the top of your head, it might sound a bit sus.

Seriously though, are you sure you didn't exaggerate this story just a little?? It sounds a little satarised.

There are too many threads about this basic 'friend zone' concept on this site. The one that made me laugh the most was the "Law" of least effort. A law?? Ha, sounds like a rule you'd give to puppy dog!

What is your objective in the post? Other then your mocking

The friend zone is a pretty important concept to understand because once you get in it, it's very hard to get out of. Since I have been here my understanding of the friend zone has helped me avoid it and greatly improved my results.

The law of least effort means less is more... you don't try to be cool, you just are.... in conversation you want to use less words but spend more time thinking of those words, which conveys the appearance of less effort when actually you are spending more time thinking of what to say.

IE- I'm sure a higher level member can convey the same message with less words( less effort) making him inherently more powerful. when in reality he may spend twice as long thinking about what he wants to say.