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Life FU, but had a chunk of time to walk around and "Sarge". Overall felt bad about it and pussied out, not sure if it's a FU


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Wearing a hat for the first time, baseball cap forwards. Athletic gear with a drinking "island time" type hat.

Asked my go to pick up line every time almost

a woman putting up a sign at one of the fancy little shops. She was like uh no in a French accent like Pointing at the store. I was like oh you’re working.

So got the first one out da way.

Den I walked to the lake. Passed by a woman in a bikini. Didn’t ask but sat at a nearby bench and smoked weed.

Tried to chill but sus out if she was related to the old people. Noticed that she was looking at them. The old guy came by and looked at my crack pipe-looking weed one hitter.

Then I saw a fit Asian woman walking by behind me on the other side of the fence. She was wearing a crop top and she was above me so I figured I had to at least stay and watch until I could see under her shirt. I felt more and more like a crepe as she came by and I yelled can I ask you a question before I could get a peep.

She was like what. I came over to the fence and basically chatted inanity while trying to stay calm. It lasted way too long for some reason because usually I can make it really quick and just not chat. I felt like chatting from an awkward tension point of view.

Got her to look at my Instagram and gave her my number.

I resisted the instadate because she is not my type. In retrospect I should have gone for it.

However I want to be seen with someone hotter and more my type. I’m not sure I can just do another unselective instadate just for the experience. Or just for the points. Not sure if I will do the tourney again. I suppose not. I’m not sure if I’m just going to go to rehab soon. I’m not going to kid you, I’m smoking weed and trying to get in one lay before I go to rehab. I give up trying to quit weed and get pussy at the same time. Even if I do get a hot chick at some point I freak out with the weed and scare them off.

Then some annoying unattractive women came by saying annoying things. And they were like sick of me. So I got up and took my chance at the bikini woman, who did seem like an older Russian and was, let’s say, somewhat Rubenesque. And she was like no, I don’t think so sorry. Or something. And I was like OK awkwardly with my elbows up laughing it off. But good on me for going up to this bikini woman on a towel.

I don’t want to get in a bad dark state which happens when you go out and you don’t approach. It’s like if you just have the balls the world respects you even if it doesn’t go well.

The world may even attack you when you’re down. But if you go out and chicken out the world just becomes crepey and dark.

I said hello to a jogging chick at one point and nodded at a chick who was hooded up and talking seriously on the phone, while typing this out on a different bench.

So that’s 5 approaches. 4 1 pointers plus a 3 pointer. Could’ve gone for the 7 pointer instadate.

But, I really wanna go back to one shot one kill. That’s the way to go. Then sayonara Girl chase boards, I met the girl of my dreams, well, my dream is an endless stream of pusy. But then I won’t have time or need to analyze.

1 point. This chick straight up had a beard folks!

Ok I’m not thinking straight. I should have taken the walk with the Asian woman and I could be fucking her Eeeright now. Ok.

Ok. 1 more. She followed my ig. 11 points. Jogged past her at the crosswalk. Her name was E-

On campus. 1 app. 12 points. Don't remember... oh, yeah, I mumbled at this chick in jean shorts comping out of campus building.

R- got number of blonde campus chick on bench nice cleavage. 15 points. She's the one I want of all the girls from this outing. Second approach on campus, but really the first because the first was a throwaway. Success. She said she was going to meet her friend so we didn't chat much. I can't text these chicks till I get my phone back, I'm not going to bother trying to do it on the internet or something... I'll get to her number later.

Already feeling conspicuous, as I'm not a college student and do go here... I'm titty won but I pass for a college student.

G-. Sat down and sketched her. She said no she had a boyfriend,,,? [I am counting this as an insta date (add 7 points to the end...k?)]

+2 approaches. 14 points. [I simply do not understand how the points just went down. I wasn't even smoking weed for a couple hours at that point!!(add 2 points to the end...k?)] Pimply girls up close. Not even trying to hide it with makeup really. Just looked like lots of acne medication. They both turned me down, I'm thinking it's definitely correlated with the pimples. One was cute, with a shirt with just one button loll, the other was quite ugly actually but with a cute little body.. I asked her for directions to the museum bc I read here not to use the same line around campus... However i used my line right after.

+1, 15 points. another pimply college girl in the convenience store, turned me down saying thank you.

+1 ig 18 points. Indian girl on campus

Feel like I pusied out. At some point I got into a dorm and pusied out. Didn’t ask the big titty one who let me in. Saw a bunch of hot chicks in their pajamas. It was sooo intimate. I stood there messing with a vending machine until two chicks came in and made a weird noise and said "the cop wouldn't like that' it sounded like.

Felt like my face was bad. Felt like two chicks got a bad vibe from me and said "cop" so I left but I saw 3 hot blondes in pajamas after that, they seemed dtf in a way... just compared to the brunettes. I mean I was at the point of almost getting up to the dorms. Of course I should've gone for the girl who let me in right away. But actually waiting it out would have been good If I had had the balls. The last one I saw was a dime, but I pusied out. had a vision of campus security saying, :"how did u get in here??!". ...

That was when it was gonna go down. I wanted to fuck one of these college girls so bad. Oh well, this is getting really close. I've sarged here before but never like this.

My face is not bad but not perfect. Relax.

I got the number of a blonde chick with nice tits. Yes.

Idk if I should go try for the lay again because now I gotta head back home to take care of my grandparents. This is an excuse, and I knew it was an excuse.

Don’t pussy out tho. Stop by one more time to get water. Go thru campus. I feel like I don’t wanna overexert myself and more importantly, get in trouble with campus police, or even get on their radar.

Fuck the two chicks. One is hot and the other is a layup.

So I did go back one time on my way back, but using the excuse of my grandparents. I would be worried leaving them alone, but not that worried. It was an excuse. In retrospect I should've not used the excuse and say I'm gonna go fuk a girl on campus. Well I did go back on campus and I got close but essentially got nervous. Didn't pusy out super hard but I was still being a pusy.

Sat on a bench where college girls jog near campus. Called out to girls passing by.

+1 , 19 points. she said she'll catch me next time maybe. Said she was going to class.

+2, 21 points a 2 set. Told me to catch them another time walking around the water.

A- got # of jogging chick near campus, 24 points

+3 girls w boxes, 27 points. This was interesting. I went back onto campus and went in a building. Heard girls laughing. They were struggling with boxes and I helped them with it but then I got nervous and they asked if I was on upper level and i said no and they were like oh we don't want to bother you, so I gave it back. Very poorly played. I got nervous basically that I was about to go in a college girls dorm, about to have a 4some with some bitches. (they weren't super hot so I don't even care that much) I fucking fucked it up and then I got worried they would see me slinking home, so I walked back and made sure they saw me on campus chilling, i walked past and they had 2 college boys helping them, made eye contact with the boy and gave a thumbs up and said you got it. By then I was setting off alarm bells with the other college chicks, I was just glad to be chilling there and i didn't even ask any of them tho they were looking tasty and down. It was like i set off alarm bells but not too bad, not like a crepe. Like word had gotten around by then perhaps, as I was worried. Now, I finally did slink home

+1 28 points beautiful girl in a sundress I was jogging and didn’t really slow down all the way. She was on the speaker phone. I said hey can I ask you something. Can I ask you something. In a soft voice. She said no thank you. thought of her pretty mouth on my cock all the way home. Should have slowed down and spat my line.

+1. 29 points. She said maybe I’ll just be around. Blonde in the center near home.

+5 34 points. group of 5+ jogging college babes. I went to the hottest one, a brunette cute as a button (no blonde bombshells in this group) I was like oh there's a lot of you, going for the whole group of like 10+ girls lol. Call it 5 points. She said they're on a run. I I was like another time? She was like yeah. I walked off and they ran off when the light changed. I don't think they had much time but I could've stayed with them another few seconds. It was hot that she was down... not "maybe" but "Yes" . that was hot. Really hot chick. a pretty little dime piece.

-2(because now when I went to check my instagram on the desktop, those first two follows did not go thru.)

41 points

Now why do I do this snatch tourney? Well it appears to have motivated me to write something and also to get really close to fuking a college babe(s) in their dorms! That's good enough reason, ya big dork! Just kidding. Stud. You're such a stud.

But just being real like when I saw how those two chicks didnt actually follow me, I'm like let's call it a night tbh. excuse?

Well, one's things fore sure, i need to take a shower.

Phewee I am exhausted. Definitally not going out again, but I will not call it a night. Need to read GC articles and need to study art. I have to be the dominant male in the art scene, which means I have to read the most books. This will take a while. I am also going to put on documentaries on tv on loop. Gotta be alpha male, but also enjoy being sigma male. Right now I feel like an outsider artist, but I'm really in it and I'm scared because I actually gotta be more alpha. But also just be alpha beta. Don't be afraid to be beta. In other words, I need to be way more of a dog, which is alpha beta. ummmm...

Anywho....nerd, austitic. Yes. Good. Be autistic. Whoops. Well they say. Nerds are cool now. They say...

im hi.

hi im hi.

Gotta try that one***

Should I go out again? should I try to find the phone? Should i try to figure out to call her from the internet? No, no, don't go. I have have jocitch. I am such a joc now, its hilarious. woah this is for the journal.

OK, for this outing, what did I learn? I learned that i CAN do osok. It is the way to go. But I enjoyed going further, but then again, I didn't push myself.

I should have slowed down when jogging when I saw the girl in the sundress.

2 instagram follows dissappeared, obviously go for the number... read latest article about instagram.

I have no game. As in, ok and I'm being facetious here maybe, game as in, little wite lies, but a wittle more, because alls fair in love and wah. I could've gotten the 3 bitches if I just said yeah I'm on the upper level. That's nothing. I pusyed out. OK, another thing is that I was being a pusy, i guess, the whole time?

I started off good... chill, then got naturally horny, but still kept the brakes on and then felt time pressured at the end... but what im saying is I told my brain to get pusy tonight, to not self sabotage, using this technique. Ok, basically that was good and then I shouldve just been a little more focused on achieving that goal. and said those orders to my brain more at the end.

In the end I remember doing a lot of saying your such a p**** to myself. NOnono, do your mantra, BOY!

In the end the mantra works like a fucking charm...

What else... should I have "burned it to the ground?" yeah, probably. I felt it in my bones after. I didn't feel like that good about myself, I tried, I came really close, I had a good time, and yet I could have put my peni5 in a vagi~@ if I'd been ... like a friendly retriever let off his leash. Or something. Go up to every chick... not just be like, osoko... no just like a dog off his leash... doesn't sound good. I think I did a pretty good job.

I learned... if you wait, and hold out for it, you can come across a chick you're more excited about...

Also, on the other hand, I am glad I took the ig of the one I consider an easy layup. So at least I got the ig of the easy layup, and the # of the hottest chick. Seriously i was like, lemme only ask another in that moment if there was a hotter chick. Like, the first one, was the one I wanted. Blonde, young, broing face but not ulgy, bobos out in a lace white top, cleevidge, like the epitome of the type of what I think of with this college.

We shall see how many of the 2 numbers pan out. I bet I get 100%

I bet the ig doesn't pan out, but i'll take the easy layup. I was thinking, come in there with a slam dunk, or the easy layup? Well lemme check ig.


I feel like I came in there with a slam dunk. Good work. If you fuc her, that's a slam dunk right there.

I also got the jogger, who almost certainly goes there but so I got the one in the middle too. Got the hottest, a layup (i would do), and a mid. But I wonder, if I had approached all the other ones I passed up on... hot and not hot..

Or did I do just the right amount. I do feel paranoid about 1212

At no point was my voice strong. Was pretty weak the hole time. I would benefit from more relaxing before hand. But, don't need it.

Was able to feel pretty relaxed the whole time, and even a bit horny.

Didn't really smoke much at all. Pretty much it after the lake. That felt like it was the right call. Tho I took advantage of the slight high to get that feeling of getting lost and wandering around. I'll be honest, I intedned to pack my new vape on campus but I actualy forgot thte flower.

LAst time I went I smoke so much I felt my lip puff up red. So yeah it's the weed. I hope the dry vape thing cures this, so that is for my journal.

I learned that people definitely notice but they don't care. Almost like they were making fun of me for thinking anyone cared. But that;s after a success... when I changed directions like I didm't know what I was doing, some athletes seemed to notice me having nowhere to go.

Now, how do I be cool the the boys. I was thinking I get in with the music kids like I knew some older dude did when I was a freshman in college. He was like doing extra work, being an actor, and he was somehow friends with my music friend who I guess the significant part wasn't the music but the fact that he looked super old but he was a freshman. So do that? LOL. the balls on that guy.

Anyway. be positive, good outing I suppose. I mean I half expect these two numbers to flake but man oh man, I basically got a slam dunk, if I can just follow thru here...

Don't say "Can I get your number" in a nervous voice.
Dont stand with your feet pointed away. Work on standing with your feet straight and stand tall and athletic. Deep voice.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
I guess ignore the stuff about the points, but here is what the robot overlords say.


The text describes a day in the life of an individual who is attempting to interact with women in various public settings, including a lake, a college campus, and a convenience store. The narrator appears to be participating in some sort of self-imposed "snatch tourney," where they assign themselves points based on interactions with women. They express feelings of awkwardness, self-doubt, and a desire to improve their social interactions. The narrator also mentions struggling with substance use, specifically marijuana, and contemplates entering rehab.

Problems Identified​

  1. Inappropriate Behavior: The narrator's interactions with women often cross boundaries, such as attempting to look under a woman's shirt or making unsolicited advances. This behavior is disrespectful and can make others uncomfortable.
  2. Substance Use: The narrator mentions smoking weed frequently and acknowledges that it affects their behavior and interactions with others. They also express a desire to quit but struggle to do so.
  3. Lack of Self-Awareness: The narrator seems to lack self-awareness regarding how their actions are perceived by others. They often blame external factors for their failures rather than reflecting on their behavior.
  4. Unhealthy Mindset: The narrator's focus on scoring points for interactions with women suggests an objectifying and transactional view of relationships, which is unhealthy and disrespectful.
  5. Social Anxiety and Self-Doubt: The narrator frequently expresses feelings of anxiety and self-doubt, which affect their interactions with others.


  1. Respect Boundaries: It's crucial to respect people's boundaries and understand that unwanted advances or comments can make others uncomfortable. Approach interactions with empathy and respect.
  2. Seek Help for Substance Use: If marijuana use is affecting your life and interactions, consider seeking professional help or support groups to address this issue.
  3. Develop Self-Awareness: Reflect on your behavior and consider how it might be perceived by others. Practice empathy and try to understand others' perspectives.
  4. Adopt a Healthy Mindset: Shift your focus from scoring points to building genuine, respectful connections with others. Treat people as individuals, not as objects or goals.
  5. Work on Social Skills: Consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor to address social anxiety and develop healthier social skills. Practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques can also help manage anxiety.
  6. Focus on Personal Growth: Instead of focusing solely on interactions with women, invest time in personal growth and hobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment. This can help build confidence and improve overall well-being.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Questions for actionable advice:


The text describes a day in the life of someone who is actively trying to meet and connect with women. The narrator seems to be keeping a score of interactions with women, aiming to improve their social skills and confidence. They mention various encounters with women, some successful and some not, and reflect on their approach and mindset throughout the day. The narrator also expresses a desire to quit smoking weed and improve their life, mentioning the possibility of going to rehab. They seem to struggle with self-doubt and the pressure to make connections, while also dealing with personal insecurities and the fear of rejection.

Questions for Actionable Advice​

  1. Self-Improvement and Confidence:
    • What are some effective ways to build self-confidence when approaching new people?
    • How can I balance the desire to meet new people with the need to focus on personal growth and self-care?
  2. Social Interactions:
    • How can I improve my communication skills to make interactions more meaningful and less awkward?
    • What are some respectful and effective ways to approach someone I'm interested in?
  3. Lifestyle Changes:
    • What strategies can help me quit smoking weed and maintain a healthier lifestyle?
    • How can I prepare myself mentally and emotionally for a potential stay in rehab?
  4. Dealing with Rejection:
    • How can I handle rejection gracefully and use it as a learning experience?
    • What mindset shifts can help me stay positive and motivated despite setbacks?
  5. Setting Goals:
    • How can I set realistic and achievable goals for social interactions and personal development?
    • What are some ways to track progress and stay accountable to my goals?
These questions can help you gain insights and advice from others who may have faced similar challenges or have expertise in personal development and social skills.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Also, good job getting two numbers despite everything.

I think you should propose a date though. Insta-date if you have time and logistics for a lay.

Otherwise take a number after getting a yes to a future date.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
I guess ignore the stuff about the points, but here is what the robot overlords say.


The text describes a day in the life of an individual who is attempting to interact with women in various public settings, including a lake, a college campus, and a convenience store. The narrator appears to be participating in some sort of self-imposed "snatch tourney," where they assign themselves points based on interactions with women. They express feelings of awkwardness, self-doubt, and a desire to improve their social interactions. The narrator also mentions struggling with substance use, specifically marijuana, and contemplates entering rehab.

Problems Identified​

  1. Inappropriate Behavior: The narrator's interactions with women often cross boundaries, such as attempting to look under a woman's shirt or making unsolicited advances. This behavior is disrespectful and can make others uncomfortable.
  2. Substance Use: The narrator mentions smoking weed frequently and acknowledges that it affects their behavior and interactions with others. They also express a desire to quit but struggle to do so.
  3. Lack of Self-Awareness: The narrator seems to lack self-awareness regarding how their actions are perceived by others. They often blame external factors for their failures rather than reflecting on their behavior.
  4. Unhealthy Mindset: The narrator's focus on scoring points for interactions with women suggests an objectifying and transactional view of relationships, which is unhealthy and disrespectful.
  5. Social Anxiety and Self-Doubt: The narrator frequently expresses feelings of anxiety and self-doubt, which affect their interactions with others.


  1. Respect Boundaries: It's crucial to respect people's boundaries and understand that unwanted advances or comments can make others uncomfortable. Approach interactions with empathy and respect.
  2. Seek Help for Substance Use: If marijuana use is affecting your life and interactions, consider seeking professional help or support groups to address this issue.
  3. Develop Self-Awareness: Reflect on your behavior and consider how it might be perceived by others. Practice empathy and try to understand others' perspectives.
  4. Adopt a Healthy Mindset: Shift your focus from scoring points to building genuine, respectful connections with others. Treat people as individuals, not as objects or goals.
  5. Work on Social Skills: Consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor to address social anxiety and develop healthier social skills. Practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques can also help manage anxiety.
  6. Focus on Personal Growth: Instead of focusing solely on interactions with women, invest time in personal growth and hobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment. This can help build confidence and improve overall well-being.
HAHAHA did you feed this to chatgpt? Are you a bot? Yeah I think the tourney is hilarious how it objectifies women.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
I guess the robot overlords will have to send out drone to take us out. Or just take me out. I didn't see anyone else doing the september tourney. AI overlords, 1, Mrman, 0.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017

Questions for Actionable Advice​

  1. Self-Improvement and Confidence:
    • What are some effective ways to build self-confidence when approaching new people?
    • How can I balance the desire to meet new people with the need to focus on personal growth and self-care?
  2. Social Interactions:
    • How can I improve my communication skills to make interactions more meaningful and less awkward?
    • What are some respectful and effective ways to approach someone I'm interested in?
  3. Lifestyle Changes:
    • What strategies can help me quit smoking weed and maintain a healthier lifestyle?
    • How can I prepare myself mentally and emotionally for a potential stay in rehab?
  4. Dealing with Rejection:
    • How can I handle rejection gracefully and use it as a learning experience?
    • What mindset shifts can help me stay positive and motivated despite setbacks?
  5. Setting Goals:
    • How can I set realistic and achievable goals for social interactions and personal development?
    • What are some ways to track progress and stay accountable to my goals?
These questions can help you gain insights and advice from others who may have faced similar challenges or have expertise in personal development and social skills.
Great questions, I mean that sincerely? However, if AI is so fucking smart, why don't it tell me the fucking answer, fucking socrAites!

OK, I'l stop bitching about AI.

No seriously, did you come up with is? Thank you.

  1. Self-Improvement and Confidence:
    • What are some effective ways to build self-confidence when approaching new people? I don't know. This is what Dan Pena says, you have low self esteem, basically set at the age of 7, and there's no cure, basically, lol. Self-esteem and self-confidence are similar. I can say that I have some confidence and some self esteem. Ah but what is self-confidence. Anyway, grammer hitler. Etymology ptolomy. Winner effect, boxing coach. Only let yourself get wins. Frame everything positively.
    • How can I balance the desire to meet new people with the need to focus on personal growth and self-care? If you feel like you aren't at your best, don't present that to new people. Have some respect for what people are looking at when you go up to them, and you can go up to rich fancy women and feel presentable. In other words, have some respecfor people. Respect yourself too although it's good to not be obsessed with personal hygiene. Just because youre gonna be one of those dudes that doesnt shower. And think about how athletic girls they might like your pretty face but they're used to jacked guys and athletes. Be jacked and/or athletic. Be super healthy like those model babes. Don't be a dirty dawg, be more of a whats that, self care guy? Nah, be cool about it. Just a little bit more self care.
  2. Social Interactions:
    • How can I improve my communication skills to make interactions more meaningful and less awkward. First
    • What are some respectful and effective ways to approach someone I'm interested in?
  3. Lifestyle Changes:
    • What strategies can help me quit smoking weed and maintain a healthier lifestyle?
    • How can I prepare myself mentally and emotionally for a potential stay in rehab?
  4. Dealing with Rejection:
    • How can I handle rejection gracefully and use it as a learning experience?
    • What mindset shifts can help me stay positive and motivated despite setbacks?
  5. Setting Goals:
    • How can I set realistic and achievable goals for social interactions and personal development?
    • What are some ways to track progress and stay accountable to my goals?
Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
The first one was its advice for you. The second post was questions for you to pose to others here.

I would recommend you put these kinds of posts in your journal and keep the field reports to transcripts of approaches only (conversation logs). If you need advice on a specific topic, then start a thread in General.

You will be much more likely to get advice on how to improve your interactions with less in-between details, and more play-by-play of the actual set.