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Jul 4, 2022
Hello everyone, this will be my first post on the site. I am new to seduction in some ways. I have done hundreds of approaches and recently ended things with a short term girlfriend I've had.

My question is about becoming more interesting and living a life that women want to be a part of. I can make a good first impression and create attraction in women, but am wondering if there are things I can add to my life that will make myself more interesting. Day to day, I work sales and do well, go to the gym and train hard, and have a couple other hobbies like guitar etc. I currently want to sleep with new women regularly, so don't necessarily think it's required that I have the most interesting life, but if I decide to take a girlfriend I want to share interesting things I am doing with her. What are some hobbies/points of interest that women are attracted to and have helped anyone here with keeping women interested?
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 5, 2022
Day to day, I work sales and do well, go to the gym and train hard, and have a couple other hobbies like guitar etc
I feel that your hobby guitar is interesting enough. All you need to do is expressing yourself as the guitar guy with a side hobby of sales to pay the bills, instead of being a stereotypical sales guy.

You should read this article by Chase which says that guys doing "good" job tend to be the worse performing with women and how to stop being seen as a typical office guy.

What are some hobbies/points of interest that women are attracted to and have helped anyone here with keeping women interested?
Anything artistic related.

For example,
Music related work like guitar, piano, clarinet, singer etc.
Creative work like painter, sculptor, chef, photoshop guy, tattoo artistic etc
Creative body work like dancer, model
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
I feel that your hobby guitar is interesting enough. All you need to do is expressing yourself as the guitar guy with a side hobby of sales to pay the bills, instead of being a stereotypical sales guy.
Yeah, my girlfriend loves watching my videos covering songs on YouTube, she even gives me tips on how to get more subscribers and stuff (some are pretty nuts lol, women can be funny).
We also bond a lot on video games, I know most girls are not that into it, but one of the reasons I like her so much is we play video games together, she even gave me one of her Pokemon GO accounts lol
Yesterday she sent me a video that showed some plushies of Animal Crossing from Japan (we are going there next year, she also likes travelling quite a lot, something most women can relate to, I think this is a good one), she said she didn't even know the characters but wanted one of those, I told her the name of the game, and she was like "you know everything", I was like, hell yeah I know bitch, I'm the boss (and we be talking about silly video games hehe).

It can depend a lot on the girl, but as long as you have something you have a passion for, a girl will be interested, probably.
It also depends a lot on the girl what type of things she responds to, try to think what type of chicks you want and what type of stuff they like to do.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
You’ll learn soon enough that it’s not about what you do, but how it relates to you guy’s together. After a certain point women could care less about what it is you do as long as you make her feel good.

As long as your life is moving forward in someway and you feel good about it, she’ll be more focused on you guy’s dynamic than the nitty gritty of your personal life.

Trying to attract her with hobbies is like trying to find specific bait for a specific fish. There are gonna be some girls really into guitar player’s, and some who won’t care in the slightest.