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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 9, 2013
Before I begin I must say that I can't take full credit for this as I'd seen a variation of my technique in an infield clip on RSD, which inspired me to go out and try it myself, but here it goes.

When I go out to night clubs I tell myself I must be two things "confident" and "agressive". Obviously everyone understands that confidence is key in pick up but being agressive, is in my opinion as underratedly important. When I say aggressive, I don't mean to be the dick pushing people to get out of you're way, but the guy who is physical with women while not crossing the boundary. After having experience going out, I have learned that certain things fly in clubs that wouldn't in really life, with one main aspect of being physical.

Women are constantly approached by guys and chatted up until their ears fall off, so I try to change that up and make things fun for women. What I do in alot of my pickups is litterally PICKUP women. One of my favourite moves I myself developed is when I'm walking by a cute girl in a packed club, I will say to her that I can't believe she's creating such a traffic jam and I will litterally pick her up and move her. Sometimes add in a little spin. The laughter and shock I get from girls is amazing. My physicality is something they aren't used to, so it turns off their auto-rejection and gets their attention. I'll follow it by asking their name and then continue the conversation. Even in the middle of conversations with girls I didn't open like that, I'll make up some excuse to pick them up. Even when they say no, I usually don't back down and do it! Really catches their attention and shocks them. I've only gotten really good reactions. No slaps yet! And guys, if you're thinking this only works for massive football player kind of physique guys, thats not true cause I am not that guy. Just if you're going to attempt to lift her, you better know you're gonna get her off the ground!

The Claw which is an RSD technique, is just an indicator of how being overly physical with women in clubs off the bat can really lead to success. I use the claw often too--great results.

I know some of you may be skeptical, but its worked for me. If any of you have the balls to pull it, try it out and let me how it goes. Confident with it's results if it's pulled right!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012

I like the emphasis on aggressiveness as it relates to confidence here.

Going into my senior year of high school, I was sitting around with some girls and one of my less experienced friends on a Wednesday night shooting the shit and getting drunk (at my high school, it was common for people to get drunk on weeknights for no reason). In our drunken discussion, one of my other friends who gets a lot of pussy came up. All of the girls with us expressed distaste with his hookup methods, and called it borderline rape, yet none of them seemed too bothered by it, and over half of them had hooked up with him, though most claimed they wouldn't again. Only one of the girls was adamant that she would never hook up with him, and kept joking on him for his "rapey" tactics.

We all had a laugh at his expense, but Friday that same girl fucked him, and within the next month almost every single girl in that group had at least hooked up with him.

This is when I started to realize that this dude was on to something. Girls will deny deny deny to dudes and girls they perceive as judging them that they would ever hook up with a dude like my aforementioned friend, but when it comes down to it, they will do it, and will often pass up a less forceful man for a dude like my friend. Now, this dude is by no means my role model, he has many other issues with his game he has yet to fix to this day (namely a habit of verbally shitting on girls' souls any time they get attached to him or reject him in any way, which gets spread around the people we mainly party with and has definitely hurt his game, he also has almost zero day game skills), but he did serve as inspiration. None of what my friend was doing was really rape...and he isn't a particularly good looking dude either; he was simply incredibly confident and persistent, and though the fairly young (16 and 17) girls in this story didn't quite realize why yet, this was very attractive on an unconscious level.

Another good example of this is a heavier friend I have who gets more pussy than almost anyone else I know. He is joked on as unattractive constantly, but consistently gets decent looking girls to have sex with him through very tight, unique, personal game. It has literally gotten to the point where when we bring a new girl of his type to a place he is at, the girls we hang out with tell her "That is Taylor; you won't want to have sex with him, but you will. He will talk you into it." and it still happens almost every time. This actually ends up setting a perfect frame for him, and takes a lot of work out of the equation for him.

And guess what a lot of his game revolves around; confidence and persistence. There is also a good bit of smooth talking charm in there, but confidence and persistence are key.

As for physically picking up girls, always a winner if done correctly. Especially if you are a smaller but strong person and can gain a little bit of power in the girl's eyes by still being able to manhandle her (in a non-threatening way of course).



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 9, 2013

Appreciate the response. Your two stories definitely do shed some light on the topic. Although personally I would never want to have the reputation of "raping" girls and taking advantage of them, you're friend obviously has got one thing in his game right. AGGRESSIVENESS. It's probably a bit over the top if he's got this reputation and if girls are saying they would never do it again, but obviously he's doing something right. I find there to be a fine line in aggressiveness.

Like I stated before, shit flys in clubs that would never during the day. Being agressive and physical with women from the get go, even when you meet them, sets you up in a strong male frame. Women want men who are typical men who take what they want; basically you're stereotypical alpha male. Its a fine line though, as one must display a balance of exuding "alpha maleness", while being a gentleman at the same time. If you're too much of an alpha male, you can come off as a complete dick but if you're too much of a gentleman it can be interpreted that you are a pushover and easy to take advantage of. At times, I find myself attempting to be confident but I don't balance it out well, so it comes off as cocky and arrogant, which is a flaw in my game I've been working on.

But back to literally picking up women. This is the peak of my physicality in the interaction. I think the difference between me and your friend, is that I will be aggressive and physical with women during the interaction but when it comes to the sexual escalation, I take the lead but not in a forceful way. Being too aggressive in sexual escalation can be interpreted as taking advantage of someone, which is probably what you're friend does. Not to say your friend is taking advantage of girls, but I'd understand why girls would make these jokes after if he is overly agressive during sex. For example to move a girl around a club, I'd just grab her hand and walk (i.e. being agressive during the interaction), but I would never do something like pinning a girl down for the hook up.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012
Sly said:
Being too aggressive in sexual escalation can be interpreted as taking advantage of someone, which is probably what you're friend does. Not to say your friend is taking advantage of girls, but I'd understand why girls would make these jokes after if he is overly agressive during sex. For example to move a girl around a club, I'd just grab her hand and walk (i.e. being agressive during the interaction), but I would never do something like pinning a girl down for the hook up.

Haha, no he doesn't pin girls down and fuck them. Those girls were young enough that they viewed him turning their head towards him and making out with them as well as plowing through resistance like a boss as "rapey". After they got to college I have heard no more mention of this from the female end, because that is pretty much standard hookup procedure for dudes relatively new to hooking up trying to minimize the time between opening and closing at huge, drunken college parties. Dudes will still accuse him of being "rapey" but that is mostly just inexperience and bitterness because he has a habit of stealing girls from dudes we only vaguely know. It IS funny that you mention overaggressiveness in sex though, because that is one of his other major problems; when he fucks, apparently there is no foreplay, he just flips bitches over and plows until he comes, then passes out. There is rarely much actual pleasure on the girl's end, and this leads them to the conclusion the next day that he was simply too aggressive, because the way he fucks girls, it sort of feels like rape (on the other hand, a couple sexy freaks he has fucked are obsessed with him because they just simply love being plowed like a tobacco field; so its a two way street for him).

My game tends to vary between forceful and smooth, depending on how I feel that night, or how my target feels. If I don't particularly feel like talking at a party, I will look for the wild n' out bitch who clearly just wants to fuck and quickly escalate with her. If I am feeling more chill one night, I will find an attractive, passive looking chick and talk to her for awhile, deep dive, and go from there. This works the other way around too. If I really want to fuck a girl who is partying her mother fucking ass off that night, I'll get fucked up too and skip straight to escalation. If the girl I want is quietly sipping on a beer and talking to her friends in a corner while everyone else is twerking, grinding, fighting, and vomiting their way through the night, I will take it easy on the booze, confidently separate her from her friends, (framing myself as an in-control guy who just wants to chill and talk, while maintaining my indirect sexual vibe) and work my way up to closing the verbal way. It all depends on what I want out of my night; at this point in my life I know where most of my lines are and when not to cross them.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
These seem like good ideas, but I can also see how picking up a girl could be creepy if not done correctly. Jay, how do you approach in each of those situations? I'm trying to approach more at parties, and I'd like some more ideas.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012

I usually don't put much thought into approach these days, I just sort of do it, but let me think of an example or some guidelines...

Mainly the difference between the two types of approaches would be your energy level. If you're approaching a crazy party bitch I actually recommend approaching her when she is dancing; assuming you have somewhere to get intimate nearby. Speed of escalation is key with wild, drunk party bitches, they don't want to fuck around with talking, they just want to fuck. Simply guide the girl physically to the first private place you can find and escalate there. I have also experimented with approaching these wild girls with low energy, but it usually just ends up on the dance floor because I bore quickly of bantering with high energy drunken bitches, so I just figure I can skip a step and cut out the talk by starting there.

As for more chill girls, I sort of bypass the whole eye contact flirting thing. I just look at them until they look at me, then hold eye contact, walk up, and introduce myself. You can also eye contact flirt for awhile to make sure she is interested, but these days I am trying to boil my process down to its simplest form and get to sex as quickly as possible, and I know these days I can gain their interest much more quickly with more direct interaction, so I interact directly.

Parties are very, very simple to pick up at; there is usually not whole lot of game involved. There won't be many sober people there, so chances are even if you just walked up behind the girl, grabbed her shoulder, turned her around, and said "Hey", they won't be judging your approach; they simply shouldn't have cognitive time to if you roll directly into gaming. Opening at parties is much more about actually doing it then how you go about it.

With that said, that mostly applies to bigger, random parties; but, if you are going somewhere where most of the attendees will already know each other (think small apartment parties), there will probably be introductions thrown around anyway so there isn't much worry about opening there.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Great stuff Jay. How about girls in groups? I found that this is the most difficult at parties.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012
Girls in groups is something that seems daunting at first, but actually really isn't. The worst that can happen when you approach a group of girls is you fuck it up or they don't hear you and you get ignored or blown out. Big deal, it happens to me all the time. The age old saying (paraphrased a bit haha) that if you aren't regularly fucking up at something, you aren't getting any better at it applies doubly, if not triply, to seduction. If you classify yourself at a medium level of game and aren't still making a mistake or fucking up at least twice the amount of times you succeed or flawlessly pull off a pull; you aren't trying nearly hard enough.

The thing with girls in groups is that you don't know the dynamic there. You can make an educated guess by subtly observing, but can't possibly know for sure. Do they look like they are all the best of friends? (e.g. they have been inseparable all night, or sitting in a corner in the same group, judging people), which will involve a considerable amount of confidence and tight fundamentals to break up the crew, but might be worth it for that beautiful Latin bitch seated right in the center who seems to be leading all the others; do they look like mere acquaintances huddled together in a mutual bond of desperately looking for, and suddenly spotting, a vaguely familiar face?; or do they look like a group of girls that just met, and are exchanging names that will be easy to pick a girl from without anyone really noticing or judging? Has the girl you are about to approach just recently been sexually assaulted, leaving you unwittingly walking into one of the iciest responses to an opening you have ever experienced (this happened to me once)?

My point is that you can never really know what the hell is going on in the group you are approaching, so your best bet is to muster up that confidence, try and exude the sexiest vibe you can, and firmly walk up to introduce yourself. "Hey, I'm Jay, come here and talk to me for a minute" is the most complicated opener I use these days. Don't even pay her friends any mind, and if you are sexual and sincere, the girl won't give a god damn what is actually coming out of your mouth, and her opinion is the only one in the group that matters.

(Note: If you are ever addressed or stopped by a member of the group, just remember to not get flustered. Calmly address the other girl's objections, then continue to lead the girl away. If the friend really gives enough of a fuck to interrupt her party experience, get up, follow you, and insist on her staying, just shrug, look unaffected, and walk off. If the girl really was interested in you, and isn't too fucked up, she'll tell you to stay and call off the friend for you, or find a way out of the group and locate you later.)

Also a note on my above post on dance floor being the best place to skip some steps in party escalation; this doesn't apply at bars or clubs unless you have your logistics in mind before engaging her. Unless you have experienced regular success with laying women in alleyways, bathrooms, or other very public places, I wouldn't bank on the dance floor being your best bet in a bar or club.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Hey Jay,

Just a quick question.

How exactly do you pull girls from the parties you go to? Where I am Downtown is a bus ride down from the main campus and so my logistics are kind of fucked. But besides that what do you generally say to pull? Especially with that fast escalation from the dance floor.

Last night I went to a party at Zeta Psi. The layout of the place is basically a big ass dance floor, very loud and a little less less loud by the bar area. How exactly do you go about pulling girls from the party after you have been making out and stuff for a while? Last night I made out with 3 girls in total, 2 I was able to move off the dance floor and then kiss and one refused to leave the dance floor. The 2 who came off said they had to stay with their friends.

Also one of the girls who I managed to pull off told me that I was "pushy" after I asked her what she thought of me. I guess I should also mention that I or the most part only kissed them, I am unsure how to go about escalation in those situations...

Would you have any insights?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012

The goal of the very physical escalation on the dance floor is to scoop up wild drunk girls. I really don't say more than a couple words to them usually, and certainly don't ask what they think of me. I just know for a fact they think of me as a sexy man coming to fuck their brains out and nothing more, and I try and quickly communicate this by barely speaking and minimizing escalation time.

Usually I won't say anything to them when I open, I will just start dancing with them. Once I can see them getting into it, I turn them towards me and we start making out. I have gotten to a point where I can sort of sense when a girl is most into me while we are making out, so as soon as I get that feeling, I'll pull back and make deep eye contact,look away with a sly smile, then resume deep eye contact (still smiling lightly, almost mischievously), and grab her hand.

At this point I will say "Come with me" (not like a butler wishing to courteously lead someone through a house, but more like I am saying 'CUM with me'; with more emphasis on 'come', like it is a command), and lead her somewhere to escalate, or, in a more bold approach for the girls that are less drunk and more capable of being intrigued; I will say "Follow me" (in the same fashion as 'come with me'; more emphasis on 'follow', like it is a command), while at the same time gesturing with my head once sideways the direction I am heading, then let her hand go as I back away, and simply smile mischievously again and walk off. Usually they follow me, if I look back after a couple seconds and they haven't; theres always others there...and 90% of the time the girl will find me later to talk out of pure curiosity.

Keep in mind that I only use the quick physical escalation when I have logistics readily available. I never even fuck with physical escalation at the actual party unless I know for a fact that I will not have to take the girl more than 100 feet from the party to fuck her.
