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LMR and her dominant / making the moves : don't allow it


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 10, 2013
I seem to be noticing a trend.

It's now the 3rd time I can recall (4th considering a prostitute I brought home, but since I also wasn't gonna pay let's discard that) that I let a girl get dominant / making the moves with me and we didn't end up together.

By dominant and "making the moves" I mean something like her pushing you on your back and coming on top (with clothes still on), her kissing you passionately while you're actually in the "step back phase", her kissing/lightly biting your dick from your jeans (WHILE resisting escalation/undressing or that would be gold of course), and at the very worst things like her trying to restrain your hands or something and you allowing that happen and her "test strengthening" you and you not winning.

Since I enjoy a bit of fire in the girls as I think it's very sexy of them to make some move, I have sometimes let them pull those moves on me once we were already home.

Indeed while the latter examples should be more obvious, her taking the lead in things like tongue kissing you and coming on top of you can seem very sexy and can seem to move the interaction forward.
Yet, if she's resisting sex, I don't think it does. At all.
It doesn't because you letting her do her moves is the equivalent rewarding bad behaviour by letting her enjoy the interaction even more without going one single step closer to what you want (sex).

So, from now on, a woman wants to roll me over and climb on top of me while fully dressed and resisting escalation? As much as I think that's super sexy, no fucking way, I'll push her back (maybe try again later while we bang).
A woman kisses me passionately sticking her tongue out after she resisted me unzipping her jeans? Thank you but no thank you, now we're in the lull phase and just hug and nothing more (for a while at least).
A woman wants to ravish my dick from my pants while she won't take off her pants? Take those hands off my stuff lady, you didn't deserve it. Only if I feel like, I'll take it out and put it in your mouth myself.

So yeah, to recap: I won't ever let a woman make the moves and take the lead before sex ever again.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake