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FR++  LMR = sticking point


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
Met this girl at a dance class, I situational approached her and we started talking alot, at the end I asked her out, got her number.

We went out last night and things started off slow, I was also getting freaking cold, something about drinking iced water makes me shiver and people think I am nervous I moved her from the bar to the table.

So I deeped dived and she was very talkative, we have alot of things in common and I let her know that =rapport! I also broke the touch barrier every chance I could get haha its so powerful, if you dont touch a women on a date you should haha at the end of the bar date she out of nowhere put her hand on my arm, rubbing it and I put my hand over hers feeling her fingers and right there I knew it was going down lol

We left the bar and I was about to invite her to my place, when she asked me if I live far from here lol escalation window. I was thinking damn, she mentioned it first wow! I said yeah live close by, we should go watch a movie, I also got more drinks. I still cant believe you havent watched goodfellas lol she laughed and I told her to follow me, and she did.

I got her home, my hand was on her side the entire time going to my door. I opened my door and I toke off my shoes and told her to take off her shoes as well, she complied. I got some drinks and put on goodfellas, and I looked her in the eyes, stroked her hair, and went for the kiss (5 minutes at my crib then made a move) . No resistance, she was an awesome kisser,she would bite my lips, and grab my cock through my pants. She would tell me that I was turning her on so bad and that I need to behave since she just met me haha here comes the LMR.

I made with her for a few hours, and I was feeling on her boobs, wich were pretty big haha she told me out of the blue that they are real lol. I had trouble getting them boobs out from her shirt and she took them out for me lol sweet! I sucked those boobies like there is no tomorrow and she really liked how I sucked her boobs, she was telling me how turned on she was getting again, so I moved my hand to her pussy and no dice. Same thing, "I just met you" lline
I said, but I feel we have a connection and she just kept kissing me instead.

I stood up from my seat to practice salsa with her and I started moving her to my room, she said no I am afraid of the dark, so I just turned the light on lol.
I layed her on my bed, and went for the pussy. I tried to take her pants off and no dice, she stood up and told me to behave in a playful way.

So it was about 1 am and she said she had to go, we made out so much that I can just taste her lips in my mouth still haha.

I said to myself okay just let her go,I am sure she will be back, and I told her I was a gentleman and I would walk her to her car, we made out a little bit more and she was on her way.

She sent me a message afterwards saying she really had a great time tonight lol I am sure that I will get the lay soon
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take