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load blindness


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 12, 2024
I just want to throw out a new term. Maybe someone came up with it before. Simple term. use as you wish.

Load Blindness.

What it means, why I consider it important:

It's comparable to mind blindness, which Chase has written about, and it's comparable to cognitive load, which he also wrote about, at least in his texting book.

More personally, I think I have mind blindness, and I've been diving into that. I also think, maybe related but distinct, I have load blindness. The idea that a guy who powers through stress or whatever, any kind of 'stoicism' or stoic 'tough it out' attitude in life, grit, it might make one blind or insensitive to the struggles others have regarding load. "Well sh-t, I do more in an hour in the morning than they have to cope with all day". Still, I don't mean it as a conscious judgement or an attitude but an actual failure to perceive the way what you do might put load on someone, or that they're already loaded up.

You can still know that load and stress are things. What I mean is something more specific: Girl G is loaded up and Behavior B will add to it.

The typical "consumer"-type as opposed to "producer" type (who I also know consumes) does not respond well to load and stress. They want to make all shopping experiences frictionless. That is good to a point for everyone, but for some it matters way more. The world revolves around them. That can be a dimension of it, though I think i'm talking about something related but not completely overlapping now, the idea of being the center. Anyway the slightest load and they quit, or else load reduces their interest level. But if the slightest load does make them quit, let's see about it:

Maybe they're stressed out massively or need to focus on their exams
Maybe they're fighting serious depression
Maybe they're just princesses, or they can afford to be because every guy is chasing them

Whatever it may be, load is real

I think also personally I have always tried to take on as much as I could, to be the 'producer' or hero archetype, to be strong, and sometimes it just fell on me so I think I adapted such that first of all, what is not load to me is load to another, and second, I have a more prosaic attitude to load already. I'm ready to fight. But I still know consciously, when selling or whatever, don't make it hard. I think everybody knows that and everyone has a good intention, but it's not the intention that counts. It's the natural awareness, and that's what this is about. And the harder you work (in terms of perceived hardness), whatever other blessings it brings, it might increase the load blindness.

That's just a theory. Well it's a new term. Take it or leave it. You all get way more girls then me so I'm not trying to teach. I am going out soon. Happy new year.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 6, 2019
I think this is a good term/line of thinking.

I think it's the difference between a girl feeling like responding to you is a burden VS responding to you is an escape from her current burdens.

Generally a high status man will remove burden from the girls life.

1. he raises her status amongst her girlfriends
2. he creates positive experiences for her. takes her to fun interesting things and the girl doesn't have to spend the time researching/planning (girls want to be led to special things)
3. takes some financial pressure off of her (food and travel)

A lot of femininity is not wanting to have to use logic to solve problems but more so to be free spirited and just vibe. Live in the moment. You could argue that most "load" is essentially having to think about the future.

Most women loves a guy who she can trust to lead and doesn't need to think/work.