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Logic cannot see Emotion, (Finger Pointing to the Moon)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
I tried so hard,

And I still do. The Intellect cannot feel. And it's true. I shall gave you guys an experiment.

Try looking at a bird flying and then just feel. When the bird gets out of sight, do not try to find it. Feel where the bird is.

Perhaps if I can work this to achieve what I want.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 21, 2014
Maybe the problem lies in separating logic and emotion, why not see both as part of a continuum?. Why see the finger and the moon as separate entities?. I mean it may be useful to see them as disctinct, discrete things, but it's only a model of reality, not what it is. Rationalizing everything is not logic, it's emotional insecurity.

The bird experiment you propose is interesting, primitive cultures and animals seem to have this. A hunter can feel it's prey from afar, not only follow the obvious visual signs. Will it help you to achieve what you want?. It depends, do you want to become a martial artist (try ninjutsu)?. Otherwise, I doubt it, modern society has other needs.