studentofthegame said:
in terms of getting girls specifically should one lean toward logic or emotion.or should the logic be the leader and it then utilizes the support of the emotion.what do you guys think?
You need both logic and emotion. Emotion can be intuitive but it also has problems getting caught up in its own. It's like Logic is The Male, Emotion is The Female. They both complement each other a lot. However if your logic is not up to date or aware much of the time, emotions will surely run wild on you. It's like a gauging system. Given an example, babies oftes touch things, even hot stoves, mainly because they are curious, but their logic has not set inside. Curious is Emotion. When you grow older, you know you should never touch a hot stove bare hands, so basically your logic has kick in saying that your hands will be burned if you touch this bare.
Your logic is always needed as you need to focus on your end goal. The rest is just guiding your emotions towards reaching that end goal, and understanding why you feel certain things. For getting girls, given an example you feel intuitively that she doesn't want to talk so much in a date, deep dive i mean and she also doesn't respond to you much in telling her about herself when you in fact did ask her, and just want to go as it is, and you can actually skip steps here.