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Logistics: No Bed


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey fox,

Just like location, time of day is also an integral part of logistics. If you think that having coffee during the day will affect your escalation in the car (assuming this is your plan), then you might want to consider cancelling the date and re-scheduling for a time that fits these logistics!

With that being said, escalating with a girl in the car can certainly happen in the daytime, but you would definitely need to know the exact area you are going to and a location where you know she would feel comfortable doing so as well.

I happen to have a 5% tint on the rear windows of my car, so that is something that also helps my logistics. ;)

- Franco


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
fox21296 said:
Thanks Franco! I'll make sure my first car has tinted windows(;

Canceling isn't the greatest option, her work schedule dictates the daytime to be easiest, and so even if we rescheduled she would be open for mornings anyway. Tomorrow's my only open day for dates too,

Knowing this, it'll be good practice! I won't be having my own place or car for a while, so I'm going to get good with escalating with it these, and here is an opportunity!

So I need to pick a comfortable, presumably empty spot. How do I begin escalating when we arrive? Better yet, how do I keep the energy/vibe during the car ride as a vibe that will make it more comfortable to transition into escalation? Do I keep the vibe during the car ride playful and flirty humor, and try to avoid long silences?

That is tough... Afterall, The key to success is "Doing the right thing, at the right place, at the right time."
If you do the right thing at the wrong time or wrong place.. you will get PAIN. - But you will also get experience.

Your success rate might be low, but you never know... you may be able to come up with a new plan or tactic by staying creative.

The alternative is going back to her place.

More tips here:
https://www.girlschase.com/content/book- ... ithout-bed



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

fox21296 said:
In my LR post, I said I had sex with the girl in her car. That was the first time we had ever met and she had very high interest in me... But how will escalating with a girl who is not super into you work without a bed?

Any and all tips on escalating in bathrooms, fitting rooms, her car, movie theater, or any areas that are publicly owned would be appreciated. Insights on how to get her with you alone in a bathroom or escalate in a no-bedroom environment without scaring her.

This may be too late for this girl in particular, but should be helpful for future ones.

Don't worry so much about whether the girl is "ready for it" BEFORE you pull her into the bathroom / car / secluded corner of the beach / whatever. Instead, just worry about getting her ready after you DO.

You'll find most women find the very idea of being yanked into a bathroom or a car with a guy erotic in and of itself. It then becomes more about the fantasy, and less about you, necessarily, and any emotions (or lack thereof) you made her feel beforehand.

You can also ramp things up quickly by kissing her neck, shoulders, etc., and starting to peel her clothes off. If you pull her into the bathroom, simply being forceful as you direct her head, push her up against a wall, put her hands on you, and other escalations can ramp up desire and lust very quickly.

Think "fast escalation, fast sex" when you're doing unconventional logistics. You often won't have the advantage of a super-turned on girl beforehand, but you also won't have the DISadvantage of the kind of resistance most girls have conditioned themselves to have surrounding escalation in an apartment or bed.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2012
I've had good luck with my car just outside cafes, but the bathroom does seem intriguing due to what Chase said about no "Conditioned" resistance, I am going to try that sometime, for some reason I just have a fear of escalating in a semi-public/public place, but like anything else its just a conditioned belief, i'll push past it for experimental purposes.