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Long Distance "Potentials"


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 21, 2023
I've travelled in Europe quite a bit and stayed in touch with some interesting girls over socials. There are a few that seem interested in visiting me now that I'm based in 1 location but because we didn't sleep together yet when we met, it's like - they would propose the idea and then kind of flake on it. I don't do long texts with these girls, sometimes not messaging for 6-12 months but usually have a quick flirty catchup at least 1/2 a year.

What's the best way to lead the text convo to try and get them over the logistical issues and visit me. Sometimes I feel I text too aloof but I also get resistance anytime I try to spike up the temperature. And another is giving me GF vibes which I do not want. I.e. I would rather her not visit me if expectations are not managed but it feels tough to do that over text.

I don't put a lot of effort on these girls as they are not in my location but I sometimes feel like I'm missing out as they are already warmed up to me. If I share a decent story on Insta, quite often I would get likes from girls in haven't talked in ages. I know likes don't necessarily mean anything but well if it's over a continuous period...
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Idk. Maybe best not to fuck around w this unless you have A LOT going on locally

But conversely if you had a lot going on, you wouldnt have time

This might be one of the best uses of social media, makes it easy to get a DM when they come thru