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(Long Read) Opinion and Advice Required



Well, huge story, serves to really give the idea of what's happening. Feel free to skip some parts, I apologize if you have to read everything, hope it at least satisfies your reader's curiosity. Here it goes:

In the past 2012 I began taking Chase's and Ricardus' advice and, I have to say they are probably some of the most ingenious people I have ever seen. Well, the advice worked out and I hooked up with many many women this last year from various cultures and ages. I always considered long term relationships something of a time waster and something doomed to fail as I barely got past a month before getting severely bored with these women.

Now the thing is, I actively knew that I barely felt anything for any of these women other than pure lust, and it was getting boring at this point. Then this other day I stopped by to visit some old college dorm friends, and I met a new girl that joined up. Well, at first I completely ignored her as nostalgia filled me when I saw my old friends playing some good old beer pong. I did notice she kept looking at me from time to time in a "Who the fuck is he" way or that's how I analyzed it. One of the guys, I soon realized, was flirting with her and inviting her to be his beer pong partner and such, my first thought was well Good luck to him, hope he doesn't screw up again. Saw her getting bored from time to time while I spent talking to the new girls that I had met the night before and to the old ones.

Eventually I ended up talking to her, hard to remember as I had spent most of the night taking shots, and a few minutes after that she said she wanted to go home and asked me if it was safe to walk over to her dorm. I told her it was but I'd walk her, and so I did. Got to know her along the way, very sweet girl, very pretty too. Took her home with actually no expectations at the moment, kiss in the cheek goodbye. Saw her again the next day, again the guy was trying to seduce her and she was getting bored and I noticed. She asked me for a cigarette and I didn't have any (or maybe I did ;) so I walked her over to a store a couple of blocks away. During that walk I realized how much I had in common with her, in the good aspects of my self at least, and each time I'd look at her I had this feeling of knowing her, pure drama is what I thought at the moment. After that we spent a few more minutes together before the guy interrupted and she just went inside and then said she was leaving and I walked her home again as well as another gal who I was seducing at the time. I talked with the girl again and told her I'd give her a tour of the city the next day. Funny, that night I couldn't stop thinking about her and the next day I woke up pretty much in the same loop. Spent pretty much all day with her and another new girl, it was quite genuine fun with her. Realized that she was probably the sweetest most adorable girl I had ever met.

Well I had many signs, or so I thought, at this point. A picture she posed in with me that made us look like a couple, smiling and staring at me, physical contact. We talked about relationships, and here's my bane. Her first boyfriend, and only boyfriend so far (no hook ups whatsoever), 3 year relationship, lost her virginity to him, they traveled together, etc. Now, she broke up with him because she says she was (from my psychological conclusion) pretty much getting bored of him, as she states the kisses were not the same and the texts were cold and such.

I once again saw her the day after, asked her out for dinner (my purposed diving had begun as I began to feel "jealousy" because the other guy was walking her to places and such). She answered "maybe". I asked why maybe and she responded by saying that she didn't want me to waste my time with her because she doesn't want a relationship right now. I smoothly replied that two friends can have dinner and enjoy each other's company and she gave me this long, satisfied smile. I felt friendzoned for a second, but that smile confused me alot, like she was expecting me to outright tell her Nevermind or be very pushy about it.

Well, dinner happened last night, again, had alot of fun with her and she seemed to be really enjoying herself. Here's where I feel I may have failed a bit, but this helped me learn other facts. She needs a phone chip so I told her I'd take her to buy one and if everyone else went we could also watch a movie. She stated she felt bad because I might be getting ideas and again stated she doesn't want a relationship right now. To quote one of my girlfriends though "She doesn't want a relationship right now, doesn't mean she doesn't want you though". Well, her boyfriend was apparently very controlling and wouldn't let her go out and such, and she says she just wants to enjoy her freedom right now. While not completely hopeless at that point, she kept throwing other things at me.

1. Probably the one that hit me most: She says that, for example, the other guy invites her to do things and such, and she usually gives him an excuse, then she tells me that with me its different (never has she denied an invitation from me). She said she enjoyed her time with me and liked to go out with me.
2. At one point she pondered over what was so special about love if you can have love with anyone, told her that wasn't true and that it was different with each person, not important at all, just trying to convey how she looks at it.
3. She pretty much views relationships as something very sacred and hook ups as bad things. Apparently in the land she hails from, a hook up mostly happens when a guy is horny and considers the girl too inferior to be his girlfriend.
4. Many times where she would say something where most guys would outright give up and I wouldn't she would give me that smile again..
5. At one point we were joking about smoking hookah and getting drunk in a pool and she said that would be bad. I asked if she didn't trust me and she got shy for a second then she was going to say something and kept to herself. I pressed her into telling me, smoothly, and she said she knew I wouldn't do anything to her, but she was scared of what she might tell me, or do to me.

Most of the time I just told her that we could go out as friends and enjoy each other's company and that she shouldn't be looking so far into the future, lest she stop enjoying the present. She agreed and said she didn't knew what might happen sometime, but at various points she said that she didn't believe anything would happen between us. The conversation kept going and bouncing between a "nothing could happen" and both of us implying something could indeed happen. I got bold and teaseful at a point and just told her that she was afraid of falling for me. Now here, she didn't deny it, she didn't say that was the thing, but she just got shy and had a face like if I had hit the spot on that one. After a moment she said she didn't believe she'd fall for me in 4 months (3 month vacation in 4 months and she is traveling on a Cruiser). I told her there was still time after that and that I was pretty sure she would eventually fall for me, she replied "I don't know". We walked for a bit before heading back home, the ride was quiet as she was rather tired and it was late (or what late is for her), we'd talk from time to time and sit close to each other but it was rather cold per say. Got her home, again, nothing happened. Asked her about our trip to acquire her chip and she said "I'll write to you tomorrow and we'll see".

Well, what I am asking for is advice and suggestions, criticism widely appreciated as it helps improvement. Note: Not everything I said is the exact fact, but its a synonym of it per say, my short term memory has been failing lately since a recent head injury.

Regards, Victor


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
Hi Victor,
Sounds like she is very fond of you, and have already slotted you into the potential boyfriend zone.
The problem is... like you said, she is afraid. But she isn't afraid of you, she is afraid of the unknown. But fear isn't your only barrier here. Its her indecision.
Simply put, she herself doesn't know what she wants.

She likes you enough to start something, but there are too many variable factors affecting her decision.
Maybe its due to the fact that she knows she will be leaving abroad in 4 months time.
Also, she sounds like someone who is very considerate of others. Since she was the one to already break up with her ex, maybe deep down she feels bad and doesn't want the same to happen to you - she doesn't want to hurt you.

All I can say is that the problem here isn't really what you're doing wrong, the problem is in herself. Hence your options are limited.
However, there are things you can still do (or rather... not to do) to avoid stepping onto a land mine.

Here are some personal advise, which I think will help:
- The next time you two are alone together, keep giving her the sexy eye contact. Then kiss her. Just kiss her, but don't force it. Be gentle. If she pushes you away and refuses you then you know you won't be getting anywhere further with her... not in her current state anyway. If so .......

- Treat her like the way you was treating her the very first time you met her. You have already spent far too much investment on her. Its time to reduce the amount of attention you're giving her. Ideally, if she talks to you, just respond. Make yourself easily distracted by others.

- Stop being nice, as in, stop offering any more help unless she asks you specifically, and it better be important. Otherwise don't bother. Kindly refuse by simply saying you're busy.

- You keep your distant from her, not avoiding her, but just not too close anymore. This will help avoid being friend zoned. You want to stay being within her periphiral friend area (a friend that she knows / acquaintances, but not close enough to be real friends).

The whole idea is to give her this message:
You are a decisive man who knows exactly what you want in life, and your time is valuable.
You don't waste time with anyone, not even her, because she is not so special.
You're the special one, and if she values you and wants you, then SHE MUST COMMIT!

I hope this helps.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake