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- Dec 14, 2012
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This is the story of one my dates when I was completely new to seduction and was just following my instincts to lay girls.
Looking back at my memory I now realise all of the stuff I did (and the mistakes I made) which then helped me get this girl. All of techniques I used my common sense at that time but which are all mentioned on the blog actually here and there.
So let me open up a bit :
Girl Rating 6.5/10, Looks : Above Average, Iranian ,
It all started around a year ago when I just started University and took a role of social secretary in one of the societies at uni.This gave me a good opportunity of having an extrinsic social status. At one of the parties that we organised, most people that were there were at least 2-3 years older than me and I was totally a fresher at that moment so knowing that girls usually FZ guys younger than them I was scared approaching new girls in the party. I was trying to find a girl but didn't know how to and was too scared to approach the old ladies .
I had not found GC.com by that time.
BUT, Something strange happened.... If you've read the blog you know Chase have always said that men should take the initiative all the time since 99% of woman would not do that and will look forward to men to do that. Well, in this occasion I got lucky (maybe because I had accidentally got my fundamentals right?) and got approached by girl who then turned out to be three years older than me. She opened up to me by asking me: "Why everyone in this party is older than us ?" She was thinking I was her age so I didn't even let her know my age knowing She would go in auto-FZing me. I just told her I'm around her age or even older when I was asked. (I used some intrigue ofcourse)
Anyway, Cutting the story short, We danced a bit, I deep dived (although I had no idea what it was by that moment), and even I managed to make her FEEL some emotions(Which again I didn't know I should do with girls). I also noticed that back then when I danced with her I mentioned I wanted to meet her and managed to naturally get her phone number (Which was on the high point of the convo) and then getting too busy after that to be around her anymore. (Which is good) - I made a mistake once of dancing too much with a girl that she didn't even gave me her number at the end.
Two days passed from the night and I texted her and I can remember I didn't do any normal texting inexperienced guys usually do. I went straight to setup a meeting from the text .And well, I managed to get the date. But, when I met her she wasn't dressing as like we're going on a date together and that killed some my attraction towards her.
On the date I found out she's new to the city so I could take her literally anywhere new to her. To big fancy restaurants for example. I didn't though. When we met near a tram station I simply asked her where she wants us to go (Which well was a mistake since girls can't make a decision easily by themselves and I was showing I'm not leading the date ) so I decided to take her to a shopping centre nearby and mainly showing her around the city. Actually she did some shopping but I didn't pay for anything at all! (Shopping is not good for dates - One other mistake perhaps)
Interesting thing that I remember is that during the shopping bit, I saw one of my (girl) friends and started talking to her while she was around doing her shopping but she could see me talking to the girl and the conversations was becoming pretty warm (See Preselection) which might have actually helped me increase my attractiveness during the date. Again I had no idea being inexperienced.
So again I luckily managed to pull it off right again by making the date simple, following date templates (without any previous knowledge) and then taking her to cinema.
Anyway, at the end of the night, I took her to her home and she invited me upstairs. By that time I had no idea how these things all worked out, I was so inexperienced in this field that I didn't even know what the invitation for coffee meant for example. But, Somehow I managed to pull off all the steps right just by using my common sense and what I had learnt from the movies etc.)
But this is where I made another mistake. I went upstairs, we sat in the common room and just talked about stuff without me doing any sexual escalations since I was afraid of doing it by that time. (Lesson here was that I should've kissed her within 10 minutes being alone with her there).
So, at the end nothing special happened that night and I just said farewell and went home. However, I managed to get a second date few days later (doing the same texting for setting up a date thing) and by this time I was automatically trying to put sexual frames without even noticing it myself . Grabbed her hand during the date and touched her gently in different parts. etc....
This is where the story gets weird. I made a big mistake that again luckily didn't end up tragic for me (Me loosing her) but I'm still ashamed of it until today.
We were walking down the street next to a church, when I realised no-one's around. So I just plain went derp and asked her if I can kiss her . Yeah! NEVER DO THAT! I didn't know what I was doing but I got what I wanted. This made me realise that I should be more open to my girl of what I want but didn't know what I did (No Intrigue, Asking for a kiss) may have a bad impact as well and sounds needy. This is another part that when I look back I tell myself how the hell I managed to do all those stuff that time without knowing the "game"!
Let me tell you this. I've never ever had kissed a girl next to a church's graveyard. Well, That's a lie . Yes I have! That night I did...
I asked her to come to my home afterwards and told her that we can cook some dinner and watch some TV-shows so she agreed. I didn't know if I wanted to nail her or not but I had no idea what I was doing so when she came to my house, we went and sat on the couch. I put the tv show on and sat next to her. When I was thinking of what to do next and what to cook (and other stuff other than sex), this was where the magic happened and I got lucky again. I looked at her and realised she was also looking at me so I went for the kiss.Then, I started kissing her neck and behind her ear which was a turn on for her and managed easily to get her clothes off without any resistance after. I was licking and kissing her body all over from her head to her boobs, going around in circles up and down which made her go crazy. But, she pushed me back halfway to give back the favor. She started to aggressively taking my clothes off in a way like she couldn't wait for the sex to happen anymore as it must happen now ! She started doing the same things on me which felt great and then gave me a great head and it escalated pretty fast from that point when put myself in her and made her night.
After sex, I remember as Just Dave said : "let the girl lie on your chest after sex" so this time I was doing it again without knowing it so she lied on me for about 5 minutes when I made another mistake. I went to get something which killed the sexual mood and I didn't talked with her much after the sex so that was another lesson learned here looking back.
That was when she said that she needed to leave so without any persistence to make her stay which was another mistake I called a taxi and she left.
On the way home, She sent a text on how amazing the night was and how she thinks she's falling in love with me. I kind of freaked out by this time since I wasn't looking for a serious relationship at that moment and then may have replied in way that made her go cold after. (Another Mistake and lesson learned here : Don't overthink stuff) This all happened the night she was leaving to her home country for two weeks so I was thinking she's going to come back. Actually, she didn't come back and stayed there since she couldn't come back for some reasons.
A year passed from that night and we just kept contact on fb occasionally until when she told me she's growing feelings for her ex in her home country (OR may have been with him all the time and cheated on him with me when she was here) and then asked me if I'm cool with this which I was shocked that she's telling me this now! But I told her I was cool. (Another mistake I guess)
2-3 months later when I went to her home country for a vacation trip, I managed to get her number from fb and texted her that we should meet up again after all this long time. I didn't know by that time but this was where she was in control and I didn't noticed it. She agreed to meet but was saying she's kind of busy with exams,school work etc which I guessed then might be an excuse)
I didn't know what I was looking for even. Maybe another chance to have sex with her? or trying to get her from her bf....
So I called her again in a week. She kind of sounded shocked and then again made another excuse agreeing to see me but it might not be a good time. That's when I sensed something's wrong and asked someone with better experience for some guidance and they told me that this girl is actually not interested in me at all (anymore) and is just trying to be nice with me (and my emotions) and the best thing I could do is to completely ignore her after that. Well, which I did but She didn't contacted me either after that.And, that was when I finally moved on
The lessons I've learned now looking back at this whole experience :
I may have still missed some lessons I could've learned or things I could've done better. But if you have any suggestions, comments or similar experiences, post them
Looking back at my memory I now realise all of the stuff I did (and the mistakes I made) which then helped me get this girl. All of techniques I used my common sense at that time but which are all mentioned on the blog actually here and there.
So let me open up a bit :
Girl Rating 6.5/10, Looks : Above Average, Iranian ,
It all started around a year ago when I just started University and took a role of social secretary in one of the societies at uni.This gave me a good opportunity of having an extrinsic social status. At one of the parties that we organised, most people that were there were at least 2-3 years older than me and I was totally a fresher at that moment so knowing that girls usually FZ guys younger than them I was scared approaching new girls in the party. I was trying to find a girl but didn't know how to and was too scared to approach the old ladies .
I had not found GC.com by that time.
BUT, Something strange happened.... If you've read the blog you know Chase have always said that men should take the initiative all the time since 99% of woman would not do that and will look forward to men to do that. Well, in this occasion I got lucky (maybe because I had accidentally got my fundamentals right?) and got approached by girl who then turned out to be three years older than me. She opened up to me by asking me: "Why everyone in this party is older than us ?" She was thinking I was her age so I didn't even let her know my age knowing She would go in auto-FZing me. I just told her I'm around her age or even older when I was asked. (I used some intrigue ofcourse)
Anyway, Cutting the story short, We danced a bit, I deep dived (although I had no idea what it was by that moment), and even I managed to make her FEEL some emotions(Which again I didn't know I should do with girls). I also noticed that back then when I danced with her I mentioned I wanted to meet her and managed to naturally get her phone number (Which was on the high point of the convo) and then getting too busy after that to be around her anymore. (Which is good) - I made a mistake once of dancing too much with a girl that she didn't even gave me her number at the end.
Two days passed from the night and I texted her and I can remember I didn't do any normal texting inexperienced guys usually do. I went straight to setup a meeting from the text .And well, I managed to get the date. But, when I met her she wasn't dressing as like we're going on a date together and that killed some my attraction towards her.
On the date I found out she's new to the city so I could take her literally anywhere new to her. To big fancy restaurants for example. I didn't though. When we met near a tram station I simply asked her where she wants us to go (Which well was a mistake since girls can't make a decision easily by themselves and I was showing I'm not leading the date ) so I decided to take her to a shopping centre nearby and mainly showing her around the city. Actually she did some shopping but I didn't pay for anything at all! (Shopping is not good for dates - One other mistake perhaps)
Interesting thing that I remember is that during the shopping bit, I saw one of my (girl) friends and started talking to her while she was around doing her shopping but she could see me talking to the girl and the conversations was becoming pretty warm (See Preselection) which might have actually helped me increase my attractiveness during the date. Again I had no idea being inexperienced.
So again I luckily managed to pull it off right again by making the date simple, following date templates (without any previous knowledge) and then taking her to cinema.
Anyway, at the end of the night, I took her to her home and she invited me upstairs. By that time I had no idea how these things all worked out, I was so inexperienced in this field that I didn't even know what the invitation for coffee meant for example. But, Somehow I managed to pull off all the steps right just by using my common sense and what I had learnt from the movies etc.)
But this is where I made another mistake. I went upstairs, we sat in the common room and just talked about stuff without me doing any sexual escalations since I was afraid of doing it by that time. (Lesson here was that I should've kissed her within 10 minutes being alone with her there).
So, at the end nothing special happened that night and I just said farewell and went home. However, I managed to get a second date few days later (doing the same texting for setting up a date thing) and by this time I was automatically trying to put sexual frames without even noticing it myself . Grabbed her hand during the date and touched her gently in different parts. etc....
This is where the story gets weird. I made a big mistake that again luckily didn't end up tragic for me (Me loosing her) but I'm still ashamed of it until today.
We were walking down the street next to a church, when I realised no-one's around. So I just plain went derp and asked her if I can kiss her . Yeah! NEVER DO THAT! I didn't know what I was doing but I got what I wanted. This made me realise that I should be more open to my girl of what I want but didn't know what I did (No Intrigue, Asking for a kiss) may have a bad impact as well and sounds needy. This is another part that when I look back I tell myself how the hell I managed to do all those stuff that time without knowing the "game"!
Let me tell you this. I've never ever had kissed a girl next to a church's graveyard. Well, That's a lie . Yes I have! That night I did...
I asked her to come to my home afterwards and told her that we can cook some dinner and watch some TV-shows so she agreed. I didn't know if I wanted to nail her or not but I had no idea what I was doing so when she came to my house, we went and sat on the couch. I put the tv show on and sat next to her. When I was thinking of what to do next and what to cook (and other stuff other than sex), this was where the magic happened and I got lucky again. I looked at her and realised she was also looking at me so I went for the kiss.Then, I started kissing her neck and behind her ear which was a turn on for her and managed easily to get her clothes off without any resistance after. I was licking and kissing her body all over from her head to her boobs, going around in circles up and down which made her go crazy. But, she pushed me back halfway to give back the favor. She started to aggressively taking my clothes off in a way like she couldn't wait for the sex to happen anymore as it must happen now ! She started doing the same things on me which felt great and then gave me a great head and it escalated pretty fast from that point when put myself in her and made her night.
After sex, I remember as Just Dave said : "let the girl lie on your chest after sex" so this time I was doing it again without knowing it so she lied on me for about 5 minutes when I made another mistake. I went to get something which killed the sexual mood and I didn't talked with her much after the sex so that was another lesson learned here looking back.
That was when she said that she needed to leave so without any persistence to make her stay which was another mistake I called a taxi and she left.
On the way home, She sent a text on how amazing the night was and how she thinks she's falling in love with me. I kind of freaked out by this time since I wasn't looking for a serious relationship at that moment and then may have replied in way that made her go cold after. (Another Mistake and lesson learned here : Don't overthink stuff) This all happened the night she was leaving to her home country for two weeks so I was thinking she's going to come back. Actually, she didn't come back and stayed there since she couldn't come back for some reasons.
A year passed from that night and we just kept contact on fb occasionally until when she told me she's growing feelings for her ex in her home country (OR may have been with him all the time and cheated on him with me when she was here) and then asked me if I'm cool with this which I was shocked that she's telling me this now! But I told her I was cool. (Another mistake I guess)
2-3 months later when I went to her home country for a vacation trip, I managed to get her number from fb and texted her that we should meet up again after all this long time. I didn't know by that time but this was where she was in control and I didn't noticed it. She agreed to meet but was saying she's kind of busy with exams,school work etc which I guessed then might be an excuse)
I didn't know what I was looking for even. Maybe another chance to have sex with her? or trying to get her from her bf....
So I called her again in a week. She kind of sounded shocked and then again made another excuse agreeing to see me but it might not be a good time. That's when I sensed something's wrong and asked someone with better experience for some guidance and they told me that this girl is actually not interested in me at all (anymore) and is just trying to be nice with me (and my emotions) and the best thing I could do is to completely ignore her after that. Well, which I did but She didn't contacted me either after that.And, that was when I finally moved on
The lessons I've learned now looking back at this whole experience :
- 1- Don't ask a girl without any intrigue what you want from her . In this occasion : Kissing
2- Long Distance Relationships won't work .
3- I should've got the message when she told me she's gone back with her bf again and shouldn't have wasted my time contacting her
4- Lots of times she was actually leading the interaction and I couldn't see the signs of interest(Or signs she wants me to progress the seduction). Not many girls these days forget you if you make these kind of mistakes let alone helping you with your seduction.
5- My emotions after sex tricked me in over thinking some stuff which I shouldn't have which could led in me having her in my life still.
6- I was being judgemental and was constantly comparing her looks with other girls which made me lose interest in her.Therefore, losing her and regretting it sometimes later.
7- IF she's older, doesn't mean you can't have sex with her. This wasn't my mindset 2-3 years ago. Try not to lie to girls about your age but also don't reveal sensitive info. I lied to her in this case but I could've avoided lying if I knew how to be more intriguing.
I may have still missed some lessons I could've learned or things I could've done better. But if you have any suggestions, comments or similar experiences, post them