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Looking for a scheduler/day planner app


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
Looking for a scheduler/day planner app or software. I was using a google sheet document before and it got the job done, but wasn't very handy.

Just need something to help plan my week and days, so I can sit down on a Sunday night and set it all out, then just execute through the week.

Any recommendations?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 1, 2019
from the 2 if you have to pick one which one would you pick?
If I had to pick one, I would pick google calender - especially if my tasks more or less was the same each week.

Trello is a great supplement to google calender. I am testing out another system instead of using Todoist, that I normally use. For personal use, I have a simple kanban inspired board with: Tasks, Scheduled, Done. When I think about something I have to get done, I add it to the tasks list. At night, I then schedule the tasks in Google Calender for the week and move it to the "scheduled" box, and in the end of the week where the task is finished, I move it to done. In that way, I make sure I finish the tasks that came up in my mind or I have to finish.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Looking for a scheduler/day planner app or software. I was using a google sheet document before and it got the job done, but wasn't very handy.

Just need something to help plan my week and days, so I can sit down on a Sunday night and set it all out, then just execute through the week.

Any recommendations?

Google Keep. But keep in mind.

Physical>Non Physical>Non Physical
HDD/Handphone>Google Drive>Mobile HDD

Hear this from me. SD card and my 500gb USB HDD failed me way too many times. My Power Rangers that I just downloaded, old data and some great porn. Fucking awesome. FUCK

For Non-tech Girlschase guys:
Based on my experience, get a drive that is at its source. Example: HDD or Handphones internal storage,

NOT mobile HDD/SD card



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I have a system that consists of
  1. A bullet journal and google calendar(blocks for particular things i want to do) for high level week ahead/sprints planning ( i tend to manage 3 larger things well for a week).
  2. Todoist for sprint-type executions aka i organise, prioritise and detail whats planned in 1. Todoist is also where i gather "incomings"(emails, calls, requests) and where i manage several lists(leads, shopping, ideas etc). Sometimes google sheets supports this if more detail is needed on task level.
  3. Notion for all to use later notes (check the PARA method - second brain). And for goals listing. And for some personal journalling.
Every week i end the week w reviewing the week in the Bullet journal. i have one max two focal point across several weeks in my reviews. i take "active notes" in the bullet journal when out.

Might seem complex but its created over time and habitualised so that i just flow through them now. In response to where i best work with each part. You will often see me with the goal page from notion on a screen, the bullet journal open with a sprint brainstorm and my todoist where i am organising the Bullet journal elements (year goals > planning brainstorm > organising it for execution ).

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
I use Trello + Calendar.

Every month I sit down and write out my major goals. Then I take a while and list every single task or project that must be done for those goals to be completed. Those task then go to trello.

Trello is divided into multiple sections.

“Master Batch List”

The master batch list contains all of the task I already write out.

Every night before bed I look at the master batch list and pick out three of the most important and/or most urgent and move them over to the Doing list and the next morning I get up and get to work on it.

My calendar automatically has time blocked off on it that I’m use to for “doing” task but I also use it to schedule in anything else such as meetings, appointments, etc. I check it every night and every morning and update it as needed.

I am able to be extremely productive by using this method.