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Looking for feedback


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 10, 2022
Hey guys,

Wanted your opinion on this situation I ran into yesterday. Apologies for the long read in advance. I'm not very good at this yet as you will see but please don't hold back at all.

Spotted this cute girl at the gym while I was waiting for a group class to start in 5 mins. She was using a machine I had never seen before and I was genuinely curious about it. She showed me how to use and we started talking for a bit, deep dived her a bit then asked her to join me in the class as I didn't have time to work towards grabbing the contact. She did, booked a spot in the class and we went into the class together (Not sure if this was a good/bad idea as I got some pretty good compliance but class was pretty tiring and whether this would lead to her associating negative feelings with me).

Anyways after that I had to run for a salsa class so I tried to get her contact (she offered instagram, do people still go for numbers these days?) before planning my exit. I knew from the earlier conversation she didn't have much plans for the rest of the night or this particular day of the week (future logistical considerations). Her answer was that sometimes she parties (I feel like I've outgrown my partying phase in life) but not all the time and in response to what she was doing this particular night she said she just felt like getting some ice cream (invitation?). If only I didn't have a class to run to. I know most people would have cut the conversation and worked towards meeting under a different setting another day but I actually asked her to join me for class (5 mins walk from the gym). In hindsight it was probably a bad idea as it setup potential for rejection and losing the leading frame but for some reason she agreed although she looked a little tired (Not sure if I gained points or lost points by doing this as I felt like I shocked her out of her routine and she had defaulted to letting me take the lead on anything but I feel like she was starting to associate the feeling of being exhausted with me). I was pretty much winging it at this point as I didn't expect her to actually come along. I dived her a bit more over the short walk about her dreams/aspirations and got some generic answers that I couldn't really move further with (my bad as I already knew she was still in that figuring out phase in life).

At the dance studio is where it turned into a giant facepalm. They didn't allow her to just watch the class so we were in this awkard situation. She seeemed to perk up a little when she found out the type of class, saying she thought it was modern dance initially and she actually liked latin dance. Class had already started so I felt it would look extremely weird if I didn't go in immediately but that meant I basically just left her stranded at the reception. In hindsight I should have asked if she would stick around for a bit until it ended and we could go get ice cream after but things happened so quickly and I wasn't thinking on my feet. They did offer a walk-in registration for the class but I think she was pretty much done for the night. I was initially disappointed she didn't join in but then again, I didn't expect her to come this far at all.

After the class I messaged her apologising for the awkward situation earlier without any response. I thought it was over and was prepared to file this encounter into the failure folder but she actually replied the next day saying don't worry about it. What's your read on where we stand right now? Do I have the green light to invite her for dance class next week or should I text more or just bump into her again next week (I know where she will be)?

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers