Hey man,
Just wanna say that I understand your insecurity.
I'm not indian but of indian decent. So I look 100% indian.
And you don't see many indian men pulling girls, it's true.
The thing to keep in mind about indian men is that what's unnattractive about most of them is their behaviour, not their raw looks.
I feel like this is what most indian guys who are insecure fail to grasp. They think that because their skin is brown or their features scream "Indian", women are gonna turn them down right away. This is not true.
You looking indian is not an immediate deal breaker. From my experience, unless a girl has had negative experiences with a bunch of indian men, she will be at least neutral, if not positively curious about you, especially if you look good (fashion, haircut, physique)
The good news? Behaviour is 100% malleable. You don't have the accent, that's already very good. Work on nailing down attractive traits.
The best news? You won't believe the boost in attraction you'll receive when you break the behavioural stereotype.
One last note: There's a guy in my building who slept with easily 20% of the hottest chicks in the building. I grabbed drinks with him, mainly to scrutinize him. He's obviously a natural. He has the sexiest vibe I've seen in person. He's also bi-sexual, which made sense because I had a feeling he was flirting with me xD He's indian, without the accent, tall, has dreads like Jack Sparrow and has a lay count >100