Hi Guys I would love hearing you feedback and Inputs
I'm 21 years old, I don't have a great social life, but recently I decided to change it and go get more social, but it seems I have not been able to break past my odl patterns that make me a lone wolf. Right now I try to hangout with more people, go to more events and try to invite more people to events. The one thing that frustrates me to no end is people seem to not even remember me once I'm not physically present with them, They promise they will invite me and don't (I leave it at that..thinking if they were actually serious they would remember to invite me)hardly invites me to events or to even hangout. Since I haven't been in social circle in a long time, invariably when I do find myself in a group I zone out and am never involved. On most days I remain at home, When I do find the energy to invite other people to events or to hangout most of them graciously offer excuses and back out...Neither people invite me or accept my invitation,I get out only when it is need else I'm inside, How do you guys get out of the house so often, what do you guys do hanging out with people or outside the house?
TLDR; I feel like a ghost socially, I always feel like I'm Third wheeling, and never involved or a part of any group socially.
Would love hearing your inputs and feedback to get my life on track.
I'm 21 years old, I don't have a great social life, but recently I decided to change it and go get more social, but it seems I have not been able to break past my odl patterns that make me a lone wolf. Right now I try to hangout with more people, go to more events and try to invite more people to events. The one thing that frustrates me to no end is people seem to not even remember me once I'm not physically present with them, They promise they will invite me and don't (I leave it at that..thinking if they were actually serious they would remember to invite me)hardly invites me to events or to even hangout. Since I haven't been in social circle in a long time, invariably when I do find myself in a group I zone out and am never involved. On most days I remain at home, When I do find the energy to invite other people to events or to hangout most of them graciously offer excuses and back out...Neither people invite me or accept my invitation,I get out only when it is need else I'm inside, How do you guys get out of the house so often, what do you guys do hanging out with people or outside the house?
TLDR; I feel like a ghost socially, I always feel like I'm Third wheeling, and never involved or a part of any group socially.
Would love hearing your inputs and feedback to get my life on track.