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LR  love me long time (easter bunny fuk )


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 18, 2014
Weekly I force my self to do cold approach training, 10 hours straight of Subway seduction. Actually I'm sitting in a subway car now across from a pretty white girl who I plan to fuck tonight. Anyway my last approach on Black Friday I exit at 7th and Metro Station to see a petite Asian posing and watching over her many sweat shop material items branded by the Americans. I approach and :her seductive smile matches mines. I lie and tell her I graduated from USC, thats the school she wants to transfer to.I kno its against the rules to lie I used it as a hook to establish value .. weak rookie move. Her train is arriving in 30 seconds so we exchange numbers quickly.I hope her texting is better than her english.

I text her on 3 different occasions every time I push for us to hang out aka have crazy rabbit sex she say "I have to study for finals another time. So I forget about her because the devil may care . Plus I have several options from the weekly cold approach training I do.

About 2 weeks later out of the blue she text me and says she has a confession to make she says "I had boyfriend when we met thats why I wouldnt see you. we just broke up yesterday what made you stop me that day in the subway."
I use my seductive banter and get her to agree to meet that following evening. At the time my logistics were terrible; I was staying with a milf I pulled a few weeks ago and taking her back there was a NOGO. We both had no car so I picked her up from the train station that evening we went to a book store where we she elaborated on her japanese culture and childhood. After I deep dived her, I took her to the roof of my office building where there is a jacuzzi and you can see all of the city. Ofcourse she was amazed and after a few slight hesistations I man handled kiss her on the Sofa. She then proceeded to sit on top of me where I thrusted 2 fingers in her opening an moved my hand in a come Here motion. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head my smile widened. Security Snuck up on us twice but, they thought nothing of it other than a couple making out. After my left and right hand tired, i let her taste a little of my pre cum which I stole from girl chase. I unbuckle And inserted she's tighter than her final study schedule. She rode me in the on top position so Naturally I cam quick mistake 2. Afterwards I walk her back to the subway and she agrees to make a sushi next week. I text her that next morning because buyer remorse is a bitch
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers