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Low momentum, girl/s approaching you, decision-making isn't fluid


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 24, 2021
over the weekend...

2 girls, 1 of them came over asking for a cigarette, which I gave her. But before she came, I felt a lingering sense of approach invitation, though I didn’t entertain it. Later on, she circled back to where I was, and I was smoking. She asked for a cigarette, opening me, and while we smoked, we physically touching/kino each other in front of her friend, telling her that I live at "that" flat, she mentioned she was visiting and proposed we drink vodka. Normally, I wouldn’t reject such a request or interaction verbally. I responded, “If you go to 'those' foreigners, they’ll give you a drink if you flirt with them a little bit.” She then ejected from the interaction from mostly my “neo-replied”, and cut the loop of conversation. This shows that girls aren't the masters of conversations either, they dig their holes just as much. They have a pussy hole so they could get away with it, as guys you can't really...

It was a duo set, with a girl with "high" interest. If your game is good you keep both hooked and get the other one with another guy or bring them back to your flat and call Uber to one of them for closing.

Girl: "Let's go drink vodka!"
me: "If you go to 'those' foreigners, they’ll give you a drink if you flirt with them a little bit."
Girl: " I could buy my own drinks..."

From there the conversation started to fade and they left after 30 seconds.

It was my fault...

This could be an example of "girls using you for drinks", but it's an open-ended statement, where verbal matter. It's up to your game and strategic decision.

MAIN THING, she didn't ask me to buy, she was just proposing to drink vodka. I could have flipped it back on her.

"You want to buy me a drink?" (it works sometimes)

Particularly with women who exhibit high initial interest, there’s a subtle behavioral pattern to recognize. When a woman demands compliance whether by asking for a drink, prompting a move, or testing decisiveness it can serves as a gauge of leadership/dominance. If a man fails to take charge, it shifts into frustration or disinterest. I have seen it with more evident with high-interest/horny girls. Of course I'm not talking about escorts "trying" to take to a stripper bar, be careful with those.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers