Wow, today was one crazy ass day.
This was only my 4th day out. I had only directly approached 3 women so far. My conversations with all of them ended within 10 seconds. And now, I had to approach 10 and try to sustain a conversation.
And, right as I entered the mall, I saw a girl leaving. Now I had to actually put my goals into action.
I still didn't feel comfortable enough to do a front approach, so I tried to approach from the side instead. I walked next to her so that I was clearly in her peripheral view, lightly tapped her on the arm with the back of my hand, and I waited until she looked at me for me to look at her. This was definitely an improvement over my clumsy approaches from the previous days.
Me: I just noticed you walking here, and I have to tell you that you have the nicest hair I've seen all day. I'm Lowes.
Her: Oh, thank you.
Me: What's your name?
Her: 1. (I'm just gonna label their names as numbers to make things easier. After all, it is a numbers game
Me: Well 1, what brings you here today? (At this point, I was nervous, so I was very slightly shaking. I don't know if she noticed; I don't know how obvious it was)
Her: Just doing some shopping.
Me: Hopefully you have some source of money do to some shopping! Where do you work?
Her: [Place]
Me: I've heard about that place but I don't know what they do.
Her: They do some licensing related things.
Me: Oh, so like with Disney characters, for instance?
Her: Yeah, like that.
(I ask a few more details about her job and she answers; this goes on for like 30 seconds)
Me: Well, I must say, you have a sense of both youth and maturity. How old are you? (I thought up this screen to make sure I'm not talking to 17 year olds)
Her: 32. (Uh... apparently I suck at telling people's ages)
Me: Oh... well, I'm 19... nice talking to you!
It was a solid approach overall for my first try of the day. It was uncomfortable, and I went straight into attempted deep diving without doing some light banter, so it was kind of abrupt. The girl herself was receptive to talking, but not overly excited.
I walked to rest up against a wall and check my phone, then I saw another girl walking by, clearly my age. I did the same approach as before.
This conversation was basically the same as with girl 1. I had the same opener and went straight into some attempted deep diving.
Me: Where do you work?
Her: In [store] right here in the mall.
Me: What's your ultimate goal? Do you want to move up the corporate ladder? Or do you have other plans?
Her: I want to be a nurse.
Me: Very nice, I know a few nurses and they're very ambitious and friendly people. But why not be a doctor or surgeon?
Her: That's a little too much work and stress for me.
Me: Oh, so you want to let other people deal with all the craziness of surgeries, eh? (Said in a kind of joking tone to tease her a little)
Her: Yep. But I've got to head to my job.
Me: Bye, nice meeting you!
This conversation was a little bit better, but overall, like I said, it was pretty similar to the first one.
Then, continuing down the mall, I saw another girl walking very fast. I didn't make eye contact and waited for her to pass, ready to approach.
But as I turned around, she also looked behind and we made eye contact... And I noticed that she was a girl from my high school. And not just any girl, it was my wingman's (they guy with me at the beach) girlfriend. Who had despised me and whom I despised. Good thing I didn't open her!
Brief sidenote: Although we really didn't like each other back in high school, I had moved past that and actually would have been friendly with her if I had noticed her sooner. But I was so surprised when I saw her that I broke eye contact and kept walking.
Then I saw another girl (who I didn't know) and did my same approach and opening. This conversation was also like the first two, but I did some more teasing this time. She was friendly.
Me: So what brings you here today?
Her: Just doing some shopping.
Me: Shopping for yourself? Shopping for someone else?
Her: I'm taking a trip this weekend.
Me: So you're a little selfish, huh? Shopping only for yourself? (Joking)
Her: (Laughs) Yeah.
(From here on out, the conversation was basically a copy/paste of the deep dive with girl 2, since girl 3 also wanted to be a nurse. However, I did a brief, slightly awkward cold read)
Me: So, from talking to you, you seem like someone with a lot of compassion. You really care about others. Would you say this describes you?
Her: Yeah, I'd say so.
However, I ejected myself because I couldn't think of anything more to say. So I told her it was nice meeting her and left. Although I'm getting more confident, I'm still not fully comfortable. At least I'm having actual conversations, though.
Then, out of nowhere, a girl approached me. And it was another girl I knew from high school. In fact, it was a girl I had crushed on for two years, had chased over text for months, had given a rose while professing my love, and had asked to dinner. And here I was, running into her on a day when I was approaching random girls at the mall to try to take them to bed.
Another sidenote: Although it was very uncomfortable for both of us during my crushing stages, we had move past that years ago and are now genuinely friendly with each other.
I talked to her for a bit, then said I had to get going. The conversation was a bit awkward, not because of my past experiences with her, but because I've spent so much time reading up on deep diving strangers that I've almost forgotten how to hold conversations with old friends. It's yet another thing I need to work on.
I then took the escalator up to the next floor. While looking off to the side while going up, I noticed a girl behind me. So I walked very slowly when getting off so that I could approach her when she walked past me. This interaction was wholly unspectacular; she was texting someone and was clearly distracted. The conversation died pretty fast and I kept going.
I caught a glimpse of another girl coming toward me, and was ready to approach her... but then I noticed she was walking with my best friend. (What a strange fucking day)
I didn't know if they were friends or in a relationship, since I had never met her, but they gave off a friends vibe, so I decided to do an indirect approach and try to start a conversation.
Yet another sidenote: I had no intention of actually trying to get her number. She might be only be a friend with my friend, but I'm definitely not violating the bro code.
I attempted to deep dive her a bit while also talking to my friend, and I honestly don't remember much, probably because I had to split my attention between her and my friend. But nothing interesting happened with her, and I had to keep going so I bid them farewell.
Girl 6 I approached outdoors; she was walking away from me and I opened from the side. Again, nothing special about the conversation. I fucked up on the opening by accidentally butchering my words, though. She was moderately receptive, and I asked a few questions, but the pressure because too much and I ejected.
Girl 7 was the worst of all. She was texting when I approached, and I clumsily hit the back of her arm when opening and she was startled. And I was flustered by this, so my line was delivered terribly, and the conversation instantly died. And I did this while a few other girls were walking by, so I immediately gtfo'd and walked as far away from there as possible. This had made my nervousness return somewhat, so I walked around for like 30 minutes without approaching a single girl.
Then, my hopes changed in a flash.
While aimlessly walking, I saw this cute girl with fashionable clothes walking by and I forced myself to open from the front.
Me: I just noticed you walking here, and I have to tell you that you have the most wonderful sense of style I've seen all day. I'm Lowes. (I say this while I'm in front of her but somewhat to the side and making eye contact)
Her: Wow, thank you! I'm L. (I'm not calling her girl 8 because we actually had a good encounter)
Me: Hey, L.
Her: Oh, it's actually [correction]. (I said her name wrong)
Me: Oh, I see. What brings you here today?
Her: I'm on my way to [store]. I work there.
Me: I like that place; that's pretty cool! But I'm assuming you have some big interests; where would you like to work in the future?
Her: I really like music. That would be my dream job.
Me: Oh, you mean you're a musician?
Her: Nope, I sing.
Me: Ooo, singing. I like that. Have anything published?
Her: No, not yet.
Me: Well, you seem like someone with a hint of both maturity and youth. How old are you?
Her: 21.
Me: Oh, so you have plenty of time then! Many artists don't hit it big until they're 30. Do you have any other interests?
Her: Yeah, I'd actually like to be a waitress too.
Me: Wow, I can see it now. You'll have a restaurant where you approach customers and take their order by singing, “Would you like to see our specials?” (As I said this, I gently placed my hand on her arm, stood next to her, and used my other arm to beckon in the distance. It was exactly like in the movies when one characters says, “Imagine it now...” and beckons into the sky. I released my grip after roughly 8 seconds. I was so damn proud of myself for this)
Her: (Laughs) I like you; you're funny. How old are you? (Was this a screen? Was she testing me? Was she genuine? Is it good she thinks I'm funny? Keep in mind that I was also using sexy facial expressions and wasn't over the top like an entertainer, so it's not like I was being a comedian)
Me: I'm old enough.
Her: C'mon, I told you my age. What's yours?
Me: Alright, 20. (I lied here, since I thought that saying I was 19 would nuke my chances with a 21-year-old. Should I be honest next time?)
Her: What? I don't believe you! You look 25! (Said in disbelief, not accusatory or angry. Also, apparently I'm not the only one who sucks at telling ages)
Me: Okay, I'm 28. (Joking)
Her: No, really, how old are you?
Me: Okay, I'm actually 19.
Her: Seriously?
Me: I'm serious.
Her: Wait, let me see your driver's license.
Me: Okay, but let me cover up the rest so you don't steal my personal info (This was an attempted tease; I don't know if it came across as teasing or as a chase frame or what)
Her: Wow, so you are 19.
Me: Yeah, I sure am. So, what else do you like to do?
Her: I'm very interested in psychology.
Me: Oh, so you want to mind control people while you serve them their food? (Joke)
Her: (Laughs) No! I'm just a thinker. I like to think about things.
Me: A thinker, eh? What do you think about? Existential questions? (Joke)
Her: Nope, I just really like thinking. (I don't think she was trying to be evasive here; it sounded more like she was just caught up in her thoughts a lot)
Me: (Laughs) Hey look, I'm gonna have to run in a few minutes, can I get your contact info so we can talk some more? (I'm glad I didn't ask for her “number,” but I fucked up and asked it as a question instead of telling her we should trade numbers. Also, I should have mentioned setting up a date, but I'm just happy I got that far in a conversation)
Her: Sure!
Me: Okay, here's my phone, enter it in.
Her: (Enters number) You know how to spell my name, right?
Me: Yeah. (I spell it on my phone and accidentally hit space so that it's two words)
Her: Oh, it's one word.
Me: Oh, so now you're the one flip flopping with information? (This made sense in context; I was joking about how I changed my age and now she's changing her name)
Her: (Laughs)
Me: Okay, let me call you to make sure.
Her: You don't trust me? (Said half jokingly and half serious, not accusatory)
Me: I trust you. I do this out of precaution because others are not so trustworthy. (I said this just to reassure her I trusted her, but I think it inadvertently set an “us vs. the world” vibe and hinted that I'm popular with many woman since I'm entering many numbers in my phone. I guess I'm learning to become inadvertently smooth)
Me: (Call the number)
Her: My phone has bad reception here; I don't know if I'll get it. (I thought she was bullshitting me with this at first, but the call goes through)
Me: Wonderful; save my number. My name is Lowes. (I already told her my name but I thought I'd remind her)
Her: Lowes... I like that name. (Was this flirting on her part?)
Me: Thanks! So, you mentioned you liked psychology but didn't elaborate. What do you like about it?
Her: Well, I just think it's cool to learn about thoughts.
Me: Oh, so –
Her: Look, I really have to go now. (Remember, she's on her way to her job)
Me: Sure thing. It was nice meeting you!
Her: You too!
And now for my analysis of that convo...
The bad (let's get this out of the way first)
1. I lied about my age. This luckily didn't end up being a big deal, but lying is bad.
2. I fucked up the number exchange to some degree.
3. I didn't move her or lock in.
4. I didn't do much chase framing.
The good (what I'm focusing on)
1. I did a solid job of mixing repartee with rapport.
2. I touched her (without it being weird) at one point to prevent touch-less tension.
3. I approached her from the front.
4. I (accidentally) said some smooth things.
5. I was very comfortable.
6. I didn't reveal much about myself. (Which is great, since I also like music and psychology and want to be a waiter in college, so I'll have a lot to reveal to her and will be able to relate easily if I see her again)
7. I got a number.
I was pretty pleased with myself following this, but I reminded myself that girls give tons of phone numbers out, so this doesn't mean anything. I mentally prepared myself for the chance that she might flake, especially since she's older than me, but the fact that she was very receptive and stopped while in a rush are good signs. Again, I'm just happy I got a number.
Also, I texted her two hours after I got her number:
Me: Wonderful to meet you, new friend
Her: Likewise!
(I received this 90 minutes later)
So, that was fun. Now onto some less fun.
After that, I didn't meet anyone for roughly an hour. It's almost like I wanted that encounter to be my last one of the day so that I could leave on a positive note.
I went into a nearby bookstore and looked around for a few girls to try a less direct approach on, but I saw none. I went back to the main section of the mall and saw a few girls sitting down, but didn't approach because some of my approach anxiety came back up. But this ended up being a good thing, since one was sitting right in front of the store that L worked at. It sure wouldn't have been fun to approach another girl while I could easily be seen by the girl I just hit it off with.
When I was passing this store, I was looking at the time on my phone, and when I looked up, I realized where I was. I instinctively looked into the store to see if the girl might have been looking, but I didn't see her. But it's one of those places where it's hard to see in from the outside, so who knows? If she did see me walk by, I hope she didn't think I was being a creep by walking by, staring at my phone, and looking in the store as if I was going to go say hi. I'm probably overthinking this, because I didn't stop while passing or even enter.
Then, I saw a girl walking out of another store (out of sight of L's store) and again, I pussied out on the approach. This also turned out to be a good thing, because right as I did, my wingman's girlfriend walked by me again. I certainly wouldn't want her to see me do an awkward approach.
I also ran into my best friend (and the girl walking with him) and the girl I used to crush on again as I kept walking. It was just one of those days.
Then, as I entered a doorway from the outside of the mall back into the inside, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that there was a girl behind me on her phone. So I slowed down, waited until she passed, and approached from behind, since there was no way to do a front approach.
Me: Hey, wait up. I just noticed you walking here, and I have to tell you that you have the most beautiful (I had a brain fart; couldn't think of what to say) ...dress I've seen all day. I'm Lowes.
Her: (Keeps walking as she speaks, smirks at my awkward delivery) Well, yeah, it's a box dress. (It's hard to describe her tone. It wasn't rude, it was more matter of fact while also a hint of sarcasm because of the weird question. She kept this tone going throughout the whole convo)
Me: I see. What's your name?
Her: I'm 9.
Me: Hey 9, what brings you here today? (We're both still walking and I match her stride. She keeps texting and doesn't look at me)
Her: I'm going to lunch.
Me: Lunch? At this hour?
Her: I work, so this was the first chance I got.
Me: Where do you work?
Her: In [store] in the mall.
Me: Oh, what type of things do you do there? Sell box dresses? (Jokingly)
Her: No, it's a retail store. (This store is very well known, but like an idiot, I had no idea what she was talking about)
Me: So, do you do sales, or what?
Her: Um, no. I just work there.
(The conversation dies down and I can't remember what was said, but it was going nowhere)
Me: Well, I'm, uh, looking for a store. Oh wait, here it is, we just walked by it, see you later! (My outro wasn't as awkward as this makes it seem, but it was clearly an attempt to exit)
I was very obviously the chaser in this conversation. I started by telling her to wait up, matched her stride, kept looking at her (she never made eye contact with me and was continually texting), and kept asking questions but wasn't get good responses. At least I was persistent. But now I know what chasing looks like, so I'll definitely avoid it.
I looked at the time again and realized I was running out of time for my last approach, since I had somewhere to be, so I was forced to be very direct when I saw the final girl. I stopped her from the front.
Me: Hey, I'm in a bit of, um, a rush right now, but I have to tell you that you're incredibly cute. (Not a good delivery)
Her: Oh, thanks.
(And then the conversation quickly died, probably because I mentioned being in a rush)
So, although my last two approaches were far from inspirational, I was still very upbeat when I left because I had destroyed my comfort zone, met my goals of approaching 10 girls and talking to each of them for more than 10 seconds, and even received my first phone number. It was an exciting feeling. Although I made many mistakes, it's only natural to expect them as a beginner, and I pushed through them to finish my plan for the day.
1. Pickup is indeed a game of asymmetrical returns. Although it's tough to get rejected or feel uncomfortable in a convo, getting a number makes those complaints minor.
2. Little mistakes in an opening can sink you.
3. Girls can sense when you feel uncomfortable.
4. There were a few girls I saw that I didn't approach. (I only mentioned a few of these in my story.) I need to approach them!
5. If a girl is very receptive, you can make minor mistakes and you'll still be fine with her.
6. I need to get better at talking to old friends, rather than just girls or strangers.
7. Cold approaching gets easier over time. (Although it's still uncomfortable in many ways)
My next outing (If I fail to do these, call me out; I need public accountability to force me to meet my goals)
I've gone out to cold approach on 4 of the last 5 days and thoroughly pushed my comfort zone, so I'll take some brief time off. Besides, the mall is starting to bore me and the beach isn't a good place for me to approach (yet), so I have to think of some more venues to visit. I also have to think of more goals over the next few days. In the meantime, here are my current goals:
1. I will text L tomorrow to arrange a date. Also, I will try to sleep with her after this date, assuming she doesn't flake.
2. If I see a girl while out and about, I will approach.