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LR-  LR- First time lay on my bloody hands.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012

She was dancing with her friends by the bar. I sauntered over to them and tapped her elbow so that she came out from her group of dancing friends to talk. Her eyes were bright as we spoke and she followed my lead all the way. Move her closer to the bar, then went to a spot just nearby and we got talking..
Then we kissed. She was deep and passionate with it. I slid my finger down her thigh and touched her panties.

Then I said we should go home. She reclined but kept kissing. Then I asked again..again she reclined.
Next thing I said about going to the toilet, she was quiet so I pulled her through to the men's first, then to the ladies. She asked about my condom, I brought it out, she slid it on, sucked it a bit and we began.

You know how small these toilets in clubs are, it was difficult to have a good stance as we kept trying to rotate etc. Finally, I bent her over, and fingered her from behind. She moaned loudly before I stuck my dick in her. In this position, she jerked, then she said it was okay. As I tried to resume, she found out that she was bleeding.!

Oh my. I'm generally a rather calm person in the face of danger. I never get heretic. So I calmly told her to wipe herself. She did over and over. It kept spilling more blood. Then I asked if she's a virgin, and she said she'd only done it once.

She kept bleeding. Finally I said we had to go to mine. We left the bathroom after wiping as much blood as we could. Then began heading to the door. Her friends were excited at first that I was the guy she liked and I was there with them. Being very quiet and not making any eye contact.

Then, I saw some blood on the back of her legs. She was in front of us. Before I could say anything, her friends noticed it also and began interrogating her. Then I walked to her, quietly and said she should call a taxi. Before the taxi got there, her friend was hot and angry, accusing me of making her friend upset. To her I simply looked at this girl(don't even know her name still) and asked if she was upset and she said no.

The taxi arrives, we exchange numbers and part ways.

I'm still concerned about her. I don't know how else I could have handled the situation. She was pretty and seeing her bleed like that was almost overwhelming even though I didn't panic.

I wonder what you guys think could have been done better and how to move things forward from here.

I have sent her a text. No reply yet. I'm going to ring her in the morning.


#reflection #resultoftalk #socialstamina #lay
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
What up girls Chase.
Y'all doing me wrong by not commenting or recommending but it's okay. I know everybody has their own challenges they're dealing with so they also need help. Might be thinking why I aren't helping them. I do what I can, learning much like most others. I'll put in my slice when I feel I've earned my stripes. For now, still pushing.

Speaking about pushing, this girl just gave me the green light for a real date this time. So I guess, the one night stand didn't stand lol. Let's make this happen. Watch my back guys..I need it! :)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 9, 2013
First off, congrats on the lay. Your LR managed to make me feel a combination of emotion I never knew to be possible, as a laughed and felt nauseous at the same time throughout the read.

Inclined to say she can't be as inexperienced as she claims, if she was willing to have sex in a bathroom with a random guy she just met (you didn't even know her name). Her bleeding could have been her period, but honestly who knows. Either that or you're packing some serious heat.

Anyways, good luck on the date. Hope Moses' staff doesn't conjure up a plague of blood again ;)
