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LR/FR/OR/FU: my triumphs, my mistakes


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Looking back the 7 months since i came across with girlschase.com I thought i wrote my thoughts on this whole stuff - kind of got into crisis.

i spent weeks reading the site, the book (but the site was better to read), i listened to the audio so many times i cant remember (sixtwo was really good btw, good to listen to i mean). it gave me hope, motivation and stuff to do. i spent countless days going out, speaking to girls online (this was the more successful). I`ve been with 9 girls between jan-may, some of them wanted long term relationship even marriage (?!?!?), some of them wanted money, some of them got cold feet. i spoke to so many girls i dont even remember how many, lots of really beautiful ones. i messed up a lot in fact most of my approaches - from not approaching them to speaking to them the wrong way, not paying attention to them as people and pushing for sex when i didnt do good job with seduction.

it works, seriously every single word on this site is bible - even for me, my fundamentals are ok but i think i`m below average. i would say with practice, motivation and at least average looks anyone can get even the stunning girls.

but does it worth it? i dont know.

the ones i`ve been with didnt. too much trouble, sex was nothing special save a swedish girl with awesome oral technique and being with them was more of a burden than fun. i`ve been alone for most of my life so this was something fundamentally different but i`ve come to the conclusion if you got used to your way of life getting girls chase you is fun and good for your ego but at the end of the day i dont think most of them are special enough to give you quality time.

right now i think it was a good experience but i`m finished with this or at least have a long pause.

some remarks
- if you move to a new flat, start going out asap otherwise got comfortable and you stop it (was in the audio and i confirm it, i have 0 motivation to go out since i moved here)
- in the gym dont hesitate, act otherwise:
1) you feel/know its too late to act later
2) you will regret 1)
3) you will have a feeling you insulted girls who like you by not acting
- when going out, dont even go for a number close, its a pointless waste of time
- routine sex in condom is worse than jerking off so weed out girls who are not experienced/motivated in treating you with special techniques, who are conservative or who want to use sex to manipulate you (into a relationship e.g.)
- i think giving them orgasm(s) is the real fun (you WILL know when they dont fake it)
- forget party girls/unemployed girls if you have regular job
- dont be afraid to cut ties with them, your happiness is the most important, be considerate but dont allow them to waste your time and emotions
- there are way more (and more beautiful) girls out there who find you attractive than you might think...


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Good to hear from you. Some thoughts on your range of reports here:

stratvm said:
but does it worth it? i dont know.

the ones i`ve been with didnt. too much trouble, sex was nothing special save a swedish girl with awesome oral technique and being with them was more of a burden than fun. i`ve been alone for most of my life so this was something fundamentally different but i`ve come to the conclusion if you got used to your way of life getting girls chase you is fun and good for your ego but at the end of the day i dont think most of them are special enough to give you quality time.

right now i think it was a good experience but i`m finished with this or at least have a long pause.

Yeah, I understand. When you go through a period of learning something new that's fairly intensive, it can be a very emotional experience, and pretty draining and disconcerting, too. Taking breaks and time for reflection is good to do... it gives your brain some time to process the lessons and parse them for takeaways. It also lets you figure out if you were doing what you needed to be doing, or if you need to change directions.

Anyway, if you weren't meeting the kind of women you want to be meeting, one of the things you'll want to think about during your break is what kind of women you DO want to be meeting, and what they'll be looking for you to be like and how that's different from how you are now (if there is any difference).

You'll also want to ask yourself where they are, and if you're meeting women in the right places. You may not be.

e.g., women who will make amazing girlfriends you won't usually meet in nightclubs, for instance, etc.

stratvm said:
who want to use sex to manipulate you (into a relationship e.g.)

Keep in mind, relationships aren't manipulation - they're actually a sign that a girl really LIKES you.

Likes you so much that she wants to keep you around.

Likes you more than she does a guy she'd have throwaway sex with and then never talk to again.

She holds you in high regard, and wants to build a life with you. I realize it can feel like manipulation... but it's actually her way of trying to build a partnership with you because she digs you so much. It's actually a compliment.

stratvm said:
- i think giving them orgasm(s) is the real fun (you WILL know when they dont fake it)
- forget party girls/unemployed girls if you have regular job
- dont be afraid to cut ties with them, your happiness is the most important, be considerate but dont allow them to waste your time and emotions
- there are way more (and more beautiful) girls out there who find you attractive than you might think...

All good lessons.

Seems like you've come a good way in the last 7 months, Strat. Whatever you decide to do on the woman front after your break, you're going to have a much easier time making it happen now than you would have earlier. Props on the work, learning, and results, even if you haven't yet gotten to where you wanted to get (or aren't sure where exactly that is - you'll figure it out).



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Chase, you`re american right? your `can do` attitude is the perfect example what made that country great - no whining, always concentrating on achieving what you want.

btw you mention a lot of examples of picking up asian girls - filipinos & stuff. the place i live is drowning in them (along with indians & arabs too) and i can tell they LOVE white men. its some kind of fetish or dunno. so its way easier to deal with them than westeners/caucasians - dunno what your experiences are. what i can think of is that we are as exotic to them as they are to (most of) us.

you mentioned i need to find out what women im looking for and frequent places they go to - you are right, this is what`s going to be the next project after i recovered from this shock.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers