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LR-  LR- lay on my bloody hands. TWO


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
In case you want to look through the initial lay report. Here's the link below:

I worked out the logistics of a meet up for a date in the daytime. The morning of the date, she was the first to text saying: "if we were still meeting :)". I confirmed that yeah we'd still be meeting.

Meeting point logistics went great. She was a few minutes behind time. We had a drink. Then she was willing to move with me to my place.

At mine, I got in the house and we're in my room. After putting on some chillout music, we kiss.

I begin to slide my hands through her clothes and touching her all over. Then she puts up resistance.

For what seems like eternity, we keep going between making out and touchy feely, to trying to stop her from leaving. We made convo
here and there but I don't think I put my best into whatever we would talk about, even though it always led to us kissing or her letting me finger her.

While typing this, I remember somewhere between where where I gave her a massage. It went great until I'd reach for her panties to take them off. I can't imagine how much energy was put in but finally, she got dressed and after wheeling her back to the bed. (Carrying her and tossing her on) we got to me penetrating.

Like the last time, I'd only gotten so far in, she was moaning etc and I thought I should say some things to reassure her it was going smoothly. I guess I must have said something I shouldn't have said because halfway into her, her legs spread apart, with her clothes still on and her panties parted to give room to my pulsating member inside her, she snapped! Jerked out of the bed and left without saying goodbye.

Didn't return my calls and/a single text I sent her.

I really don't know what's with this chick. I've been left confused since then about what this all means. Not even sure to call it a lay report even though I got inside her.

Have any of you seen this happen before? My review of myself would be harsh. I must have gotten lazy, or weary with dealing with the LMR that I stopped being as intriguing. Also, my "comforting words" during the sex must have been a spill over from overcoming again the LMR..I must have gone into autopilot at this stage. And finally, I'm thinking of getting her to go out with me again...Just to finally bust nuts.

I'll go pick up other girls but still gonna see what's with this here girl.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Just curious: exactly WHAT did you say to her, and HOW did you say it?

We need to know that in order to get a better feel for what's happening.

Also, like others noted in part one, it does not sound that likely that a girl as inexperienced as she proclaims to be will let a random guy pull her to the bathroom that fast. It sounds more like an "I'm-so-innocent" lie when, in fact, she is probably not.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Hey Laowai,

Well about her experience, she's a fresher in uni, might have been an experiment for her.. And when she was at mine, she kept blabbering about how she's not that type of girl, and blaming what happened that night on alcohol. All girls act surprised when they get some sort of [quick] sexual expression. Not been on the field long enough but it's easy to put patterns together and see.

what I said, again, it was a spill over from reassuring her that everything was alright. I think one of them was :"i won't hurt you" while I was inside her, and few seconds later she was off.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
skin_man said:
Hey Laowai,

And when she was at mine, she kept blabbering about how she's not that type of girl, and blaming what happened that night on alcohol.


OK... this is key to understanding what happened that night. I'm sure you already know that this is the reason - it's her anti-slut defense speaking here. She does not want you to label her as a slut and she does not want to label herself a slut so she's creating the plausible deniability.

I once banged a girl off a chat app after a 2 hour date, and while she was certainly one of my easiest lays ever, after I banged her 3-4 times that night and morning, I failed to communicate that I liked her and that I didn't just see her as another piece of meat.... which actually I did. She was a pain in the ass, but she had an awesome body with great fakes, which was the main reason that I wanted to see her (I know, I know, all very romantic...). The point is that while I got to see her a few times again, I didn't get to bang her again, because I had fucked up after banging her and communicated that I actually didn't really like her.

So, what you should have done a better job of before attempting to bang her again was to qualify and build comfort way better. You already had very strong attraction with her, but you didn't communicate that you didn't see her as a slutty one - after all, you banged her within 5-10 minutes of meeting her. You should have recognized this and tried to get to know her a bit better before attempting to mount her again ; ) So, usually with LMR you have to qualify their asses off and tell them that it's their fault for attracting you so much and being so wonderful that you can't keep your hands away from them. We all grow lazy, especially when we believe it's a win.

How to proceed now? Send her a text to tell her that you're sad that she just walked out and doesn't reply anymore, because you really thought that you guys had a good time and that she was awesome and fun to talk to and that you really enjoyed X quality about her. Something like that. She needs that personality reassurance.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
know that this is the reason - it's her anti-slut defense speaking here. She does not want you to label her as a slut and she does not want to label herself a slut so she's creating the plausible deniability.


She was a pain in the ass, but she had an awesome body with great fakes, which was the main reason that I wanted to see her (I know, I know, all very romantic...)

Ride on boss :)

How to proceed now? Send her a text to tell her that you're sad that she just walked out and doesn't reply anymore, because you really thought that you guys had a good time and that she was awesome and fun to talk to and that you really enjoyed X quality about her.

Did that same day. Even set up a meet for another day. You know what happened? A friend of hers called me, and made some mocking comment about the second date text. And after I got that call, I sent a single follow up text and no reply. Can only reckon she's on anti slut, and auto reject at the same time.

Will reattempt though, but I don't expect much out. Been out and seen some Italian girl who digs me.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take