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LRx2: The Sex Adventures

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
Hola gents, been too long since I’ve written one of these. I wanted to wait until I got my first lay in my new city. Took longer than I expected (two weeks), but it’s been an interesting adjustment to big city life. Much more energy and countless more objects to consolidate within my consciousness - this creates a lot of stress and nails me with tons of fatigue. I’ve been sleeping an average 12-14 hours a day.

More than this, however, I need to tweak my game for the high-paced feel of the city. Everyone’s on their toes and have hardcore ADD (seriously, people are flakey as fuck down here in general) - they have so many options that even really good sexual options are only momentarily enticing. They know that just around the corner is a horny boss waiting to fuck them.

Contrast this with my small-school-/small-town college. Yeah, it’s college, so people are studying, partying, socializing, etc. But for the most part, by sophomore year, everyone has locked down their particular social circle, so that calms them. Oh also, you know everyone else by now, or at least most people, so very few outsiders exists - there's no mystery anymore. Even if a girl meets a mysterious guy she’s been blind to for years, it’s dangerous to randomly hookup as it is, because everyone talks. Everybody knows each other’s business. This then calms a girl down even more, slowing down her “sluttiness” (i.e., naturally beautiful female sexuality) and requiring you to utilize an especially discrete seduction style. I completely overwhelmed my reserves in college by going too crazy, too quick - I became a walking reputation bomb. So despite the skill I’d sharpened, I was still too much to handle. Recognizing this in my last year, I toned down my aggression hard. This led to me not only “refreshing” my reputation somewhat (I had people tell me that I was a completely different person), but also adopting the perfect college style.

I could switch to super-party guy or super-chill guy; it depended on the circumstance. However, the super-chill guy was my most recent style, so I was somewhat still attached to a discrete-social circle style (i.e., Slowburn), rather than my original, crazy style (i.e., BMOC).

So when I moved to the city, I was still defaulting to Slowburn. This is useful only for really tight-nit social circles or a fair-abundance of purely social circle game (where you can be chill, but still pound lots of pussy, because of how many groups you enter and how frequently you see them). They’re useful for my frozen circles (e.g., where I workout or shops I frequent).

I cold approach and day game a lot, however. So I need to pick-up the momentum to keep up with the city vibe.

It’ll take some time, but it seems like a transition that takes patience and a light heart. I have no doubts I’ll adjust.

Eventually all plateaus bend and then break.

Doing Laundry with the French

I was thinking of a cool way to increase my social exposure, since I’d become a bit of an introvert when I arrived. By no means was I just sitting around; I open a girl literally every time I go out to do something. I wanted to start focusing on some other passions, however, and this means my approach addiction is a bit starved - I still want to feel like I’m pursuing mastery, and actually do so, but I need to tone down my obsession a bit. Masterful obsession is useful, but sometimes, you need to slow down and reflect a bit. Otherwise, you risk losing yourself in constant motion and blind yourself to understanding.

That being said, I decided to open my door to travelers. If I heard of someone needing a place to crash from a friend, I'd oblige. Obviously, my first guests had to be two french girls. I get in contact with Margerie and she says her and her friend, Lacey, want to stay for a night while in my city. She seems pretty flirty in our correspondence.

When they arrive at my apartment building. I immediately hugged them both and then chatted with them as we walked up the stairs. But once Margerie opened her mouth, I noticed something interesting - she didn’t have a French accent.

I immediately commented, “Umm, you don’t sound French at all. Were you lying to me?” as I smirked and coated my words with sarcasm.

Margerie gasps slightly and tells me that indeed she is! I laugh at her and accuse her of misrepresenting herself, and say that her friend sounds genuinely French. They both laugh and the flirty vibe follows as such.

We go to my room (i.e., my closet; it's that small) and though it is a tight fit, they don’t seem too concerned. I then suggest we grab lunch and they agree. I open my desk drawer to grab my keys, but when I pull out the drawer, I see a bunch of condom and realize that this is also my condom drawer. Staying calm, I grab my keys and slowly shut the drawer, looking up and towards the girls as I do so to draw attention away from the drawer - but when I turn around, I notice Margerie is standing RIGHT next to me and staring straight into the drawer.

Okay, guess we’re clear about what I do now, eh?

We then head to lunch, talk a bunch and then explore the city. Nothing extraordinary was done at lunch, since I was already so high value, I just had to coast it out and let them chase. Margerie was definitely thirsty, but her friend wasn’t sexually attracted to me at all, which was cool; it was clear to just focus on Margerie (and I later learned that her friend Lacey has a boyfriend and is pretty crazy about him). Although, I did deep dive Lacey and inspired her quite a bit; I learned that her occupational future is unknown right now, so I suggested a few possible lifestyles from her interests and personality. They both really enjoyed that.

While exploring the city, the girls suggested we go to a museum or art gallery. But instead of use google maps, I wanted to have some fun - I started cold approaching strangers and asking for directions to art galleries and museums. This probably got them a bit wet. Unfortunately, we got quite fucking lost. Good thing we collectively blamed it on Margerie, and she scapegoated for the lost-ness, so I didn’t fuck that one up.

Then we went to a museum. There I showed off a bit with my Buddhism knowledge when we entered the Asian art galleries. But it came off as me being passionate about my favorite subject, so I think it hit the spot as mostly implied value (i.e., active value).

We spent a total of ~6 hours running around. After the museum, we all got in the car, and Margerie “suggested” I go back home and get some writing done (she mentioned in a very off-hand way that I was supposed to write today). I took this as a window for them to spend some alone time together (and hopefully gossip about how cute I am or something).

We drive back to my place and they drop me off. I spend some time writing.

They return around 9pm and we chat for a bit. Then, they discuss showering and Lacey goes first. I know this is when I should make my first move with Margerie, so I position myself on my floor bed (fuck mattresses) in a very calm and in-control position.

When Lacey goes to the bathroom, Margerie is laying on the floor near my desk chair, in an…”off” position. I don’t go after her here, because it would just be awkward. So I wait, and she opens up a window for me by moving to the middle of the room and starts flipping through the Dhammapada, a book that Lacey pulled out from my bookshelf while we were all talking. She begins asking about Buddhism some more as I just stare at her with lusty eyes. Every time she looks up, she smiles and then gets shy and looks away.

While answering a particular question, I get up, and lay down in front of her. I explain the concepts of “contact without grasping,” one of the ways that the Buddha described living in the human body. You still desire objects, as it is natural for a composite object like the body and mind to strive after things, but you don’t cling to them - hence you do not thirst, which is the actual translation of tanha, the word most usually translated as “desire” in the Second Noble Truth.

She professes to still being a bit confused, and so I paint a picture of having sex and how it’s still a beautiful and fulfilling act, you just can’t get attached to the experience. You must enjoy it as if you enjoy running your hand through water - never try and grasp the coolness and the wetness of the experience.

I can tell she’s getting even more excited, because now she’s quiet and giving me doe-eyes. At this, I say, “would you like me to demonstrate? It’s best shown, not told.” She starts to smile at me then hides her face in her hands.

She’s adorable.

I lean in and kiss her gently. We continue swapping spit for a bit and then she backs off, “But Lacey is right there!” pointing to the bathroom.

“So? You’re French!” and laugh. Her eyes widen with a mix of intrigue and surprise, and perhaps a bit of insult. It was quite offensive, but offensiveness is attractive sometimes. Well, a lot of times. I continue, “we can keep going as far as you like when she’s in there, and we’ll stop when she gets out.” She responds, “well, this is far enough” smiling.

So I kiss her again, not knowing what to do exactly. Amidst the kissing, she tells me that she’s wary of me (I get this a lot now). I ask her why, and she says

“That thing you did earlier...with the demonstration and Buddhism...that was too good.”

If something is transparently smooth, it’s not smooth enough, and therefore looks preplanned. It was quite an intuitively on-the-fly decision, but I’ve gotten so good at constructing creative shit off the top of my head that it seemed manufactured.

I’m not really sure how to respond to this, either, so I just shrug and say, “well, I was feeling it” or something equally trite.

Throughout all this, the look in her eye reads “I want your cock inside of me now” and “you’re dangerous.” So I kiss her again.

When we hear Lacey about to exit the bathroom, we stop and begin talking. As Lacey actually exits the bathroom, I’m a bit nervous and in the midst of asking her about her parents and her upbringing, I mention how weird it was to not grow up with a dad and don’t understand normal parenting situations. Words just kept flowing out of me and because I was nervous about embarrassing Margerie in front of her friend, I certainly came off quite vulnerable, which helps round the edge of my dark-player identity.

Lacey then sits to talk with us and we decide to watch a movie, Mud (fantastic movie, by the way).

Margerie and I thoroughly enjoy the movie and watch it intently, but Lacey falls asleep at some point. When the movie is finished, I look at Margerie and we discuss the movie a bit and then I turn off the monitor and the room is dark. She’s lying next to me and while we whisper to each other, I hold her hands and we squeeze each other’s hands. This is a HUGE sign of attraction. In college, one of the signs that a girl was down was when I went to hold her hand (you can do this is a non-boyfriendy way, for sure) she would tighten her grip and squeeze for a few seconds.

After some of this, we kiss, and then I say to her, “Let’s go for a walk.” No response, but she’s still holding my hand tight.

I lay there for a minute, looking up at my ceiling. Then I ask her again, and she stays silent. So I get up slowly, grab my keys from my desk drawer (need them to get around the building) and lay back down with her. Oh and I also grabbed a handful of condoms. I’m committed, so I should prepare myself for success.

Laying down, I just grab her hand, sit up and say “come on” and pull her up. She slowly stands and then walks out with me.

Simple but hard. Hard, because you need the balls to lead. But simple, because the act itself requires little physical effort.

We walk down the stairs of my apartment building and she casually says, “oh, are you going to show me the laundry room dungeon?”

This question reveals more about women than mostly anything else in this report. You see, we spent the whole day together. We talked about a lot of shit. But somehow, she remembered one small joke that I’d made at the beginning of the day, about how the apartment complex laundry room is a creepy ass underground dungeon.

  • Women have fantastic memories. They remember everything you say.

    Women really love dick.

    And most importantly, they love adventure.

So, recognizing the hint, I immediately pull her towards the back of the complex (I was going to fuck her outside against some wall or something). I lead her down some steps and into the dungeon.

As we enter, she looks around and says, “You were right, this is really creepy” and then she turns towards me. I pull her in and kiss her. She basically shoves her face into mine as we kiss and she grips my hips and shoulders hard. I bend my knees slightly, grab her thighs, and lift her up as she wraps her legs around me. This is my favorite way to escalate.

I lead her over to a chair that sits in the middle of this creepy ass room, full of cobwebs, cleaning chemicals, and pure wetness. That last one is a bit of my doing.

I turn around, sit down in the chair, and now she’s straddling me, dry humping me. I move my finger between her shorts and start fingering her. The washing machine to my right ain’t got nothing on her Water Bending. A few moans later and I stand up, pull down my shorts, and slip on a condom. I then go to undress her, and somehow she’d already pulled down her shorts without me noticing.

I sit back down, she climbs on top of me, and I feel her pussy swallow my cock. She rides me for a while, and then I lift her up and fuck her in the air for a few minutes. Once I’m quite exhausted, she sits back down and rides me until I cum. All the while I’m sucking on her breasts, putting my fingers in her mouth, and slapping her ass.

After I cum, we talk for a few minutes and then I fuck her again. This time I bend her over the washing machine and shake that shit harder than standard operation hours. As I near climax, I say to her, “I’m going to cum all over you cute French face.”

And when I exit her, she turns around, gets on my knees, and I cover her lips in cum and she dutifully licks off every drop and keeps sucking and licking well after all the cum is gone, and even slides my cock against her cheeks. Guess my spunk tastes like skittles and my dick feels like satin.

We kiss a few times, get dressed, and walk back upstairs. Stopping on the last staircase, we sit and talk for a bit. One of the themes of the day is how much of a mystery I am and how she can’t get a read on me. I ask her again if she has a read on me, and she says with a mix of exhaustion and disbelief, “no, I don’t haha.” I inquire some more, but she chides me slightly, saying “you ask so many questions!” I laugh and tell her that I prefer listening to talking. She smiles at this and we kiss some more (I get that comment a lot, too, that I ask a lot of questions).

We talk and hold each other for a bit, then we go back into the room, sleep, and in the morning I walk them out.

I text her after she leaves

Me - Hey, Margerie, I had a great time with you last night ;)

Her - Hey, Hector! I had a great time, too ;)

Going Vegan

A few weeks ago I hosted three travelers from out of state. Two girls, one guy. I knew from their story that they were straight hippies.

Since growing up, I’ve been surrounded by fringe groups (I’ve been to pagan festivals, native american healing ceremonies, readings, etc). So this wasn’t too out of the ordinary for me and I was actually happy to allow my more mystical side out.

They arrived on the planned day and as soon as they came in, they were full of positive energy. Only interesting cats go on adventures like this.

As soon as they entered the room we all hugged, laughed, and began deep diving each other. I noticed immediately that the two girls were into me and that the guy liked me as a friend, so attraction wasn’t an issue and cockblocking wouldn’t happen so long as I was discrete.

The only concern, is of course, reputation. I don't want to be that creepy host who tries and fucks every girl who stays with him.

Knowing that they’d be with me for three days meant I needed to be patient. So the first day we all watched movies, smoked way too much weed, and went on adventures around town.

I bonded with the guy immediately and I watched him a bit, curious of his game. He obviously was a lover to the core, as no sane girl would slot him as a boyfriend. He was covered in tattoos, had long, scraggy blonde hair, and had this carefree attitude about him that spoke to his adventurous spirit.

RedHead, the one who contacted me, was a bi-sexual bartender, though she prefers to seduce women. Her social skills were sharp and she definitely thought of herself as the alpha of the group.

BlondieHippy had dreads, didn’t shave her legs or armpits, and apparently spent some time making mermaid tails as a way to make money. But she was decently ute, actually. Her eyes were spectacularly beautiful.

I learned a lot from these interactions, more than can be written here. But the two critical junctures of this meeting was on the last day they stayed with me and two days afterwards.

On the final day they stayed with me, they were recovering from a night of partying. I’d stayed in to rest and get some reading done (I’m trying to cut down on my addiction to seduction and approaching; long story). Apparently the guy had went home with a girl and now it was just me and the two girls.

Obviously I went for the threesome.

After we’d all woken up, we smoked some weed and chatted for a bit. For reference, I was 100% Slowburn with this group. Chill, laid back, pure outcome independence. I was playing the safe side for the afforementioned reasons and, also, I enjoyed the slow seduction.

It’s also important to mention that the two girls would often cuddle, caress each other, and touch each other a lot throughout their entire stay. The guy even told me about this and complained that they often left him alone, despite RedHead warning him before setting off on their adventure together that he and BlondieHippy better not leave her out of the fun (since he and the BlondieHippy had dated for a time).

While soaring the clouds, they began laughing and touching each other. I then started dropping comments,

“Hmm, I see where this is going.”

To this, they both laughed and continued to touch each other. They weren’t being sexual, mostly playful, but it was teetering on the sexual. But it didn’t feel...right yet. Distinguishing between patience and hesitation is difficult sometimes.

So I waited again and they started flirting with each other, so I stood up, walked to the door to put a towel under it to hide the smell of weed, and when I turned I just stared at them. Redhead looked up and asked me, “what?” I just smiled at her. Walked slowly towards them and said, “I’m down if you girls are” and then sat in my seat.

They both looked at each other and I saw the play as clear as day.

BlondieHippy looked eagerly at the redhead, looking for approval, nodding her head slowly and smiling. The RedHead, however, was a bit more hesitant. And it was her call.

As I watched the conversation in my peripherals, I continued my act reading a book at my desk. When I saw the RedHead leaning on the edge of hesitation, rather than reckless abandon, I didn’t persist.

I told myself it was for the safety of my reputation, but who knows when it comes to the things we tell ourselves. I, myself, am very good at deceiving Hector.

Luckily a bit later, the redhead goes out to get something from the car.

I start chatting up BlondieHippy and while hitting a bowl, I ask her to come over to me. I then shotgun the hit into her mouth and we make out. Then I pull her into me and began massaging her pussy.

As I'm about to finger her and then grab a condom and straight fuck this girl, RedHead walks in. She kind of giggles and shuts the door awkwardly. Me and BlondieHippy immediately break the kiss and go back to conversation, but we were obviously caught.

Yes, I know what I should have done. Either I should have pushed harder for the threesome earlier, or I should have been sexy, kept fondling BlondieHippy, and invited RedHead to join us. But I didn't think that quick on my feet, because fuck me.

So the day continued and they left, but we all had plans to go out together on Friday night. Thing is, BlondieHippy was 19, so she couldn’t go out with us and after asking me for permission, she was going to stay in my apartment while we all went out.

Crafting A New Crown

I’ve done some crazy shit in college. Half of it is blurred with alcohol, drugs, and the hyper-stimulation of party environments, but I do remember how to be the life of the party. I remembered how I became king.

But luckily, I’d also learned how to serve. I learned when to rebel against social constructs, and also when to kneel and listen to fair-folk. And to transition more smoothly to city life, I entered with humility. I knew that I’d be a small fish in a big pond and would have to adjust to more complex dynamics.

In some ways, it was a smart decision: patient, purposeful, and smooth. In other ways, it could be considered weak: slow, fearful, and skittish.
However, on this night, I knew what to do. We joined a barcrawl together and then the fun began. Hyperspeed jump to BMOC.

  • I quickly formed a group of me, my friend, his brother, and a bunch of Swiss guys that were all very good looking, and very sociable. Their English was absurdly bad, but I love to help others learn and as we know, words sometimes don’t matter much with seduction.

    I became best buds with one Swiss guy, whom is now my “brother from another motha,” a phrase he says is associated with much brotherly love in Switzerland.

    I danced my ass off at our second venue. While dancing, a cute little blonde danced towards me and start grinding on me. We danced alone on the floor while everyone watched and when we finished our dance-floor-sex, I continued dancing as if nothing had happened. The more casual it looks, the more experienced you seem.

    I was the life of the party.

And somehow I did it without saying one rude thing, yelling at any point, or being mean at all.

Thus with humility and social wisdom, I was the king of the group. Or at least seemed as if I was (most power is given, so if they think you’re king, you’re king) Knowing that I’d racked up some preselection, I walked over to the two hottest girls in the barcrawl while RedHead was flirting with them. I’d see them flirting with every guy who approached them, because they were few other women in the barcrawl, so no slut shaming from other women, only jealous guys who they can shrug off easily, because they’re from out of town. Reactions were nothing here. Only results. And now that I was king, I would get them. Also, the more stacked brunette was dancing her ass off on a table when me and the blonde were dancing - she was obviously looking for attention and competing with the blonde.

I walked over and asked my friend to introduce me. Chloe and Ashley. After I met them, I put my hand on both their thighs and invited them to come smoke with me and my Swiss buddies. They accepted and eagerly got up (note: while talking with them, they both touched me a lot, but Chloe much more than Ashley. Also, Chloe is the one who was dancing for attention earlier.)

As we walk outside, Chloe grabs my hand as she follows me and then speeds up towards me, asking me quietly, “hey, so is she (pointing to RedHead) your girlfriend?” I laugh and shake my head. She responds, “okay, cool, I didn’t want to intrude or anything” and holds my hand even tighter.

We go outside to smoke and in the light, I notice that these girls are pretty damn sexy. The other one, Ashley, is much more intelligent and quicker, and a bit smaller. Chloe is taller, a bit dumber, but has thicker...qualities (an amazing ass).

And yes, I grabbed that ass the entire time talking to her. I could feel her g-string and even pulled it back a few times to let it slap against her ass. We talked about random stuff and amidst all of our handsy-business I decided it was time to close. A girl THIS flirty is

  • Very experienced
    Super high sex drive

Which means I need to close now, or chances are I’ll lose her to Dick-Hungry-ADD at some point in the night. So I whisper in her ear, “you know what I can’t stop thinking about?” She whispers back seductively, “what?” And I say, “throwing you against this wall right now and taking you right here.” She laughs and responds, “well you keep on dreaming about that.”

I straight up laughed. I continued, “let’s go to the bathroom right now.” She laughs again.

At least I’m funny, right?

We go back to talking and touching, but I back off a bit to show my disappointment with her hesitation. She buys back a bit with some attention and at some point offers to makeout with me if I can spot her tattoo (which I couldn’t find, because it was written in fucking white ink). I contemplate just grabbing her hand and pulling her to the bathroom, but I don’t, because I’m a bitch.

The night rolls on, we continue to flirt off and on, I talk to other girls, and generally have a really fun time. I actually spend more time than I expected just talking to people in the group, enjoying conversation.

While in line at the second to last venue, I bump into Chloe again, pull her to me, and we begin chatting and touching again. She mentions that she’s hungry, so I suggest we go get some food. She wonders if there’s food in the club and I say that’s dumb. We then make a bet: whoever is right, pays for the food.

Of course I’m right and after she takes a shot in the club, we go and get food. RedHead joins us, because oh ya, we’re trying to set up a foursome. We sit at the table, order our food, and chat for a bit. And here, my narcissism gets fed much more than it should.

Redhead starts dropping some dynamite preselection by telling Chloe that

  • I was so relaxed and calm when I offered the threesome to BlondieHippy and her
    I’m so cool for letting her and her friends stay with me
    I'm very cute, sexy, and smart

She also then asks Chloe if she’s ever been with a girl and has enjoyed it.

As this happens, I sit back and enjoy watching a true natural at work. They both start getting giddy for me and Chloe mentions many times how sexy and handsome I am. At one point, the RedHead says I’m such a nice guy and I rebuke this comment. She protests that I am a strong but nice guy. Chloe chimes in and says, “yeah, it’s kind of like you’re bad, but good, too. You’re a perfect balance.”

Attain genuity. I promise the struggle is worth it. The feast is endless.

As we’re eating, Chloe wants to try my food. So I pick up the burrito and hold it out for her. She leans in and takes it all in her mouth, not breaking eye contact with me for a second, and even as she’s chewing and saying how delicious it is, she’s staring me in the eye. And yes, being Hispanic, I definitely thought of my dick as that burrito.

We talk some more and Chloe says she'd be interested with going back with us at the end of the night, but I know how ADD she is, so taking that seriously would be silly. So I sit back and laugh to myself about the situation. Surely there’s a thousand ways this could fall apart, but it’s fun at least right now. But one should never get attached to anything, let alone the prospect of a foursome, as it is such a fickle thing.

A few more minutes into the dinner, the guy from the adventure group walks into the restaurant and sits down to join us. As he does, Chloe starts flirting with him hardcore. At this point, I know that this girl NEEDS to get fucked, because her dick-radar has been shooting off into ten directions tonight. My friend goes along with it and flirts with her heavily, as he should! I love competition.But he doesn’t try anything and eventually leaves us and the redhead joins him. So it’s just me and her. We’re still eating, talking, and holding hands now, eye fucking each other all the while.

The check comes and she pays. Earlier she had mentioned having to go to the bathroom, and I decide on my plan of action.

I look her straight in the eye and say, “let’s go to the bathroom.” She laughs and says something, but I don’t listen. I grab her hand and pull her towards the bathroom. As we’re about to enter, I feel her hand leave mine and turn around to see her walking out of the restaurant. I stand there, puzzled. I look through the restaurant entrance door and see her walk out and then she stops, looks around wildly, shoots her eyes back inside, sees me and walks up to me.

She exclaims loudly, “where’d you go?” I respond, “I was going to the bathroom. Come on.” I grab her hand again, this time opening the door, and then as she’s about to step inside the hallway of the bathrooms, I see a guy waiting there. I try not to let the possible discretion killer stop me, so I keep walking but I feel her hand loosen and the hallway door shut behind me

Me and the guy look at each other and go, “what the fuck?” I ask him what happened and he said he just saw her turn around. Fuck.

I go look for her but can’t find her. Oh well, I go back to the club and continue partying. Eventually her friend and the redhead come up to me and ask where she is. I not-so-smartly say, “I don’t know, she ran away from me!”

Well that was dumb. Now I look like a fucking creeper. She probably just autorejected cuz she didn’t want someone to see her get pulled into the bathroom to fuck.

They freak out and start asking me questions. I explain the situation more clearly and how it wasn’t weird, but she’s skeptical now because the way I said it was quite awkward. Then they start looking for her. The friend even tells me to stay behind, in case it is my fault she ran off.

Now I’m freaking out..

Well, luckily they find her and she literally just tells them she got lost. I talk to her and she seems warm and nice, but no longer compliant. She was drunk and going with pure feelings, so the negativity associated with me failing to discreetly pull probably sunk me.

I move on quickly and start approaching other girls. I have a few quick conversations but no one is biting. The night draws to an end and I leave a bit early to the club, because I now I have pussy at home. I’ve also lost track of EVERYBODY (half of them went to another bar, apparently).

I walk back, and BlondieHippy is sleeping. I go to the bathroom and make some noise while I’m doing so. When I come out she’s up and is looking at me lustily. I ask her how she is, and she straight up tells me she’s been masturbating all night.

Well. Okay.

I pick her up, throw her on my floor-bed and just as we’re about to fuck, she says “oh we can’t do this when everyone is about to come back!” I tell her that I’m home early and they won’t be back for a while.

So then I fuck her silly.

Not gonna lie, I didn’t even notice the hairy armpits, legs, and pussy (though apparently she DOES regularly shave her pussy, she says; it’s just on the road that’s hard).

Also, she sucked REALLY good dick. Apparently hippie vegans haven’t given up beef burritos.

Keys to Lay with Frenchie

- King of her lodging (super high value)
- Being sexy
- Noticing the laundry room comment as an escalation window

Keys to Lay with Vegan

- same DHV
- Being sexy
- Super laid back
- Knowing that she still wanted to D and having her in my fucking apartment lol

Oh and I learned a few things from my buddy later in the night:

Apparently Chloe and Ashley were out-of-town strippers (makes sense)
Chloe was rubbing her foot on my buddy's dick when he sat down at dinner with us (also makes sense; she was a horny fuck)

Now that I think about it, I should have fucked BOTH of them. They were quite receptive towards me at the beginning, but Chloe quickly claimed me as hers.

Is it just me or are there A LOT of threesome opportunities in the world? Knowing what I now know, I probably could have had 10-15 solid threesomes by now.

Fun stuff to look out for then ;)

May you satisfy the world's thirst for cock,


P.S. Just because you're king for one night, doesn't it'll last past dawn. All thrones fade.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
Casanova.Jr said:
I'll be the first to say it Anatman, this was definitely worth the wait! I liked the feel of the writing in the report, fast-paced generally with a few slow motion "holy shit!" moments which made it very visual and very enjoyable to read.

Appreciate the writing kudos. Funny how my writing changes with my seduction style. They're one in the same, I suppose. Glad to hear at least one of them is improving ;)

Casanova.Jr said:
Interesting stuff. I noticed recently, after some travelling/journal-ling that with big cities that it can be harsher to the ego compared to smaller areas. But the copious amounts of women make up for it I think. Did you realize it was city life that was the cause of difficulties right of the bat? Because at my level, rolling up to a large city, approaching dozens of girls, snagging some numbers but coming out with no results would make me start doubting myself pretty quickly.

Oh yeah, it's very challenging. More opportunity, but that means for both success AND failure. And all that failure takes a toll on you. This is where discipline takes over motivation. The latter ebbs and flows like the wind, but the former is iron if forged properly.

The tough utilize the highly volatile market, because they are persistent in the face of diminishing returns and sudden losses. Be tough.

Casanova.Jr said:
This has been my experience of late, as I just came back from a city yesterday and I'm headed to a bigger one tomorrow. Small town game doesn't really translate to girls that don't have time to let me finish the whole direct opener, "I saw you over there and I just had to come tell you... hey - where are you going?" Brutal.

You need to polarize more. You're not catching their attention.

If you're approaching from behind, make sure you are at their side or slightly in front as you pre-open, then turn your head and look them dead in the eye or check out their body (more risky for many reasons).

If you're approaching from the front, be firm but come in slowly and maintain strong eye contact. Step out in front of them half-a-foot, with half of your body facing them. And when you come in from the front, open up with "hey" or "hey how are you?" before you deliver the direct open. It looks too canned if you do the scripted-open from in front. Communicate with your eyes "hey, you're hot! Umm, oh I like your face."

Casanova.Jr said:
I remember that last year, after a few weeks of big city game, I noticed that I ended up dropping a lot of things and instead just focusing on getting/demanding compliance as quickly as possible. Since they're in a rush I figured I'll just snatch the frame immediately. Things like, "How good is your English?" "Are you single?" "Come with me, we're going on an adventure" and all these previously stuck up girls, started giving me the time of day. I'm really interested hearing your thoughts/experiences with city life

Unless you're in deep social circle or some other reputation-ridden situation (work, school, etc), always do this. Get more with less effort.

Casanova.Jr said:
Not much I can add to the reports, just thought they were spectacular. That and, I love French girls haha...

Thanks :) and I do too now!

- Hector

lao che

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 21, 2013
i love the glimpses into other lifestyles and cultures afforded to us by these boards. from filthy bondage in japan (wink at ray zorse) to pagan rites, native american ceremonies, hairy californian hippies, and so much more inbetween.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Tried that squeeze the hand trick on a hot hired gun this week. Along w/kinoing, working the room ect. Had a blast but didnt end how I wanted it to end. I'll P.M u the story if u want n a pic. Been a while since we talked G. Forget ur a brown mofo too, lol.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 12, 2014
Great read. It's clear you spent a lot of time writing and it paid off.

That being said, I decided to open my door to travelers.

Was this just VIA friends or was there a host organization involved? because it sounds like a really cool way to meet people.

Big Daddy

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 26, 2013
Were you sober when you fucked the hippie? I've fucked a girl with hairy pussy and I noticed it much more than I expected, specially when she was riding on top of me and her pussy kept scratching me. When you mentioned that she didn't shave, I waited the whole report waiting to see how this was going to turn out and what would you think about the experience hahaha Given the hairy pussy experience, I'd think it be so awkward to feel hairy legs when fucking a girl.

Oh, by the way, how that date with the Brazilian girl panned out? I thought it was a LR as well.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 10, 2013
Anatman said:
While answering a particular question, I get up, and lay down in front of her. I explain the concepts of “contact without grasping,” one of the ways that the Buddha described living in the human body. You still desire objects, as it is natural for a composite object like the body and mind to strive after things, but you don’t cling to them - hence you do not thirst, which is the actual translation of tanha, the word most usually translated as “desire” in the Second Noble Truth.

She professes to still being a bit confused, and so I paint a picture of having sex and how it’s still a beautiful and fulfilling act, you just can’t get attached to the experience. You must enjoy it as if you enjoy running your hand through water - never try and grasp the coolness and the wetness of the experience.

I can tell she’s getting even more excited, because now she’s quiet and giving me doe-eyes. At this, I say, “would you like me to demonstrate? It’s best shown, not told.” She starts to smile at me then hides her face in her hands.

Man, this part sounds both so movie-corny and so good.
One of those things that she knows you're playing the part, yet loves it.

You said you've done it other times, could you go a bit more in details about this one and other times, like the story you said, the occasion, and why a more direct approach (just make the move) wasn't favoured?