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Long-Term  Lying.

Johnny M

Dec 9, 2012
I have a personal pet peeve.

I've been through almost every possible situation with a woman, enough times to adapt, and learn how to deal with it the proper way, in a very zen matter. But the one that seems to always gets me. Is when my girlfriend lies to me, i'm not sure if it has to do with existing trust issues within myself that just surface, or what.

Regardless, I could use some help in that area. Any thoughts?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 11, 2012
First, what does she lie about? If she is cheating on you then that's a good sign the relationship is in a bad state.(https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-p ... girlfriend). But maybe she only lies about things you wouldn't care about.
Maybe you make her fear telling the truth, as she doesn't know how you will react. Are you giving her the feeling that she can tell you anything and you won't be mad?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
"Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking off her clothes" Panic at the Disco - Youtube it

First I agree with Tyler:
It sounds like there are some trust issues in your relationship: (Not all may apply but look into these)
*She can't be open with you
*She's lying (Obviously!!!)
*She's afraid to communicate

The fixers: Sit down with her and encourage her to be open about her feelings, if she can't talk to you her boyfriend then there will be problems in the near future!
Don't take a weak position in this, make a frame such as "I don't like being around people who lie to me."
As the man you have to say things you don't like and don't tolerate! Girls can't read minds!

1. Don't judge her
2. Encourage her to be open and be open yourself
3. Relate to her, she's lying out of fear

I also suggest some articles from Chase
https://www.girlschase.com/content/4-things-will-lose-you-your-girlfriend 4 ways to lose a girl
https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-prevent-cheating-your-girlfriend Preventing Cheating

Another time,
Just Dave


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Johnny M said:
I have a personal pet peeve.

I've been through almost every possible situation with a woman, enough times to adapt, and learn how to deal with it the proper way, in a very zen matter. But the one that seems to always gets me. Is when my girlfriend lies to me, i'm not sure if it has to do with existing trust issues within myself that just surface, or what.

Regardless, I could use some help in that area. Any thoughts?

As Tyler and Dave note, this is often in reaction to things you are doing and expectations you are setting. The more she feels she can open up around you without being judged or penalized in any way, typically the more this will happen.

However, look out for paranoid girls... the ones who are nervous, pessimistic, and expect the worse. These girls will keep things from you simply because they ASSUME you'll get angry, even if you haven't given them any indication they would.

A good rule of thumb to look at is whether she lies to other people. If she does, you'll know... she'll tell you about it, at least some of the time. Even though it can feel "special" to be close with a girl who seemingly keeps everyone else at arm's length and you in the "inner circle," trust that if she's lying to others, she's lying to you in about the same amount.

For women who are habitual liars, the only things you really can do are either accept that she's going to lie to you every so often and that there are certain things you will probably never know, or end things with her and find someone who doesn't lie so much.

You can also get good at reading lies, e.g., eye contact cues (looking into a corner - usually her left-hand side - before answering; people will also either avoid eye contact if they're not good at lying or have especially intense eye contact when lying if they're practiced), speaking patterns (people speak in more of a staccato when they lie), breathing rates (catching her breath; holding her breath), pauses (she has to stop and think before she answers), etc. And while this is fun and good to learn - and almost makes dating a girl who compulsively lies worthwhile just for the skill set - you'll never really be able to catch EVERY thing. So, ultimately, it's live with it, or get out of the relationship.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
was once my pet peeve and I made far too much more of a big deal out of it than I should have, it ended my relationship - it turns out most people lie frequently, if its your gf you need to work out why and treat it as something you can manage and reduce - NOT something you get annoyed about.

as the others said ----- its probably fundamentally comes down to the frames you're setting and expectations she can sense from you - so YOU need to sort it as a man - whats she lying about?
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take