The club was dying out a little early as it was a Wednesday night, so I decided to call it an early night at about 1 am. As I'm walking out of the club, I see a girl (henceforth referred to as red girl) screaming at the bouncer. Walking a bit further I see two girls sitting, one a cute exotic looking brunette wearing a ridiculously sexy black dress and another slightly chubby blonde girl. I stop and talk to them; they seem to be talking about red girl so I ask what the gossip is all about. Both girls are extremely receptive and it turns out to be the blonde's birthday. After a minute the blonde gets up to talk to the bouncer as well. I start to ask if the brunette minds if i sit and she before i can finish my sentence she pats the seat next to her to indicate for me to take a seat.
I start talking to the brunette, she tells me that she fell asleep for a couple of minutes in the club and they kicked her and all her friends out even though they bought a $300 booth. She tells me that she obviously isn't too drunk and just fell asleep because she was a bit tired. I get her name, let's call her Talia. This girl is super receptive and super cute. I hold her hand and talk to her. After a few minutes the shouting escalates and she says she should go intervene before things get worse. I then grab her number and hug her. After the hug, I grab the back of her head to pull her back in to me...and she immediately puckers up before I do and we kiss. (That's a major sign of interest to me, for all she knew I was just gonna kiss her on the cheek.)
So she gets up to intervene and I go back to my friend. I start to think that, even though that was a solid encounter, the number is not solid by any means. I think that I have to at least try to pull her to my place tonight. My friend suggests telling her and her friends (2 other girls) to come get food with us as it will calm them down and make them feel better. I go up to her again and try to suggest this, but she's just so distracted with her friends and the bouncers, she just kinda brushes me off before I have a chance to even suggest it.
I go back to my friend and try to think of a new plan of engagement. Then I see her walking away while her friend screams at her for "ruining her birthday". I think it's dangerous for her to wander off alone so I follow her and re-open her. She says she's pissed at her friends now and really needs to use the restroom. I say I'll help her, while knowing in the back of my mind that this is the perfect chance to get her back to my apartment. So I take her pass the nearby hotel to use the restroom, knowing that the door is locked. I take her to the club next door to that, knowing that they wouldn't let her in (and she also didn't have her ID). Now we're a lot closer to my apartment, and I tell her I know of a nearby place, put her arm around me, hold her hand and put my arm around her waist while leading her to my apartment.
Unfortunately, she can't make it the 3 blocks to my place, moves to a dark corner in a parking garage and pulls her dress up to pee....right in front of a security guard. I warn her and she gets back up, but the security guard is polite and lets her go behind some electrical equipment. Afterwards, her friend calls her to reiterate that she hates her...solidifying that she really doesn't want to go back to her friends. Even though she used the bathroom already I just continue leading her to my place. She asks where we are going and I say "we're just going on a nice romantic walk, it'll be a cool adventure" and she says that sounds good. We walk, I deep dive, she tells me she's in a sorority and stuff (she's really cool). At one point, we pass by a sprinkler and i say "look out for the sprinkler, i don't want to get you wet....not yet at least" and she laughs and says in a sexy tone "and not from the sprinkler". Her other friend calls her and tells her they'll pick her up at a bar nearby, that just happens to be just past my place. I tell her I'll walk her there.
Once we're a block or so away from my apartment I tell her that I'll walk her there but I really have to use the restroom and my apartment is only a block away. She says that sounds like a good idea, and it'll give her a chance to freshen up. We get back to my place, I have her take her shoes off and take a seat (she declined water) while I used the bathroom.
I will take a minute here to talk about my thought process about her: while she was obviously drunk, she could walk on her own and hold down a conversation, meaning that she wasn't so drunk I couldn't make a move. At the same time, she did get kicked out of a club for being drunk, occasionally slurred, couldn't walk perfectly in high heels (they were high..) and was definitely not driving condition sober...meaning I decided that I wouldn't be able to be super aggressive and just manhandle her like I normally would.
So I get out of the bathroom...and much to my horror she was lying down on the floor with her eyes closed. I say gently "talia..." and she opens her eyes and smiles, saying she's just resting. I sigh a sigh of relief and lie down next to her. I talk to her some more, asking about her necklace, she talks and then i just kiss her on the lips again. She doesn't kiss back this time and just says "i have a boyfriend", I reply "I'm not trying to be your boyfriend" and then keep talking to her. At this point, I think she's lying and just playing hard to get. I keep trying to kiss her, eventually succeeding and making out, groping each other a bit. She does pull away a bit and occasionally turns, and I did tell myself I wouldn't mandhandle her, but if she turned I would just move my head and kiss her, and she wouldn't turn her head again. At no point, did she say "no", "don't" or "stop", just occasionally repeating that she had a boyfriend. So I just kept making out with her and groping her. She seemed into it and kissed back, but I couldn't get a solid makeout going for too long before she'd pull away. This went on for a long while, with mixing in of talk, deep dive, banter. I just kept going for it and trying to escalate until she got up and left.
She waited for me by the front door, I tell her I'll walk her out (I don't want anything bad to happen to her). I got her back into the apartment by telling her to wear my sandals as it will be easier on her than her high heels and tried one last time to make a move, which she refused. I ask if she really has a boyfriend and she says yes and shows me her phone wallpaper of him. So I decide that's plenty and walk her out, stopping and making out with her just a couple more times on the way to the place. We get there, she calls her boyfriend (who turns out to be the "friend" that's picking her up, how funny she forgot to mention that), he comes by, she runs into his car. He looks at me, threatens to kill me and I just look at him and smile silently knowing what I just did with his girlfriend.
I start talking to the brunette, she tells me that she fell asleep for a couple of minutes in the club and they kicked her and all her friends out even though they bought a $300 booth. She tells me that she obviously isn't too drunk and just fell asleep because she was a bit tired. I get her name, let's call her Talia. This girl is super receptive and super cute. I hold her hand and talk to her. After a few minutes the shouting escalates and she says she should go intervene before things get worse. I then grab her number and hug her. After the hug, I grab the back of her head to pull her back in to me...and she immediately puckers up before I do and we kiss. (That's a major sign of interest to me, for all she knew I was just gonna kiss her on the cheek.)
So she gets up to intervene and I go back to my friend. I start to think that, even though that was a solid encounter, the number is not solid by any means. I think that I have to at least try to pull her to my place tonight. My friend suggests telling her and her friends (2 other girls) to come get food with us as it will calm them down and make them feel better. I go up to her again and try to suggest this, but she's just so distracted with her friends and the bouncers, she just kinda brushes me off before I have a chance to even suggest it.
I go back to my friend and try to think of a new plan of engagement. Then I see her walking away while her friend screams at her for "ruining her birthday". I think it's dangerous for her to wander off alone so I follow her and re-open her. She says she's pissed at her friends now and really needs to use the restroom. I say I'll help her, while knowing in the back of my mind that this is the perfect chance to get her back to my apartment. So I take her pass the nearby hotel to use the restroom, knowing that the door is locked. I take her to the club next door to that, knowing that they wouldn't let her in (and she also didn't have her ID). Now we're a lot closer to my apartment, and I tell her I know of a nearby place, put her arm around me, hold her hand and put my arm around her waist while leading her to my apartment.
Unfortunately, she can't make it the 3 blocks to my place, moves to a dark corner in a parking garage and pulls her dress up to pee....right in front of a security guard. I warn her and she gets back up, but the security guard is polite and lets her go behind some electrical equipment. Afterwards, her friend calls her to reiterate that she hates her...solidifying that she really doesn't want to go back to her friends. Even though she used the bathroom already I just continue leading her to my place. She asks where we are going and I say "we're just going on a nice romantic walk, it'll be a cool adventure" and she says that sounds good. We walk, I deep dive, she tells me she's in a sorority and stuff (she's really cool). At one point, we pass by a sprinkler and i say "look out for the sprinkler, i don't want to get you wet....not yet at least" and she laughs and says in a sexy tone "and not from the sprinkler". Her other friend calls her and tells her they'll pick her up at a bar nearby, that just happens to be just past my place. I tell her I'll walk her there.
Once we're a block or so away from my apartment I tell her that I'll walk her there but I really have to use the restroom and my apartment is only a block away. She says that sounds like a good idea, and it'll give her a chance to freshen up. We get back to my place, I have her take her shoes off and take a seat (she declined water) while I used the bathroom.
I will take a minute here to talk about my thought process about her: while she was obviously drunk, she could walk on her own and hold down a conversation, meaning that she wasn't so drunk I couldn't make a move. At the same time, she did get kicked out of a club for being drunk, occasionally slurred, couldn't walk perfectly in high heels (they were high..) and was definitely not driving condition sober...meaning I decided that I wouldn't be able to be super aggressive and just manhandle her like I normally would.
So I get out of the bathroom...and much to my horror she was lying down on the floor with her eyes closed. I say gently "talia..." and she opens her eyes and smiles, saying she's just resting. I sigh a sigh of relief and lie down next to her. I talk to her some more, asking about her necklace, she talks and then i just kiss her on the lips again. She doesn't kiss back this time and just says "i have a boyfriend", I reply "I'm not trying to be your boyfriend" and then keep talking to her. At this point, I think she's lying and just playing hard to get. I keep trying to kiss her, eventually succeeding and making out, groping each other a bit. She does pull away a bit and occasionally turns, and I did tell myself I wouldn't mandhandle her, but if she turned I would just move my head and kiss her, and she wouldn't turn her head again. At no point, did she say "no", "don't" or "stop", just occasionally repeating that she had a boyfriend. So I just kept making out with her and groping her. She seemed into it and kissed back, but I couldn't get a solid makeout going for too long before she'd pull away. This went on for a long while, with mixing in of talk, deep dive, banter. I just kept going for it and trying to escalate until she got up and left.
She waited for me by the front door, I tell her I'll walk her out (I don't want anything bad to happen to her). I got her back into the apartment by telling her to wear my sandals as it will be easier on her than her high heels and tried one last time to make a move, which she refused. I ask if she really has a boyfriend and she says yes and shows me her phone wallpaper of him. So I decide that's plenty and walk her out, stopping and making out with her just a couple more times on the way to the place. We get there, she calls her boyfriend (who turns out to be the "friend" that's picking her up, how funny she forgot to mention that), he comes by, she runs into his car. He looks at me, threatens to kill me and I just look at him and smile silently knowing what I just did with his girlfriend.