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Make a move or back off?



This is my first post so I first wish to congratulate you on setting up a great forum, there is a lot of interesting information on here and I want to read as much of it as I possibly can.

I wish to keep this anonymous so I will use the name June for the woman I have been talking to.

I have been texting June every day for about two weeks and I am unsure if I should make a move or back off.

The main issue is that June has a boyfriend who is also the father to her child. This immediately made me think of backing off however she replied straight after telling me that she hates the guy and is only with him cause he is a good father(does she want me to prove I could be a good father)

The other issue is that June is the cousin of one of my friends(Caitlin) and she told me that she was once in a relationship with a friend of Caitlin's and it didnt end well so she would be afraid to do the same again.

I have only seen June two times and both were at parties where we got quite drunk and ended snuggling up on Caitlin's sofa.

I have not said that I have feelings for her so should I make it known(if so, how should I do it) or should I back off?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Hey Scott,

Seeing how it's been two weeks go ahead and back off. Especially, if you're just using text to build a relationship or comfort. The last thing you want is to try and be a father to her kid, since she has already made it clear he's a good father. You shouldn't try to be a "father" to her kid anyway unless you're planning on being around for the long hall. All the drama that could happen out ways the benefits that could happen as well. Move on to more promising prospects. Woman are uncomfortable introducing their kids to men they don't feel are going to be around for the long haul anyway.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Dec 7, 2012
I'm a beginner too, but from the year I've spent on Girls Chase and just from the face of it I'd agree with Dave. My only reasons are because she seems to have some baggage and things could be difficult and it sounds like your emotions might be the cause of your indecision.

For what little experience I have, I did once spent ages texting this girl after we hit it off extremely well and even though she would constantly try to text and build rapport with me, when I did try something (I had been asking for a date for a bit, but she kinda just shrugged that off) she was really not interested at all. The texting stopped too. So I don't know how similar these two stories are, but maybe it helps :)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
Hi Scott,

The last thing you want is to be the middle man of a family. (Please think in the child's perspective)
You do not, and should not try to be the father of that child, because now there is more than two people involved, and that can become very very messy.

Competing with the Father role is a no no.
Being her boyfriend may also be very energy draining for you too.
But what you can try to do is be her Secret Lover, should you decide to make a move.

Read Chase's Blog:

Although personally, I wouldn't go there. It is just too much time and effort needed for such a complicated relationship.
Read this too and you will know why:
https://www.girlschase.com/content/girl- ... things-not

Hope this helps.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
my 2 cents is back off, move on. too complicated. too much hassle. you can meet 100 women instead.


Shotgun Vinny

Dec 10, 2012
I'm of the same opinion as everyone else, my friend. As others have already pointed out, that's a messy situation. Also, there's millions of other women out there. Play the numbers, my friend.